We were in the car, Namjoon was driving, until I started to see familiar houses, and street names. I couldn't quite figure it out but it wasn't something good to remember, I knew that.
That is until it hit me, this was the place he would always have his parties, and if I remember correctly we're going to the house he would always have his parties too.
As I came to this realization I started shaking and breathing heavily, which I think Namjoon noticed too.
"Hey, baby you okay?" he asked me.
"Yeah... i'm fine just nervous I guess." I said with a smile on my face hoping that Namjoon wouldn't notice, but unfortunately i'm not the greatest at lying.
"You're lying. Tell me." he said in a deep and mean sounding voice, which didn't give me any room to try to lie again.
"The house t-that were going to is the house that he would a-always have his big p-parties." I said looking down at my feet, stuttering.
"What?! Why didn't you say so sooner?!" Namjoon said practically yelling at me, which terrified me.
"I just not noticed okay?! And I wouldn't have thought that Jackson would be friends with him so I just ignored the thought that it could be him!" I said pretty much screaming back at Namjoon, which never really worked out in my favor but I was scared and angry so I didn't know what else to do.
"Okay... okay. I'm sorry, so let's not yell at each other and let's just hope that he doesn't show up, and if he does we leave." he said calming himself down.
"Okay, but please don't leave me by myself." I said.
"I promise." he said showing his big dimple smile.
"Mkay." I said smiling back at him.
It was about 5 minutes later we arrived at the house and it definitely was the house that he would always have his parties at, it looks the exact same as it did the last time I was here.
Namjoon and I both got out of the car, and walked to the front door. Namjoon had snaked his arm as we had walked up the steps of the big 2 story house filled with people and loud music.
"Stay close to me and try not to get separated, we'll find Jackson then leave okay?" Namjoon said into my ear, I then nodded in agreement and walked along with Namjoon through the door to find Jackson.
After walking around and having a few drinks for a while we finally spotted Jackson in the back where he said he was. We walked over to Jackson and Namjoon tapped on his shoulder, causing him to look behind him and see us.
"Hey dude! Glad to see you! You too Jin!" he said with a giant smile on his face.
"Oh yeah and the song you got that right?" he said looking at Namjoon.
"Oh yeah here." Namjoon reached into his pocket and took out a piece of paper.
"Here you go, now we'll be leaving." Namjoon said but then someone interrupted us.
"Jin?" I turned around with my eyes wide at the familiar deep voice that had just called my name.Taehyung
I froze in fear.
"Huh you guys know each other?" Jackson had asked confused.
"Ah yeah we used to be really good friends but we stopped talking for a while and the friendship kinda broke off." Taehyung had said to Jackson.
"Oh really?" Jackson asked looking at me.
I nodded my head in agreement.
Right now I didn't know what was scarier having to face Taehyung and possibly talk to him or having to face Namjoon and go home with him.
"Hey can we talk in private for a second?" he had asked.
"Oh yeah sure, hey Namjoon come with me for a sec while they talk." before Namjoon could go against anything Jackson was already dragging Namjoon away. I mouthed to Namjoon that I would be in the car in about 5-10 minutes so he didn't have to worry.
"Cmon follow me so we can talk somewhere more quiet." Taehyung said and I nodded in agreement.
We walked up the stairs to the second floor of the house and went into a room down the hall.
Taehyung sat down on the bed and motioned for me to sit next to him as well, I slowly made my way over there and sat next to him. He was the first to speak."So is that guy you were with your new boyfriend?" he said looking sadly at the ground.
"Y-yeah. Though we- I mean I don't really want anyone to know.
"Ahhh that's cool. Hey no need to be so tense." he said as he patted my head.
I nodded in agreement since I didn't know what to say.
"Hey Jin, can I tell you something?" he said looking at me with serious eyes.
"Y-Yeah." I said nervously since I couldn't think of anything he would have left to ask me."I still love you."
And with those words he grabbed both of my hands and put them above my head with a hard grip on them, then pushing his lips onto mine, causing me to open my mouth in shock as he put his tongue into my mouth making sure to lick every part of my mouth.
I tried to get him off of me but he was to strong, and it was nothing but an effortless struggle. By my squirming he started to get mad, like how he used to when we were still dating, and it terrified me. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain on my lip.
"Fuckin hell, you can't stay still for one fucking second, how could anyone ever love you?" he said as he slapped me across my face causing my face and lip to burn.
I started to cry, tears rolling down my face, staining my plump cheeks.
"And here you go with the fucking crying huh? All I do is slap you around a bit and you start to cry." when he said that I just started to get angry, I couldn't control myself anymore, he wants to complain about everything that I do but he doesn't realize that maybe the fucking reason is because he did this to me. Maybe if I wasn't raped, beaten, and mentally abused, maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't fucking be like this.
"MAYBE IF IT WERENT FOR YOU AND YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT I WOULDNT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS." I said screaming at him as loud as possible. Since Taehyung was in so much shock I took my chance and ran out of the room with Taehyung yelling at me to come back.
I managed to get down the stairs and run to the car, luckily Namjoon was already in the drivers seat so I hopped into the passenger seat, then slamming the door shut.
"Namjoon please let's go, hurry please. I'll tell you what happened when we get home okay?" I said basically begging and crying at the same time to Namjoon, who was to much in shock and anger to even say anything.
Our way home was nothing but silence, but after a while I thought i'd say something."Hey Namjoon."
"Yeah baby?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"T h a n k y o u"

My Best Friend Is My Lover (Ongoing) -Namjin
Fanfictiona story of kim seokjin who didn't lead a oh so happy life until he met kim namjoon, the love of his life. But what happens when a crazy ex lover comes back into jin's life, and secrets slowly start coming out into the open from both lovers ? (shit...