1. Live-in Relationship!

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Read the description for prologue.
This story is the continuation of Sadda haq season 1.

Here the story goes.

"Get up Randhir."  She said in her sleepy voice, half lying on him, with her eyes closed, patting his head.

"Shut up and sleep." He said rudely in his sleepy voice making her open her eyes and cringe her nose on his rudeness. Sometimes she wonders why the hell is she with a guy as arrogant and rude as him ? But then her heart replies in four words- Because you love him.

She smiled at her thought and got up from him. His sleeping position again made her smile. He was sleeping with his chest facing the bed, his head was dug inside the pillow. Suddenly the memories of last night flashed in her mind and she blushed hard.

She took the sheets from him to cover her naked body, making him completely nude. She blushed again and quickly dashed inside the washroom with the sheet. She heard him groan as soon as she closed the door.

May be he's feeling cold. Her heart said and she immediately came out, only to find him sitting on the bed in his naked glory, making a cute annoyed face.

"What the hell yaar!" He exclaimed keeping his hand on his head. He drank alot last night and now must be having a hangover. She thought.

Before she could do anything he again slept in same position as before. She came towards him and covered him with the quilt and then went inside the washroom.

After taking a good shower she prepared a lemonade for his hangover and then went to him to wake him up.

"Randhir get up, it's 10:30 now, we have a flight to catch." He completely ignored her words and continued sleep which actually annoyed her causing her to jerk him this time.

"What the f*ck Sanaya!" He shouted irritated.

"Get up Randhir." She made him sit on the bed. "We have to get ready, we have a flight in 2 hours." She added and finally he opened his eyes.

"Fine. But my head is paining like hell." He whined holding his head.

"Have it." She offered him the lemonade and he drank it in a go.

After having it, he smiled at her causing her to grin. She has always loved his smile, his one smile makes her day but the problem is that he smiles very often. She isn't aware of the actual reason but she knows that there is something else than his childhood experiences because of which his smile, his happiness has lost.

She still remembers the day he told her about his childhood, his parents. Not even a single drop of tear came out his eyes but she knew that he was broken. That day she understood that not only how to smile, but he has also forgot how to cry. And she was sure that this wasn't just because of his childhood but there is something else which he doesn't wanna share and won't ask either until he decides to tell her.

She met him in the office for the first time and that day only she knew that she really has something to do with this guy. He didn't talked to anyone much in the office but still she tried to be friends with him, she tried, tried and tried and finally he had to give up. They became friends and then the friendship turned into love, atleast for her. She knows he doesn't loves her and she will never force him for anything. For her, her love is enough for both of them. The intimacy in their relationship brought them in this live-in relationship. And today they are living together.

"Have you packed all your stuffs?" She heard him asking and came out of her thoughts.

"Yup." She said smiling and he nodded. She noticed he has taken a bath and was dressed quite gentlemanly now. She smiled at him hoping to get a smile in return but his attention wasn't towards her.

He was busy doing something in his phone. Though he is the MD of The Sanyal Group of  Companies but he never took the work lightly. He worked double because he was taking an off to attend his college best friend's wedding in Goa. Sanaya has met Parth a few times and he seemed really nice to her. She has met all his college friend's except her, Sanyukta Agrawal. She has heard her name a few times from Parth or his other friends but haven't met her till now. And she is really hoping to meet her in this wedding because whenever her name comes, Randhir looks tensed and when once she asked him about her, he just diverted the topic and left.

"Let's go." He said taking his luggage and she followed him out of the house.


So the first chapter is here.

I hope you liked it😊

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This is a series of 10 parts so enjoy😊


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