Chapter 9

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"Repeat after me, I know it's hard, but this is a working progress. I think you've gotten your ability back, you just need to learn how to use it."

Clover rested her hands on Jack's shoulder and gazed into his fearful blue eyes.


Jack nodded slowly, his mouth trembling.

"He-llo" Clover pronounced it nice and slowly, accentuating every letter and syllable to the maximum capacity. She had to get him to speak, and she knew it must be either now or never.

Jack trembled even more. Clover couldn't tell if it was fear, that he still physically couldn't do it, or both. He opened his mouth, just like Clover taught him to.

"Do we need to review the sounds again?" Clover asked, viewing Jack's troubled eyes. He declined with a shake of the head, looking down to the dirt ground below. Clover had to teach him how to speak, because he would need to teach her how to read. Clover also admitted to herself that Jack gave her confidence. If he could do it, than why couldn't she.

"H-h-h" Jacks mouth trembled closed. "H-hh" he trailed off.

"C'mon, I know you can do it."

"H-h-he" Clover smiled slightly. "Ll-lo"

"Good, now put it together, we're almost there." Clover looked at Jack dead in the eyes once more. This time she have him a look of trust, a look that undoubtedly said 'I know you can do it', and so he did.

"H-h-he-llo, he-l-lo, h-he-llo, h-hello." Clover smiled and gave Jack a hug, the tightest and biggest hug she could ever give him. If he could do that, he could do anything, and more importantly, she could do anything.

"That should boost the transmission of the ability, you know, get it working, give it a little boost. You'll be talking in no time, and soon enough, I'll be reading." Clover smiled, they had gotten so far. "Noon tomorrow, alright? I'm sure it'll be a lot easier then."

Jack looked at Clover and tried to open his mouth to say something more, but Clover's look silenced him. Jack had always been a father figure to her, so strong, nothing ever affected him, but seeing him endure this type of distress made her assume some sort of leadership as a teacher. After all, soon enough he'd be doing the same to her.

"Why don't you take a break for now. I caught some type of bird earlier today, a turkey I think. It's just about lunch time, let's get it roasting."

Jack smiled and dismissed all the uncertainty and fear that flowed through him at the time and gave Clover a genuine smile, something very rare coming from him.

"One day I'll be able to get into that thick skull of yours, understand what the hell goes on in there." Jack looked at her, one eyebrow up, giving her as much sass as his bland features would allow.

"I knew it, you're plotting a murder aren't you!" Clover laughed as Jack put his hands up over his head. "Okay, I'll believe you just this time, but I can't trust you and that ginger hair of yours."

Jack almost laughed a little, which gave Clover a bit of hope, hope that one day Jack would speak to her and show his emotions. She wanted to understand what went on in Jack's mind, and she was almost positive Jack wanted to know what went on in hers.


"Jack, c'mon don't be late again!" Clover yelled, it was just about noon, judging by the sun, but then again it probably wasn't. The sun was almost always covered by leaves, so everything was always an estimate. Clover estimated it was noon, so it was noon, no questions.

Jack scurried over and sat on the floor of the hut across from Clover. This is where they sat the day before as well. It was cosy, and safe, and perfect for learning.

"Jack, today I'm giving you the choice of any word, it really doesn't matter, just try to get yourself speaking." Jack didn't tremble as much this time, in fact, he seemed much more comfortable, and Clover was so happy about that.

"Gg-gin-ginger" he stuttered.

Clover laughed, in fact, she was hysterical. He still carried a very defined E Care Unit accent. It was the best of accents, everything flowed, but was still so defined, so accentuated, and the way he said the word was absolutely hilarious. In fact, Jack giggled a bit as well.

"Ginger," he repeated, "ginger ginger ginger, it is f-fun s-say-saying ginger!"

Clover laughed again, "of course it is, and if that word makes you speak in full sentences, I seriously have a lot of respect for red hair. I really think we've made some progress, look at you, speaking so fancy!"

"Y-yeah, almost there. L-look at me, barely even st-stutt-stuttering. Well, ex-except for that word." Jack looked up into Clover's proud eyes. He had recovered from the Civil's harsh treatment. He was now not a man of no words, sure he was a man of few words, but at least he could make an effort. Now it was only Clover's turn to follow in his footsteps.


Sorry for the late update! Enjoy!!

Jay xx

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