Part 17

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_Namjoon POV_

I called Wonho, the only person you could say that I'm still friends with or in contact with since I left, asking about if he could meet up with us, not specifying what for but I told him that it was urgent, as this was a very very urgent subject.

Were going to meet at the park, I told him that he needed to bring Suho and Baekhyun as well since they were also going to be important in this and are about the only ones other than Wonho that I would trust with this.

I walked up to bench and sat down waiting for the guys to get here. After waiting for about 5 minutes they all showed up. Once they saw me smiles grew on their faces as they picked up their pace to get to me faster.

We all hugged and they all told me what had been happening with the gang ever since I left and they went on and on about how they all wanted me back and that the new guy Jooheon was good and all but not as good as me.

I just chuckled at what they were saying until they asked me about what was so urgent that I needed them to come meet up with me for it, and what it involved.

"Well I managed to fall in love with this guy named Kim Seokjin, someone whos beauty is worldwide and loved, a bit too loved, especially by ex lovers." I said as they all were wide eyed at my statement.

"Wow the notorious Kim Namjoon, known for never falling in love and just sleeping around with different men and women, falls in love?" Baekhyun said wide eyed while the other two nodded their heads.

"I know I know, not something you expected huh?" I said as I sadly chuckled then continued.

"Well I did fall in love, hard, and he has an ex lover who doesn't happen to be the happiest and caring person in the world. He seems like it on the outside but when you get more into who he really is hes the complete opposite. He abused Jin physically and mentally in the past and seems to plan to do it again by kidnapping him and taking him from me." I said seriously, looking all of them in the eyes as they started to get more serious.

"Whats his name? I can have Suho look him up right now and see how much of a threat he is and try to find his location." Wonho said looking at me then at Suho who nodded then took out his phone from his back pocket.

"His name is Kim Taehyung." I said but then all of a sudden had heads immediately turn to me in unison, wide eyes staring at me in disbelief.

"Dude... you don't know who that is? That's Kim Taehyung, THE Kim Taehyung." Wonho said with his arms flailing every where.

"Joon do you not know who he is?" Chanyeol said right after Wonho.

"Are you this much out of the gang world?" Baekhyun added right after him.

"Do you not remember him? Right before you left he was known as the newest and biggest threat in the gang community, everyone either wanted him on their side or dead." Wonho said hastily, making think back at that time to see if I could remember him. That's when it hit me.

"I remember him now... I even talked to him once, he even talked about having a boyfriend at the time." I said as I gritted my teeth remembering exactly who he was and what he was capable off.

"Namjoon I can't believe you forgot about him." Baekhyun said as he sighed into his hands while Chanyeol sighed as well then spoke.

"Are you sure you really want to get involved with him? Are you in love with that Jin guy that much?" he said with a pleading look.

"Of course I love him that much, I will do anything and everything for Jin. I don't care who it is that has him I WILL get him back, you guys will still help me with that right?" I said in all seriousness.

My Best Friend Is My Lover (Ongoing) -NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now