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As you've probably noticed, Mathroom has not appeared in season 2. Sadly, she's been replaced with watches. Which is really cool, but I miss Mathroom.

Since there's been no in-show explanation, I decided to write my own backstory for it. So here we go! Hope you enjoy. And thanks for the 9 reads, haha! This takes place in the "nonexistent" time gap between seasons 1 and 2. This one is dedicated to everyone over at the Odd Squad Wiki, like lilwoodb, who I think is on Wattpad as well, for giving me the idea!! Shoutout!!


Ms. O sighed as she sat down at her desk. One of the scientists had just come up with a design for watches, something that could replace Mathroom forever. No new agents would learn how to get there, and agents would rarely visit. The watches were a lot easier for solving things in the same place, and agents like Doctor O would be able to use them (even though Doctor O always had her computer behind the wall), and they had never been to the Mathroom before. The idea was spreading to all Odd Squads and many were accepting it.

The watches did have a lot of benefits, but Ms. O simply didn't want to add them to the least, not yet.

She barely had any choice, after all. Everyone kept asking her about it, especially newer agents, desperate to have a new, high-tech, accessory, but Ms. O had been friends with Mathroom since the day she joined Odd Squad, if that's what you would call a friendship.

It's not like she could put it off much longer. She would have to do it someday. She didn't like goodbyes, so she figured, the sooner the better. That's what she decided on. Sadly, she turned her badge and spun around to get to the Mathroom.

"Greetings, Ms. O!" Mathroom spoke.

"Hey Carol..." Ms. O sighed sadly.

"Is something wrong?" Mathroom asked.

"Well," Ms. O stiffened as she struggled to find words to say. "You see....-"

"It's about the watches," Mathroom said with displeasure, "isn't it?"

Ms. O sighed and looked down. "You know I don't have much of a choice. I would never want to replace you..." Ms. O tried to reassure her. Although, she was really more trying to convince herself that Mathroom wouldn't he angry.

"Carol" had read right through this and suddenly felt bad for her.

"Yes," Mathroom said, speaking as though she were holding back tears, "I know."

The two stayed silent for a moment. Ms. O knew Mathroom was technically supposed to be incapable of feeling emotions, but she had definitely felt something. That was what was making this moment so hard.

"I'm sorry..." Ms. O looked up. "I know you've been helping agents for a long time and you love doing it, but I suppose change needs to happen."

"Yes," Mathroom agreed. "I suppose..."

Another moment of silence. Ms. O tried to find something to say, anything, to make the moment longer, and yet shorter. She wanted nothing more than to share another moment with Mathroom.

Nothing. She had to leave. She had to trigger the part that she wanted to be as short as possible.

"Well, I should get going..." Ms. O started to tear up. She wiped the tears from her face and took a deep breath. As she turned away, the Mathroom said one more thing to her.

"Promise you'll visit?"

And just as Ms. O was starting to disappear, she turned around and gave a half-smile. "Always."

Ms. O took a moment before she took the phone to call the Big O.

Once she had told him that she would have watches at her Odd Squad, she hung up and sat down again, putting her head on her desk.

"Are you OK?" asked a voice she recognized. Ms. O looked up to see Oscar standing next to her.

"Yeah," she took another breath. "I'm fine."

A few weeks later...

"How are things with you, Carol?" Ms. O asked for what seemed to be the one-hundredth time.

"Things are quite empty..." Mathroom trailed off.

Just as she said that, two agents - no, not agents - appeared on the Mathroom platform.

"Mathroom," Olive and Otto, now Mr. and Ms. O of their own Odd Squad, nodded.

"Agents!" The paper fortune-teller did a twirl in mid-air. "I missed all of you SO much!"

"We missed you too." Olive said with a smile.

"We really will try to visit more often." Otto promised.

After that, Mathroom had many things to talk about. Especially with Olympia and Ozric, two agents Ms. O said could always visit the Mathroom.


Oh wow, was this hard to write. It started off easy, and then it got really hard.

I didn't know where to go with this. Even though I kind of....started right away, so many possible stories went through my head. At one point, I was even about to have Mathroom's human form!! I think this was...ok. Half the time I was wondering whether I should call Mathroom Carol or Mathroom. I decided on Mathroom, and I'm sticking by that decision.

Aside from that, I don't know how the storytelling was. I wanted Mathroom to have a big reaction to Ms. O's news, but it didn't really fit. Her being a computer interfered with the whole thing. I made her have minimum emotions, but now the scene feels too short. I also wanted to get across that it was an awkward and sad moment for both of them because it was unknown how Mathroom would react. So I added some writing in between the dialogue to try and make it happen. But the spark wasn't there.

I think it could be a little longer, but I don't want to make it too long. I wanted it to seem like Ms. O wanted the moment to last longer, but it couldn't.

I don't know what I'm doing. :P Anyway, I hope it turned out satisfactory. I could spend a long time on it, but I don't have that kind of patience.

Well, maybe I do and I just want to get one shots out ASAP. Feedback? I need it.

Bye for now!

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