Chapter 14

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Clover put her curly hair into uneven braids and set out to Jack's. He had just gotten fresh fish for dinner, Clovers favourite. She opened her colourful wooden door and walked out to the path. That was when she saw it again- ever apparent. That black smoke, coming out of the ground and floating out into the distance. She didn't understand why it was there, but she knew she was not to go near it. Clover had known after her experiences never to touch something that she didn't know.

It sounded like what the some citizens in Amara would tell the little children in Care Units, the ones that didn't know what was next for them. Maybe she should have listened to them when she was that age. Clover walked some more, almost skipping down. She walked up the two steps leading to Jack's door, and put her hand to the wood.

After a couple of walks, Jack opened the door. The smell of fish drifted into Clover's nostrils. Clover wasn't too fond of the smell, but the fish was good none the less. But the fish weren't really on Clover's mind, it was the black smoke that haunted her slowly.

"Hello!" Jack smiled shyly, "glad you showed up."

"You know I wouldn't miss your dinners." Clover smiled back, yet it didn't quite reach her eyes. As Clovers feet met the polished wood floor she turned her head back to Jack.

"I've seen something, and I don't quite know what to say about it." She started.

"We already went through it, the boys disappearing- I understand-"

"No, something else that I saw. I just don't know what it is. I saw it the first day we came here, then it went away, and now it came back again."

"Did it hurt you." Jack worried as they made their way to his kitchen.

"No, it's like... Some sort of black smoke. I don't know exactly. I just don't like it, it almost, reminds me of the boys who left."

"Maybe they really did go to a better life!" Jack smiled slightly.

"You really think that?" Clover questioned, sitting down at the table.

"No, of course I don't, but it's an option." Jack said bluntly.

"I know it's an option- but so is anything else."

"So we just really need to find out what happened." Jack poked at his food while Clover took a bite.

"Ya." Clover started with her mouth full, " but how?"

Jack shrugged and they continued to eat together, silently picking at their food and giving each other half-smiles. This was really freedom for Clover, it really was.

Before it was time to go back home, Clover spoke once more. "Stig, what about Stig?"

Jack didn't quite understand, "what about him? He's back in Amara being a Civil and getting bowed down to."

"Yes, I'm sure he is. But he is wise, he knows. What if he knows about the smoke, and the priest?"

"I actually guess your right Clover! Sometimes you actually do get some good ideas." Jack laughed.

"Some? Ya right."

"Yes, I am right."

"Fine. Can we just stop with the bickering!" Clover exclaimed.


"How are we supposed to get in contact with Stig anyways?"

"We'll find a way. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Ya, exactly."

Clover walked out the door and looked at the starry night sky, and somewhere in there she could see it again. Evil. Black smoke.


Enjoy! I really should have updated a little earlier, but oh well.

Jay xx

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