chapter two

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Opening my car door, I step out and make my way into the precinct.

I was surrounded by many policemen and detectives- apparently the finest. But none of them were able to catch the so called 'Vigilante,' so I guess they weren't.

As I made my way inside, I recognise another face I had seen before. Curiously, I make my way towards the man.

Just by looking at him, I knew he was an alcoholic. He stood in front of a board, laced with pictures and drawing of the Vigilante.

My boots clicked as they hit the floor, until I stopped behind him and suddenly spoke.

"You know, it's never a good idea to stare at a board all day." Turning around, he frowned. "You'll never crack a case like that." I hold out my hand. "Detective Parker." And my hand was left hanging.

Reading him, I reached into my pocket and showed him my ID badge. To be honest, I was getting tired of taking it out as I met new people.

The man nodded his head and now I knew I was able to give him a handshake.

"Detective Lance. Nice to meet you Detective Parker." Lance sighed and tilted his head. "I guess you're right. You know, what you said before. But... right now I can only look at it." Folding my arms, I stare at the board with him for a moment, but then, Lance suddenly snapped out of him gaze. "So, what brings you here?"

"A case from out of town."

"What kind of case?" I wondered why he was asking so many questions. But, like every other officer, he was curious.

"A case that I can't discuss with other officers for the moment..." I explain and slightly nod my head.

"I understand. What are you looking for exactly?" He asks and we slowly walk around the precinct together, mindlessly.

"Well, I need to know where a person is held. A Ryan Fletcher...?" I say, hoping his face would light up.

"I wouldn't know. You could try and search for him on the computer Detective." We pause, but I quickly jump into the conversation again.

"Please, call me Luna. Technically... I'm not on duty at the moment. I'm just curious about a case." The Detective smiles and takes a deep breath, as though he was contemplating about something.

"Then... call me Quentin. If you need help on this case, I can." He seemed genuine. "I'll leave you to it." Smiling, I take a seat.

"And I'll leave you to yours." Stepping away, Quentin made his way back to the board. As I searched for where Ryan Fletcher was held, he continued to stare at it.

Occasionally, he had stepped out for a cup of coffee but that was all I had observed. He really had his eyes set on catching him, and you know what, I actually thought about it for a moment.

Finally as an hour past, and I had discovered where Ryan Fletcher was held.

I rushed to my car in the parking lot and drove there as the sun had began to set. When I had got there I had asked to see him, and I was led to a room, where I waited for him to be escorted to me.

And then he came.

"Detective Parker, you only have fifteen minutes to question him and then he must go back to his cell." I wondered why I had a limited time, but I wasn't to question it at this moment. I was not exactly in a powerful position.

"Ryan Fletcher, I'm here to talk about the murder of Amy Ross. I know you're in custody because of it, but I have reason to believe that you did not commit the murder." He leaned forward and titled his head.

"Who sent you?" I frown.

"Mr Fletcher. I am a Detective. Detective-"

"-Parker, yes. But how do I know I'm not going to be killed by yourself?" My instincts had told me he was scared. And I just expressed what I thought he was feeling.

"Ryan, listen to me. I understand that you are thinking that people are after you and you're scared, but... I am revising this case and something doesn't seem right. Please... trust me." I smile slightly and I notice that suddenly wieght had been lifted off his shoulders.

"Okay... I... I promise I didn't kill Amy. We went out for a few months and we broke up, but I didn't do it." Folding my arms and sigh.

"Many people who worked on this case didn't believe you. Tell me why I should Ryan." He trembled slightly.

Ryan was scared again.

"There's this... man... Sean Winslow. He threatened me to take the blame for him or... he'd kill my son." My mouth opened slightly.

"Son? Amy was pregnant?" Ryan shook his head.

"No, no." He lifted his hand. "I got married, but that's not it. Look, Amy told me that someone tall, and with a black cap was following her one night. But... She didn't tell anyone else."

"And you think it was Sean? But all the evidence is stacked against you..." I thought for a moment and stand up, giving Ryan a reassuring look.

"Ryan, I promise you that your innocence will be proved. Thank you for your time." I walked out of the room and went back home.

The first thing I did was walk down to my basement.

I opened a bag and lifted up what I was going to suit up into that night. And boy, it had been a while since I had.

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