chapter five

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I had left Oliver stood behind me and I walked away. My mind was still baffled by the fact that Oliver had known something.

As I thought many things about him, I had made my way towards the precinct and was determined to carry on my investigation.

"Hey, Quentin." He grunts at me as his mind focused on the pictures of the vigilante again. "Any more luck?" Shaking his head, Quentin sighs heavily.

"I'm afraid not. What about you Luna?" I fold my arms.

"I just went to give a friend some evidence for that case I've been working on." He turns to look at me.

"That's good. How's that going?"

"It's alright. I hope that the evidence I have given her is useful." Quentin frowns.

"And what if it isn't?"

"Well... I'm a detective, not an idiot... so I'll have more evidence... rather soon actually..." I take a deep breath and clap my hands. "I need to access some footage."

"Sure." Quentin clears his throat before walking towards his computer and types away at the keyboard to log me in. "Here."

"Thank you." He turns his attention back to his pictures and I began to death the database.


I found some footage.

My eyes did not blink once as I watched the footage. I was like a hawk, searching for its prey.

And alas, I had found it.

Sean leaving her house just an hour before she was found murdered. But, Ryan was also there, which puts the case in another difficult position.

Sighing, I log off.

But upon ascending, I clash with a man.

"Oof!" I blurt out and look up.

"Heh... Déjà vu?" I tuck my hands into my back pocket.

"Yeah... what are you doing here?" Oliver takes a step back.

"I was here to... talk to Quentin." We both glance at him and he looks back with unamusement.

"He doesn't look very happy to see you."

"Eh, he's always like that. What about you. Where you off to?"

"I'm a detective, I can't tell you that." I slip out my beside him. "I'd have to kill you." I smirk as I walk out of the precinct.

However, I had one thing in my mind.

Tonight I'd visit Sean soon.

And soon came.

I wore my outfit and was armed yet again to torment answers out of yet animal criminal hoping to be uncaught.

I strapped my bow and arrow on my back and whipped out my knife.

Slowly, but carefully I open the door into his home.

But as I stepped into the living room, there was glass on the floor.

Was I too late?

"Sean Winslow, you have failed this city." I swap my weapons.

"Step away from him, vigilante." He lowers his bow and steps away.

"Who are you?"

"I should be asking you that question. You are unauthorized and should not be here. Now leave." He pauses.

"Argh!" We hear the scream and dart our heads towards Sean who has a gun in his hand.

Myself and the mystery man rush behind a table together, breathing heavily.

We were focused on Sean, although we were also focused on each other.

Who is he?

"Get the fuck back!"

The vigilante looks at me. His deep voice bellows at me.

"We need to flank him. I'll distract him and you get the shot on him."

"We're working together now?" He growls.

"Just do it. Now!" The vigilante darts out and shoots arrow around him and I get the angle on him.


I shoot my arrow and it pierces his arm. Sean falls to the ground.

Rushing up to him, I aim my bow at his chest. I look around for a final check- but the vigilante had disappeared.

"Did you kill Amy Ross!" I shout.

"W-what, no!" I stomp hard onto his knee and he screams.


"I will ask again, did you kill Amy Ross?" There was no answer, so I lift my foot up, but he gives in.

"N-n-no! Wait! I, I did! I killed her! Please don't kill me." Smirking I step back.

"You will turn yourself in, or expect more visits like this one."

Within a second, I vanish, having one thought in my head.

Who the hell is he and why did he want Sean?

However, I take something from the scene of crime.

A green arrow.

A green arrow

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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