Chapter 3: Not that bad after all

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Mia's p.o.v

This whole day freya has been helping me practice magic, it was insane. I had no idea all along, and Caroline was hiding all of that away from me. Suddenly, everything made sense, Damon and Stefan were supposed to be dead a century ago, somehow they're not, and that's because they're vampires. Caroline offered me that necklace and never wanted me to remove it so I wouldn't know about my magic.

'Everything still feels so weird' I sighed.

'You'll get used to it don't worry' freya smiled.

'I hope so' I muttered.

'Im just gonna check on hope, I'll be back in a bit' freya said before leaving.

I was sitting alone. Wait a minute...I was sitting alone!! That was my chance to escape, because I can assure you Caroline must be freaking out by now.

I ran towards the door when kol suddenly appeared in front of me.

'Going somewhere?' He raised his eyebrows at me.

'Not really..' I said. 'But you know freya taught me something' I said before snapping my fingers and with doing so snapping his neck. He was out.

'Oh my god, how the hell did I do that?' I asked too concerned about the fact I just snapped someone's neck with only snapping my fingers.

I noticed he had a phone in his pocket, so I took it and instantly dialed Caroline's phone number.

'Hello?' I heard her voice.

'CARE IT'S ME MIA!' I yelled getting in the nearest room and locking the door.

'Oh my god! Where the hell are you I'm freaking out! are you hurt?' She started with her questions.

'No I'm fine, beside the fact that these people are vampires, and so are you' I said as she fell silent for a bit.

'Im sorry you had to find out this way' she replied.

'You could have told me care' I shook my head even though she couldn't see me.

'I thought that if I didn't tell you then you wouldn't be dragged in all this shit' she sighed.

'Well I'm dragged in it now' I answered.

'We'll talk about this later where are you?' She asked.

'Klaus's home in New Orleans' I said.

'We're on our way, Bonnie tracked you down but you're gonna have to get out of his house' she said.

'You do realize it's like a suicide mission right? It's bad enough I snapped kol's neck' I told her.

'You what!' She shrieked.

'Oops' I shrugged.

'we're coming we need about half an hour, and tell klaus that if he dares do anything-' she started but I interrupted her 'trust me care they are really nice people' I assured her before hanging up.

'MIA FORBES WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU' Kol roared barging in. I spoke too soon.

'Look I just needed to use your phone' I said putting my hands up in defense.

'You could have just asked, besides you were making your way towards the door' he noted. I walked towards him and got in his face.

'You will forget this ever happened' I said glaring into his eyes as he bursted out laughing.

'Very funny love, but first of all only vampires can compel people. Second of all, I can't be compelled' he grinned.

'Well sorry I'm new at this' I shrugged.

'Obviously' he laughed.

'So how old are you anyway?' I asked.

'More than a thousand years old' he answered.

'Wow, you look my age though' I shook my head.

'Well, I'll never stop being handsome and young that's for sure' he smirked.

'Feed that ego of yours' I playfully rolled my eyes.

'Oh look at you two finally getting along!' Klaus said coming out of nowhere before grabbing my arm and started dragging me god knows where.

'Hey where are you taking her?' Kol asked following us.

'Dont worry I'm not gonna hurt her, she's Caroline's sister after all' klaus shrugged, before giving me back my necklace and making me sit on a chair, he tied both my arms and my legs and then left the room without saying a word. Kol followed behind him.

'Am I supposed to stay like that for how long exactly!' I yelled.

'Till your boyfriend damon gets me that damn stake!' Klaus yelled back.

'He's not my boyfriend!' I yelled louder.

'Stop screaming!' I could hear freya's voice from the other room.

Caroline's p.o.v

We finally made it to klaus's house, Stefan, Damon, Bonnie, and of course Elena.

'Klaus!' I yelled knocking on the door hard.

Soon enough he opened it, wearing that famous grin of his.

'Well, come in, come in love' he smirked as we all walked in.

'Where is Mia?' Damon asked.

'Where is the stake?' Klaus asked back.

'First you give us Mia' Stefan ordered.

'I don't really trust you with that stake much longer, so you better give it to me right now' klaus demanded.

'And miss our only shot at killing you?' Damon sassed.

'Be careful now damon, you're in a very dangerous zone, one stake, and five originals in this house' Elijah noted.

'You know that if I wanted you you'd all be dead by now, so, you give me the stake, I give you back Mia, and that's it, done deal' klaus said.

'How dare use my sister as leverage!' I glared at him.

'Forgive me love but I didn't know she was your sister I thought she was screwing one of the Salvatores' klaus replied as I just scoffed.

'Don't forget klaus that I'm a powerful witch, I don't think you've got the upper hand here' Bonnie noted.

'Yeah well so is my sister freya' he answered.

'You have a sister called-' I started but was shortly interrupted.

'Yes that's a story reserved for another time, it's the last time I ask, give me the damn stake' klaus spoke.

We were all staring at Damon.

'Oh fine' he glared at all of us handing klaus the white oak stake.

'Follow me, Mia's in this room' klaus said as I followed behind him, he opened the door, revealing nothing but a chair in the middle of the room and a rope.

'What the bloody hell happened' he muttered to himself.

'klaus where is she!' I yelled.

'I don't know, freya!' Klaus yelled.

'It's kol, she left with him' hailey said coming in the room.

'This is a nightmare, not him, ANYONE but him' I facepalmed.

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