9. Need to Leave!

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"Sanyukta " He called my name as soon as we landed on the bed with me on top of him.

"Hmm? " I asked kissing him.

"I love you. " He said and I froze on my spot.


"I love you Sanyukta. " He repeated. My breathing became heavy listening to his words. No it can't be! He can't love me, I can't let that happen again! I can't.

"Ye kya bakwas kr rhe ho Randhir? You're drunk. " I said pushing him away from me and making myself stand properly on the floor.

"Bakwas ni kr rha hoon main Sanyukta, I'm serious. " He said standing up as well.

"No you are not, Sirius Black was much better than you! Dont you dare compare yourself with him!" I shouted. (Cheers to fellow Potterheads)

"What?" He frowned and then it hit me how stupid that Harry Potter reference looked at that moment, I think I'm still a bit drunk. My head isn't working properly. 

I shook my head to become a bit stable and then out of nowhere this thought came to me that may be, may be because he's still a bit drunk as well, he is not able to get the difference between Sanaya and Sanyukta, I mean both the names start with 'S'  so I guess he is thinking that I'm Sanaya and not Sanyukta, that's why he is confessing his love to me! And as soon as this thought came in my mind, I started feeling extremely guilty, I just made out with my ex, who's currently Sanaya's  boyfriend! Shit she considered me as a friend and her boyfriend cheated on her with me! Why it had to be me God, why?

"What's up with you Sanyukta, what's that you are thinking about so hard?" I heard Randhir's voice and came out of my trance.

"Listen Randhir, I think you are still under the effect of alcohol that's why you are assuming me to be your girlfriend Sanaya, which I'm not, I'm Sanyukta not Sanaya and you love Sanaya not Sanyukta. So I think you should sleep now and I'm really sorry about what happened just now , it shouldn't have happened, but now we can't do anything except forgetting this so just forget it all, tomorrow is the wedding, and after that I don't think we'll see each other again so I believe that we should just forget this. I'm sorry once again." I rambled and without even waiting for his reply I ran out of the room!

I ran like my life depended on it, which was true after all, my life really did depended on that.  As soon as I reached my room the I first thing I did was locking the door and rushing inside the washroom. The reflection in front of me on the mirror was of the same Sanyukta Agrawal HE left 5 years ago, devasted, heart broken. The same girl who lost her everything with him and was left with nothing but pain. The hopeless, stupid, emotional fool Sanyukta Agrawal! The same Sanyukta Agrawal who died after HE left her, Randhir Singh Shekhawat left her.

It took me years to transform myself from that heart broken girl to a strong headed woman who doesn't  believes in love and it took him just a few days to bring back the Sanyukta who was hopelessly in love with him, the same Sanyukta who was stupid enough to trust him and love him!

How could I fall for that guy again? How could I repeat that same mistake again? Why on earth I couldn't  control myself? Why? How could I forget the promise I made to myself before coming here that I'll not let my guards down for anyone? This is ridiculous that I couldn't fulfill the promise I made to myself! This is absolutely stupid that I fell for him all over again, also after  knowing the consequences very well!

All these while I didn't realised that tears were continuously flowing from my eyes like it used to 5 years ago! It can't happen again, I can't be this weak again! And now the another promise to myself of never letting these tears flow from my eyes was broken and that too because of  him! I'm ashamed of myself today! I'm ashamed that how weak he makes me! How much he affects me till now! I don't know if he was confessing his love to me or Sanaya but I'm sure that I've, like the fool I'm, fallen for him again, only to be left heart broken at the end! How could I be so stupid! I seriously don't know what to do now ! I don't know how to react  to this! I can't be here anymore or else I'll lose self control! Okay, so I guess it's high time I should leave! I can't be here anymore, not after what I've done today! I need to leave!

I packed my stuff and left for a hotel coz my flight is at tomorrow midnight. After I slipped a note explaining the circumstances, into Parth and Meera's room, I left for the hotel, not telling them exactly where I was going .

Finding a hotel wasn't much of a trouble because of the efficient secretary I have but finding comfort seemed impossible even in the super comfy bed of this seven star hotel! Sleep was far away from my eyes and the only thing or to be precise, the only person I could think about was Randhir. Feeling guilty about my thoughts I finally slipped into sleep, looking really forward to the next day's flight back home.

The trip to Goa was definitely contradictory to the plans  and thoughts I had about it!


I know you people must be angry coz I've been highly irregular. I won't justify my irregularity by any lame excuses. I've been irregular because of my laziness and my moods. My apologies *puppy face*

So I hope you won't mind leaving feedback and liking the chapter if you really liked it😄

The last chapter will be up soon, pinky promise!

And I wanted to ask if you guys wanted an epilogue?

So with this, signing off.


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