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"Sara, get up baby, or you will be late for school. " I placed a kiss on her soft cheek, while waking her up.

She slowly opened her small angelic eyes and looked at me with a beautiful innocent smile that she has inherited from her father.

"Good morning mumma. " She greeted me with a peck on both my cheeks, my baby!

"C'mon get up bachhe" I pulled her up from bed and made her sit on my lap. She encircled her hands around my neck and placed her head on my chest closing her eyes again. I stood up with carrying her and took her to the washroom. I gave her, her brush and she started brushing her teeth. Nothing different from our daily routine.

Now it was time to wake up my another grown up baby, so I headed towards my room. There he was sleeping peacefully with his mouth a bit open. I went near him and ruffled his already untidy hair which made him stir. Then I leaned forward to kiss him on his cheeks but suddenly he turned his face and captured my lips with his. I was surprised for a moment but then pushed him and stood up glaring him.

"So you were not actually sleeping but pretending instead. " I said narrowing my eyes.

"Well, what's wrong in it? " He asked sitting and pulling me on his lap, typical Shekhawat!

"If you were not sleeping then you should have got up from bed and started getting ready for your work Mr. Shekhawat. " I said giving him a pointed look.

He smirked at me and encircled his arm around me, caging me. "If I would have started getting ready on my own then I would have missed my sweet morning kiss Mrs. Shekhawat. The kiss, I'm used to now. " He answered and I blushed keeping my head on his chest.

"Okay, now enough of morning romance, get up or we'll be late." I tried to get up but he pulled me again.

"Randhir" I gave him a warning look but before he could say anything a cute little voice rang in the room.

"Mumma , Dadda" Our 7 years old angel came running into our room in her Disney princess nightdress with a smile on her face, looking cute as ever.

She jumped on us and Randhir engulfed her, he encircled his hand around us, protectively caging us. She gave him a little peck on both his cheeks like always, and he returned it by kissing her, forehead cheeks and cute little nose.

I couldn't help but smile at my favorite duo. Sara, our 7 years old daughter, is just like Randhir. From her appearance to her habits, from her cuteness to her possessiveness, she is just like him. The only thing she has inherited from me is her eyes. Other than that she's completely her father's little version, but I'm not complaining coz somewhere I also wanted my child to be like her father.

"Earth to Mumma " I heard Randhir and chuckled. He smiled at me raising his eyebrows as in asking what I was thinking about. I just smiled at him shrugging and got up.

"C'mon now, enough, get up fast or we'll get late." I said. They looked at each other, smirked and then looked at me again.

"It's Sunday mum. " They both said at the same time and then started laughing. Blimey, how can I forget that? I blushed , bitting my tongue and came out of the room, embarrassed.

I made my way towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast for us. I could hear them still laughing and even I couldn't help myself but smile .

I was busy preparing pancakes for breakfast when I felt a hand snaking around my waist.

"Randhir " I said still making the batter.

"Sanyukta " He called my name in such a sensuous way that I felt goosebumps erupting in my whole body.

He took some chocolate batter on his hand and put in on my cheek, then as he was about to lick it, Sara entered the kitchen calling me and with a jerk, we stood apart.

Sara entered the room after a second, which saved us from any kind of embarrassment.

"Mumma, why do you have chocolate on your face? " She asked innocently and I glared at Randhir who in return smirked at me and went near Sara.

"Even I was asking Mumma the same thing princess, tell us Mumma why do you have chocolate on your face?" Randhir asked pretending to be innocent. Okay then Mr. Innocent, two can play the game.

"Oh, Sara baby I was working on the batter, I guess that's when it got on my face. " I replied and then put my finger on my cheek and then licked my finger taking my good time, I could see Randhir gulping causing me to smirk.

"Now, Princess be a good girl and go and take your bath and take Dadda with you, Dadda get your princess dressed and meanwhile I'll prepare your breakfast. " I told them pressuring on the word breakfast. He glared at me and picked Sara up, taking her to her room.

I couldn't help but laugh thinking about Randhir's expressions. You deserved it Mr. Shekhawat.

It's been 10 years now that we are together, we fight, argue but at the end of the day love each other to no end.

We got married 8 years ago and had Sara, after an year of our Marriage, Sara, got her name from my brand, which consists both mine and Randhir's name. SARA stands for SAnyunkta and RAndhir.

Now when I look back at time, I realise that how beautiful this journey has been. From lovers, to spouses and then parents, we had a wonderful journey. We suffered, then became each other's aid, we hurt each other then became each others comfort and now life seems incomplete without each other. I can't even think of a day without him or them by my side now.

I still remember when Sara was two and I had to leave with her to Lucknow for my cousin's wedding. Randhir couldn't join us due to some urgent office work but he wasn't able to stay without us even for a day and joined us the very next morning.

That memory managed to bring a serene smile on my face. Sometimes I just can't believe how lucky I got. Randhir and Sara are the best things that has ever happened to me.

Before I could think anymore, I was pulled by a hand and my lips were sealed by the familiar lips of my very own husband. I smiled in the kiss and I felt him smiling as well. I've got all what I wanted in life, now, life's just perfect!


So it's the end!

The journey has finally come to an end as our Sandhir have reached their destination.

I hope you guys liked the story.

So I guess it's a final goodbye.

Tanhaiyaan ab ni rhi, ab sirf khushiyan aur 1 perfect life h😊

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