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It was the same. Every day was the same. Dad would wake up in the evening, then go out for a drink and then not come home till midnight.

An infinite loop that I have to live with every day of my life. A eighteen year old girl has to be in the same house as an alcoholic, who has just given up on his own life. Mom was never around any more-- and that's when it all started.

Before, he was a happy man and we lived in a nice home that smelt of bread every day. It was because of my Mom, she loved baking. She would always encourage me to sit there and watch.

Dad, he was a cop. A good, old law enforcement job. Once in a while he'd teach me some moves and sometimes, I'd even beat him.

However, now, Dad rarely spoke to me and we wouldn't go out anymore. He'd leave me at home on my own and I would have to just occupy myself. Some days, I would meet one of Dad's friends and he would teach me the law and how to fight it. His name was Nathan, and he never said no to me. I'd always wanted to follow in his footsteps and let him be proud of me.

Today was the day where Dad would leave again. It was six in the evening and Dad was just about to make his way out.

"I'll be back late kiddo." His words slurred and as he spoke, he forced himself to speak.

"Okay Dad." I replied. The same thing I say to him every day before he left the house.

But, there was one thing that was different today.

Dad sloppily made his way over to me and slowly sat down to my right. I stared at him for a moment and saw his face. His broken face. When I lay eyes on him, every time I see his face, I can't help but see a man who needs to be fixed.

And I couldn't repair him again.

"I'm sorry baby..." He sighed and grabbed hold of my hand. "I know these last few years have been rough, but... you've always been my little girl. My brave... little girl." Dad inches forward and pressed his lips against my forehead. "I know I never say it, but I love you Luna." I give him a small smile and he returns it.

As he stepped towards the door, I frowned.

He'd never done that to me. Dad never said goodbye, in fact, he'd never even sat with me to express himself. It brought me a little warmth, but fear at the same time.

I peered over the top of the sofa and watched my Father as he left the house. His empty presence left silence hanging over me and I sighed. Clutching at the blanket left next to me, I focused my attention back onto my small television screen.

Suddenly, the door flings open, my Dad forcefully kicked into our home. I jump up onto my feet and rush to him, but I feel someone pull my hands behind my back. They were too strong.

"Dad!" I screamed and tried to loosen myself, but it was no good.

"Stay back baby!" Dad yelled back as he groaned on the floor, his face dripping with blood.

Once more, the house was filled with silence-- a shadow suspended over my Father.

The men in the house were wearing masks and carried swords. They definitely weren't from America. "You son-of-a-bitch, let my daughter go!" A voice bellowed through our home-- the shadow spoke.

"We don't need her. Yet. We need you Victor." My heart beat quickened and Dad was on his knees.

"What do you want from me?" He asked and the man reached his hand behind him.

"Your life." Before I could scream, a sword was plunged into my Father, his body dropping to the floor.

"Dad!" I shrieked, anger boiling inside of me.

Slamming my foot down, I forced myself free of the man's arms and kicked him aside, grabbing one of his swords.

"You'll pay for that little girl." I look around the room. I knew I was outnumbered. Four against one of course wasn't a fair fight.

But I knew what to do.

I propelled the sword across the room, and it sliced across the leader's cheek.

He growled and I saw my escape.

Dodging all the men, I quickly rush out of the house and jump onto my Dad's motorbike, clutching tightly onto the handles. The engine spluttered and I accelerate forwards, the men getting further away from me.

And that night, my whole life took a turn.

The most unexpected turn.

The most unexpected turn

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