Chapter 1: Summer comes along with surprises

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Mia's p.o.v

This shitty year finally ended and I can finally ignore all those peasants at school. Today's my birthday, but it wasn't really a good day for me since I told Caroline my sister specially not to plan anything for me, but she did anyway. The thing is, Caroline invited all her friends, don't get me wrong I love her friends but sometimes I feel like they're hiding something from me. The past year she hasn't been really herself, hiding secrets from me, secretly traveling with her friend Stefan to god knows where...and her secrets adventures got even worse after mom's death. I decided not to think about it and head towards the grill for my so unwanted surprise. While I was walking, Jeremy, Elena's brother popped out of nowhere.

'Uh hey Mia!!' He said nervously.

'Hi Jeremy' I smiled.

'Uh I need to tell you something..' He sighed. Okay he was clearly stalling.

'Yeah sure' I said.

'School is over yay' he said before facepalming.

'You are a terrible liar' I shook my head laughing. We continued walking to the grill and he tried distracting me again but it wasn't working. I finally entered the grill as I saw the preparations weren't going so well. Elena freaked out when she saw me so she fell of the stairs she was using to decorate the place.

'Surprise' she gasped before falling, luckily Stefan caught her. I bursted out laughing.

'Jer you were supposed to distract her!' Caroline argued.

'Well I'm terrible at that' he put his hands up in defense.

'Clearly' Damon retorted.

'This place is not well decorated' Bonnie noted.

'I don't care about a bunch of balloons, lets just get this party started!' I cheered.

'But-' Caroline started as I interrupted her. 'Today's my day, c'mon it doesn't have to be perfect!' I told her.

'Fine' she surrendered.


I sat with Damon on a table near the window, as I took a sip of the drink he had handed me.

'First time drinking?' He asked.

'Nope' I answered.

'Oh I see now how you're Caroline's sister' he said as I giggled. It was going well, until I noticed a man staring at me from the window. He was standing a bit far away, but I could tell he was gazing me.

'Uh Damon, do you know this guy?' I asked pointing at the man, but he just disappeared.

'Theres no guy there' damon frowned.

'But I swear I saw someone' I said.

'Looks like the first drink already affected you' he laughed as I rolled my eyes.

'Hey Mia can I talk to you for a second' Caroline suddenly pulls me away.

'What?' I asked.

'Don't get too close to Damon' she said.

'But he's your friend too' I spoke.

'Yeah well as I said, just don't' she repeated.

'Anyway I'm gonna head home I don't really feel well' I told her.

'What did you drink?' She asked.

'I don't know I feel like I'm gonna throw up, something was seriously wrong with the drink' I sighed.

'Want me to drive you home?' She asked.

'No that's fine' I answered.

'Ill do it' damon said out of nowhere.

'Im fine guys really' I told them.

'Damon will make sure you're home safe, but he'll come back here instantly' Caroline glared at him.

'Oh please relax' he smirked putting his hands up in defense.

We finally left as we were walking home when we heard something behind us.

'Fancy seeing you here Damon' a British accent said behind us, we both turned around as I noticed it was him, the creepy guy staring at us when we were at the grill.

'Klaus' Damon glared at him,

'Give me the last white oak stake before I rip out your heart and your girlfriend's' he threatened.

'Shes not my girlfriend first of all, and she's just a kid leave her out of this' Damon told him.

'Hey I'm not a kid I turned seventeen years old today' I noted which made damon glare at me.

'Happy birthday then love' klaus guy smirked.

'Thank you, love' I mimicked him as I laughed but his face fell serious.

'Ill hand you over Damon's heart as a birthday present' he raised his eyebrows.

'You're not serious are you?' I asked but by the look on Damon's face I knew he was serious.

Damon suddenly pounced on klaus. 'RUN MIA' Damon yelled.

'What? I can't leave you!' I yelled back.

'RUN, NOW!' Damon roared as I started running back towards the grill to call for help. I felt like my headache was getting worse. I stopped running and started walking slowly, I was gonna faint. Someone seriously put something in the drink. I had to walk faster damon is in trouble. I felt like the earth was spinning around me fast.

'Going somewhere?' Klaus suddenly appeared.

'How did you?-' I asked but I couldn't hear the answer, as I passed out.


Caroline's p.o.v

'WHAT DO YOU MEAN KLAUS KIDNAPPED HER!' I was freaking out, an original vampire kidnapped my sister as leverage.

'I didn't know he was gonna kidnap her, but apparently he's using her as leverage, we have to give him the white oak stake' damon said catching a breath.

'Oh my god where could he possibly have taken her?' I asked damon.

'I have no idea' damon answered.

'We're gonna need a locator spell Bonnie' Stefan sighed as Bonnie instantly got to it.

'She's on the move' Bonnie sighed.

'Heading where?' I questioned.

'You're not gonna like that' Bonnie frowned.

'Please do tell us' damon rolled his eyes.

'New Orleans' she answered.

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