Part 14

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_Namjoons POV_
I woke up with Jin still in my arms and his face buried in my chest, sleeping peacefully like a cute puppy with his lips slightly pouted out as he slept.

I slowly got up trying not to wake up Jin and went into the bathroom and took a shower. When I came out Jin was slowly getting sitting up, or at least attempting to, as he fell back down onto the bed groaning.

"I hurt." is all he said before he closed his eyes to go back to sleep again.

"But don't you wanna go to the park with me~?"  I said as cutely as I possibly could while getting dressed.

"But my everything hurts." he said whining.

"Please baby~" I said and then kissed Jin on the lips making him pout, then muttering an 'okay' under his breath. I just smiled at my accomplishment.

As soon as he walked into the bathroom I heard a loud groan.

"Joonie, why do you always have to leave hickeys on my neck? Couldn't you at least put them on my collar bone or something that way it's easier to hide them?"

"Well you know how to cover them up with makeup right?"

"Yeah but that's a lot of work."

"Then next time i'll try not to put them on your neck."

"Thank you." he said before running the water to the shower.

He then came out about 30 minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist, looking through a few drawers to find something to wear.

"You should wear that pink sweater it looks cute on you." I said as I pointed to the bright pink sweater laying on the dresser.

"Okay I guess i'll wear that with some jeans." he said as he then grabbed a pair of light blue jeans and put them on and then the pink sweater.

He then walked into the bathroom and came back out about 10 minutes later with his hair dried and styled and the hickeys covered up.

"You're really good at that, how did you learn how to do that?" I asked looking all over Jin's neck to see if I could point out any of the hickeys.

"Well when I was still with Tae I slowly learned how to since I got tired of wearing long sleeves and stuff all the time..." he said looking at the floor.

"Well the only things you have to cover up now will be love bites not bruises, and he isn't around anymore either, okay baby?" I said as I cupped Jin's face and lightly kissed him on the lips.

"I love you Joonie." Jin said with a big smile on his face.

"I love you too baby, now let's get going." I said as I grabbed his hand as we started walking towards the park, hand in hand.

On our way to the park we talked about the most nonsensical things, about how happiness is just a social construct and that if pigs could fly whether or not they would land to take a shit or just shit in the air like birds.

" No no no, they would definitely just shit while they're in the air, pigs are fat and lazy they would never take the time to land to shit then have to get back up to fly again." Jin said waving his hand around.

"No no no, they would take the time to land since their species has always been on the ground and they always shit on the ground." I said basically waving my hand around too.

"No they wouldnt."

"Yes the would."



"N O"

"Y E S"

"How about we just agree to disagree because this is obviously getting us no where." Jin had said with his cute pouty lips.

"Okay agreed." I said as I then pecked Jin's lips, then my phone started to ring, it was Jungkook.

"Hey what's up." I said.

"Hey dude I was wondering if you and Jin wanted to come hang out with me, Hobi hyung, Yoongi hyung, and Jimin hyung at my place in little bit?" he had asked. I had the phone on speaker so Jin just nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah sure we'll be over there in about 30 minutes." I said to Jungkook and he quickly said a okay bye and hung up. I think Jimin started messing with him since I heard a "Jungkookie~" in the background.

"Him and Jimin are having fun it seems." Jin had said giggling a little.

"And they've only been dating for about 4 months too, that's not even half as long as we've been dating." I said looking at Jin.

"Well soon it will be a whole year in a month from today." Jin said smiling a big happy smile, which was the one I loved the most.

"Yep on December 15th it will be a whole year since we've started dating." I said giving a huge smile showing my dimples.

"Oh lookie it's an ice cream truck, can we get an ice cream please~" Jin said with a cute little pouty face which he knows i'm never able to say no to.

I nodded my head and I was basically dragged over to the Ice cream truck. I ordered a Strawberry for Jin since I know it's his favorite and a Mint Chocolate Chip for myself.

"I don't understand how you could eat MINT ice cream. It completely ruins the purpose of a sweet delicious treat that ice cream is supposed to be." Jin said while eating his Strawberry ice cream.

"Well you haven't tried it yet so how about you try it before you judge it." I said putting the ice cream up to Jin's face for him to try it.

He licked it a little then took a whole bite out of it.

"HEY I DIDNT SAY YOU COULD EAT THE WHOLE THING AHHH." I yelled as Jin just giggled while eating my ice cream.

"Well I decided I liked it so I wanted more." he said as he was barely able to breathe because of the amount he started laughing.

"Here you can take a bite out of mine and we'll be even." he said as he put his ice cream into my face as I then took a big bite out of it.

"AHH BRAIN FREEZE AHHH." I said as I stopped for a second to endure the pain of this excruciatingly painful brain freeze as Jin just stopped and almost fell over at the amount he started laughing at me.

"Yahhh don't laugh at me!" I said as I grabbed Jin's ass causing him to yelp.

"Don't do that!" he said with his cheeks a rosy red and a pouty mouth.

"Then don't laugh at me."

"Okay okay i'm sorry." he said still giggling and intertwining our fingers back together as we continued to walk together to Jungkooks house.

My Best Friend Is My Lover (Ongoing) -NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now