Partners? (Ori x Orchid)

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Hi! Yeah, I'm starting off with an Ori x Orchid one shot. Don't get mad at me XD. This is going to be a nice little story about them being friends, nothing like what I would write about Otis and Olympia (don't judge until you see my writing about them.). Anyway, I hope you enjoy!! It starts with "Worst First Day Ever" and some extra stuff.


On a random day with, probably, lots of oddness about, Agent Orchid skipped around the halls without a care in the world.

That is, until she came across a cart with centigurp containers sitting in front of her. She stopped and crossed her arms across her chest stubbornly.

"Excuse me" She said to the lifeless boxes. No answer.

"I said, excuse me!!" She continued trying to get their attention ridiculously.

Orchid had had enough. "Oh no. You're not getting in my way. Not today! Hiya!" She mercilessly destroyed every box on the cart.

 Not long after, Agent Ori exited a room nearby with an identical 3 boxes and saw the damage done to the boxes he JUST got. "What happened!?" He said in distress. "Ugh, this is the worst first day, EVER!!" No matter what the other agents told him, he would still believe it.

"Oh yeah?" Orchid said darkly from the side of the hall. 

Ori looked over to her.

"Wait until you hear my worst first day."

Orchid described what had just happened.

"How is that your worst first day? That obviously just happened!" Ori argued.

"3 choices," Orchid stated. "I could say sorry, I could help you, or we can go to a movie!"

Ori's face lit up at the idea of going to the movie theater and catching a break from this horrible day. Orchid didn't quite enjoy it.

"But I'm only doing one of those, so, choose wisely." Orchid said and nodded.

Ori frowned but didn't think twice about his answer. "I'll take the help." He decided reasonably.

The two went downstairs to storage and asked for more boxes.

"I only have boxes that can hold up to five now." The guy behind the desk said.

"Well," Orchid said with a lighthearted-sounding voice that didn't fit the context of the situation. "If you don't have the boxes you need, looks like the centigurps will be taking over."

Ori's face showed terror.

"You'll probably have to find a new job," Orchid continued. "I'll probably become a hair dresser..."

Then Ori thought of something.

"Whoa whoa!" Ori stopped her. "I can make these boxes work! I just need to find out how many 5 boxes are needed to replace the two 8 boxes. Jacks, please?"

"Of course..." the guy behind the desk sighed and got the jar of jacks from behind him.

"Thanks." Ori said, determined.

He laid out the jacks on the table. "16 jacks for 16 centigurps." He stated proudly.

The two carefully sorted out the jacks into groups of 5.

"You'll need... 1, 2, 3 boxes." Orchid counted.

"But three boxes don't hold enough!" Ori pointed out. "5, 10, 15! I need to catch 16 centigurps! See, there's one left over."

"Calm down." Orchid said without quite the amount of annoyance she would have given any other agent. It kind of surprised her. She continued. "Just get a fourth box for the extra one."

"But he said," Ori patiently said, "they hold FIVE centigurps."

"They hold UP to five centigurps." Orchid told him, again with a lot of patience. Perhaps it was because he was a new agent and she didn't know him that well yet. "So just put that last centigurp in the fourth box."

"Three 5 boxes..." the guy behind the desk brought out a new cart with boxes on it. "And one....that you can put one in! See?" He had drawn a "1" on the last box with a marker.

"And yet ANOTHER cart." He said, annoyed. "I feel like I should put a limit on these carts!"

Ori turned to Orchid. "But where would the last 16 centigurps BE?" He thought. "I've been to the ballroom, the basketball room, I even checked the gumball machine."

Orchid's eyes widened in realization. "I just remembered," she said panicked, "what Ms. O ordered for lunch."

"Spaghetti and meatballs?" Ori asked with utmost terror in his voice.

"No," Orchid said calmly. Then her voice became panicked again. "Matzoh Ball Soup!! And Matzoh Ball Soup has a ball in it which is a sphere!!"

"Oh no," Ori panicked. "If Ms. O finds out I messed up, I'll be in big trouble!!"

As Ori left the room, Orchid walked up to the desk again. "You're welcome." She said.

"For what?" The guy behind the desk asked.

"For giving you this favor." Orchid replied. "Just know that one day, I'll expect a favor in return."

"But I-I did you guys a favor!" He said.

Orchid slowly shook her head. "Now you owe me two favors."


Ms. O, Oscar, Odelia, and a bunch of other agents eventually solved the problem Agent Ori caused when he pushed the blue button. Everyone was cleaning up. Orchid noticed that they were almost done and walked up to Ori.

"That was some mess you made, Sherman." She teased playfully.

"Yeah..." Ori replied, relieved that everything turned out alright.

They cleaned together for a few minutes.

"So..." Orchid broke the silence. "How about that movie?"

Ori looked up. "But... I thought you said-"

"I know what I said." Orchid said plainly. "Do you want the movie or not?"

Ori smiled at her. "Let's go!"

Then, just like the two little kids they were, they held hands and walked away.

Orchid turned to a few people nearby. "You people can take care of this mess, right?"

"You guys can go ahead." Ms. O nodded to them. "We've got the rest covered."

With that, they went and had a wonderful time at the movie theater.

Orchid was so unusually friendly with him that she had always hoped they would be partners someday. But unfortunately, she got partnered with Ohlm.

So they never got to be partners.

But they would always be friends.


Author's note!!

Hi! Again!!!! So this was terrible. XD I hope you enjoyed anyways. You people don't like this ship, probably. Hopefully this changed your mind?? I always thought orchid was a lot nicer in this episode.

Please give me feedback!!!

And thanks for reading!

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