chapter four

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I finally had sneaked away from the scene, without a scrape.

But many thoughts had raced around in my mind. This vigilante had known that I was going to be there, or did he?

We didn't know each other, so there was no way.

Clearly, we were both after the same thing.

The file I was holding.

It contained evidence and the vigilante, as far as I know, wants justice for Star City.

At least what I knew from Quentin Lance.

Although, before I had departed from the warehouse, I slipped into something a little 'normal.'

This way there was no suspicion as I had driven away. I wore a black leather jacket and tight leggings and sped off back to my home.

Taking my helmet off, I grabbed out my keys and and small backpack, parking my motorbike on the grass on my lawn.

Strolling up to my door, I jiggle my key into the lock and turn it anticlockwise. I push the door open and run inside. 

Tossing my keys onto the table, I unzip my black leather jacket and step down into the basement. I turn on the light to reveal a room filled with trophies from previous cases.

I throw my bag to the side and open a draw, pulling out a red pen, photos, pins and sticky notes.

These were specific to this case.

I had photos of each suspect and victim including their alibis. Or at least something for each of them. Amy scrap of information would work for me. Even a grain of mud would give me something to work on.

I place the file on my desk and take a deep breath. My heart pounded as I move my hand towards the file to open it. My hands touched the corner, but before I could pull it open, I hear a knock on the door.

I jerk back with surprise.

"Holy!" I rush up the stairs and close the basement door. The knocking continued. "Yes, yes! I'm coming!" I pull open the front door and drop my mouth open slightly in shock.

In front of me stood Oliver Queen.

The world's pretty boy. He looked kinda nervous.

"H-hi." I give him a smile.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" He licks his lips and chuckles.

"Well, I sorta wanna... just apologise for my behaviour-"

"No that's fine. I guess you're not use to being turned down eh?" He smirks.

"I guess so." Then I frown.

"How did you get my address Mr Queen?"

"I asked a detective I knew. And please call me Oliver. Mr Queen was... my father..." Oliver drops his face a little and I saw that he didn't want to show me any pain he had felt.

"Hey... Oliver then... Come in." He gives me a warm smiles and steps into my home. I close the door behind me and he walks into my living room. "Do you want a beer or something?" I asked him.

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