Part 6

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*ok so imma try to like write this different than what i have been idfk. just if there's a change that's what it is and i just wanna test it out and see if i like it like that* and the picture below is not me it's one of my friends •^•

 just if there's a change that's what it is and i just wanna test it out and see if i like it like that* and the picture below is not me it's one of my friends •^•

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Jin answers the phone a bit worried but tries to stay calm so Namjoon doesn't end up worrying when he goes back inside. Taehyung speaks first:
"Hey.... um i'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have yelled like that."
"It's okay hahaha..." Jin says a bit awkwardly.
"Do you think that maybe we could meet up sometime? Not for anything further than a friendship, but just so we can at least be able to talk to each other normally." Tae says hopefully.
"Ummm yeah maybe.... is next weekend okay?"
"Yeah! That's fine, what time and where?" Tae says happily.
"Is 2:00pm on Saturday at Gracies Cafe okay with you?" Jin asks
"Of course! See you then, sorry for taking your time up like this haha."
"It's fine see you then Tae"
"Mkay bye bye~"
Jin hangs up the call and goes back inside to where Namjoon is, still shoving his food in his mouth like a hungry beast, and sits down. As he sits down Namjoon finishes the food he was inhaling and looks up at Jin.
"So who was it?" Namjoon asks Jin curiously but stern.
"Oh it was just an old friend of mine asking about meeting up again next weekend" Jin says as calmly and normally as possible. All of a sudden Namjoons face changes from curious and happy, his usual face, to a bit angry kind of like a concerned father type of face.
'shit he saw through it' Jin says over and over in his head until-
"You sure that's all it was?" Namjoon asks calmly but obviously angry.
"Y-yea" Jin says scared out of his mind since it was really rare to see Namjoon like this.
"Hmmm" as Namjoon says that Jin finally decides to tell Namjoon since the guilt he was already feeling was overcoming him.
"It was my ex boyfriend" Jin says out of no where surprising Namjoon, but he still had his angry face.
"So, what did he want, and why didn't you just tell me in the beginning?"
"He wanted to meet up hoping that we could still be friends and kind of talk a bit, and I didn't tell you in the beginning because I thought you would be mad at me" Jin says as calmly as possible but terrified since Namjoon still had the same look on his face as before, and it seemed like it wouldn't leave until Namjoon had everything answered.
"I'm even more pissed that you didn't just tell me the truth in the beginning, and how long have you and him been separated?
"I k-know i-i'm so-sorry Namjoon, and we've b-been s-s-separated for about 2 y-years" Jin says as he uncontrollably stutters, he couldn't help stuttering, Namjoon looked and sounded angry which always terrified Jin on the few occasions Namjoon would get like that.
"Hmm" As soon as Namjoon says that both of them go quiet, Jin had no idea what to say and was to scared to say anything. Jin's heart was pounding, scared of what was going to happen.
Namjoon and Jin finish their meals and get into the car, as soon as Jin gets into the passenger seat he feels a big and muscular hand on his leg. Jin looks down and sees Namjoons hand grabbing his thigh, Jin sees Namjoons arm that has popping out veins, which Jin thought was the hottest thing in the world. Jin looks towards Namjoon and sees his face which still had the angry expression as earlier.
They had been driving for 5 minutes in complete silence until Jin notices in confusion that they're not going to the movies like they had planned, they were driving a different direction. After about 2 more minutes Jin finally gets the courage to ask Namjoon where they were going.
"Uh... Namjoon where are we going?" Jin asks cautiously afraid to anger Namjoon any more than he already was
"Back to my place" Namjoon says sternly.
Namjoon ignores the question, and Jin just keeps quiet until they get to Namjoons house.
"Follow me up to my room" Namjoon says
Jin does as he's told and follows Namjoon upstairs to his room. They enter Namjoons room, Jin turns around and closes the door, and when he turns back around he has his mouth open to speak until Namjoon holds him against the door and furiously starts to make out with him.
Namjoon shoves his tongue in Jin's mouth while putting his hand on Jin's back under his shirt and slowly starts to go down south towards Jin's ass. Jin notices this and tries to lightly move Namjoon off of him, but Namjoon doesn't budge. Namjoon goes in Jin's pants and grabs his ass, while he slowly goes down Jin's neck, lightly sucking on it leaving light bruises as he goes. Jin slightly moans out in ecstasy, then Namjoon suddenly stops, while still grabbing Jins ass because he just really liked Jin's ass, and rests his head on Jin's broad shoulder.
"So when and where are you going to meet that ex boyfriend of yours?"Namjoon says with his head still on Jin's shoulder.
"At 2:00pm on Saturday at Gracies Cafe, is that okay with you?" Jin asks sadly and still a bit out of breath.
"Well it's a bit late to be asking if it's okay with me" Namjoon says clearly annoyed.
"I know i'm so-sorry Na-Namjoon"
"What's his name?"
"Kim Taehyung"
"What does he look like?"
"He's tall and a bit muscular with brown hair and big eyes and has a box smile"
"How old is he?"
"23 years old"
"Why did you two break up?"
As soon as Namjoon said that Jin went to reply and started to choke on his words. Scared that if he were to say even just one word he would start to break down crying . Namjoon lifts his head with a concerned look on his face. Namjoon pushes Jin against his chest, still grabbing his ass, and kisses Jin on the forehead.
"Do you think you could tell me later tonight?" Namjoon asks sweetly, as he was finally back to his normal self.
"Yeah.. I think so" Jin says with a broken smile on his face since the last question Namjoon had asked him kind of brought back bad memories that he had managed to put in the back of his mind.


My Best Friend Is My Lover (Ongoing) -NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now