4.She isn't into Love.

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Avyan's pic up there ☝

"Don't you think they look cute together?" Meera asked us looking at Sanyukta and Avyan. Right now we all are sitting on the dining table having our lunch and talking about stuffs but Sanyukta and Avyan are least interested in our conversation. They are busy among themselves.

"I've already started shipping them." Tanya replied enthusiatically.

"Me too." All the girls chipped at the same time.

"Seriously Meera?" Parth asked in a bored tone.

"You girls know how Sanyukta is right?" Sahil said as a matter of fact.

"Why can't you guys be positive? You know what, they look super cute together and I'm getting Sanyukta settled by the end of this year and thats final." Meera declared and the other girls agreed.

"She has commitment issues." Parth stated.

"What's your problem dude? Why are you against this?" Vidushi asked annoyed.

"I don't have any problem, it's just that..." Parth couldn't complete his sentence when Meera interrupted.

"They are getting concerned and being protective as Avyan is a womanizer." Meera completed his sentence.

"Um, ya." Parth agreed looking down.

"You guys have always been like this when it comes to Sanyukta, over protective." Tanya said shaking her head with a small smile on her.

"Ya cause we don't want her to get hurt, again." Yoyo said looking at Randhir.

I immediately looked at Randhir who was looking blankly at Sanyukta and Avyan.

"But guys just look at them, they look so perfect." Kashmira said pointing at the duo who were now laughing at something. Actually Sanyukta was laughing and Avyan was looking at her with admiration. They actually look cute together.

"Even I find them cute " I voiced out my thoughts.

"Can't we talk about something more important, that is, your wedding." Randhir interrupted motioning at the to-be-wed couple.

"Ya exactly." Parth agreed, followed by the other guys.

"You guys are impossible." Meera exclaimed raising her hands up in surrender.

"Sanyukta." Vidushi called for her and that's when Sanyukta and Avyan finally graced us with their attention.

"What?" Sanyukta asked raising her eyebrow.

"If you guys are done talking can you please accompany me to my room. I have so much to tell you." Vidushi asked her and she looked at Avyan who nodded smiling at her.

"Um, ya, sure." Sanyukta replied and stood up to leave with Vidushi.

"See ya tonight." Avyan said and Sanyukta nodded smiling.

"Even I'm gonna join you guys." Tanya exclaimed, standing up.

"And after you guys are done, we are gonna talk Sanyukta." Parth said smiling and she nodded. They all love her alot, that's evident. And she's also really nice, then why Randhir doesn't like her?

Randhir's pov

"How much time more Sanaya?" I asked for the fourth time and still the same reply- just 5 minutes. I just don't understand what's the need of us going together? I mean I can go and she can come afterwards when her '5 minutes' get over, after all the party is downstairs only, in the pool area, but who's gonna explain it to this girl?

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