chapter one

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ten years later...

"I'm looking for Dinah Laurel Lance. I'm Detective Luna Parker." I flash my badge at the women at the desk and she directs me through to where I could find the woman I was looking for. But, before I approach anyone, I had to confirm who was Laurel.

After speaking to a couple of people, I finally find her. "Laurel Lance?" I ask and she turns her head towards me, frowning.

"Who's asking?" Laurel enquired and I pull out my badge again. Once she reads it, her eyes widen and she extends her hand. "Sorry, it's just many people come here and some have bad intentions. And, you don't look like a detective if you don't mind me saying." A smile plays on my lips.

"I'm sort of off duty, but since I was passing by, I just wanted to discuss this case with you." In my hand was a file. I hand it to her, and she grasps hold of it, but did not open it.

"Why me?" Laurel questions me again.

I inhale lightly.

"Well, I'm Luna. I had moved from Central City and had come across this case. The defendant wishes to have a good lawyer, and so since I have moved to a new precinct, you were the best person. " She pauses for a moment, then suddenly, I felt a warmth from her.

"Thank you. So, can you tell me about the case?" Laurel offers me a seat and I sit opposite her.

"Murder. Woman aged 21 was killed in her home, knife wounds. The weapon was found in her bedroom, but there were no prints on the weapon. However, witnesses say that her neighbour, Ryan Fletcher was seen around that time. At the moment he's in jail." Looking through the papers in the file, Laurel pointed at the picture of Ryan Fletcher.

"Fletcher?" She asked and I nodded. Then, she laid her eyes on another man. "Who's this?"

"Sean Winslow. He was taken into custody, but was released. He had an alibi." Laurel stared at the picture, and at that moment, I realised that I definitely had the right woman. "Let me guess, think he's involved somehow?" Her mouth widened into a smile.

"Yes. I mean, we still have to look at the possibility again. I mean, I know that you have already dismissed him, but I'd like to look into it a bit more." Nodding lightly, I sigh.

"Of course. Do you want to keep the file?" I ask, and she places it onto her ask.

"Yes, I'll study it a bit more." I turn around slightly, but she resumes speaking. "Oh and detective? Call me Laurel."

"And call me Luna." I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear and carry on walking, only to bump into a man, who firmly grips is hands onto arms to steady me. "I'm sorry..." My voice trails off and I cast my mind back to some months ago.

His face looked familiar.

"It's okay. It happens." He said, in a soft voice.

"Oliver." I heard Laurel's voice beside me. "What are you doing here?" He took a deep breath and I bit my lip.

"I just came to see..." Glancing at me, he continued to speak. "... if I could help."

"Oh right. Luna, this is Oliver. A... friend of mine." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you Luna."

I didn't speak for a moment, but then; "Oliver? Oliver Queen? You were on the news a while back, the Queen's Gambit... You're quite the celebrity." Oliver licks his lips and drops his head a little.

I knew everything about him.

"Yes, I am him. The Oliver Queen." I chuckled lightly, Oliver frowning.

"Well Laurel, I'll go and dig into your suspicion further and get back to you." Walking away, I hear footsteps following me. "Are you following me now?" I comment.

"Yes, so, how do you know Laurel?" Oliver asks and I stop in my tracks.

"Why do you want to know?" I face him only an inch between us both.

"I'm her friend."

"So am I." Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my ID again. Oliver shifts his eyes to it. He clears his throat and takes a small step back.

"I... I..."

"Is this how you treat people when you first meet them Oliver?" I stare at him.

"Well, not really. Let me show you, coffee?" Oliver asks and I lift an eyebrow.

"Are you proposing that we... go on a... date..."

"If you want it to be." He smirks.

"I'm afraid my job doesn't allow me to have relationships with people, especially ones like you. " I carry on walking and suddenly quicken my pace.

Soon, Oliver stops and calls out at me.

"Oh come on! Just one!" Looking back, I call back.

"You'll have to try harder Mr Queen!"

I had no idea how speechless I had left him, but I didn't think twice about it. The only thing I thought of now, was how I'd resolve this case.

And there was one man I could get answers from.

Ryan Fletcher.

Ryan Fletcher

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