Good enough?

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"You're not good for me? Well who gave you the right to tell me what's good for me and what isn't?!" I felt rage throughout my body.


"Don't Rachel me! It's my life! If I want you in it then you're gonna be in it! I want you and only you! Not trevor or Zack or anyone else! You are who I choose. I love you." I cut him off feeling the need to say this.

"Look it's not that-"

"Stop it! Stop making Excuses! You know what I think? I think you're scared of your feelings. Scared that someone can actually love you. Scared that you might actually love them back. Scared that you'll get hurt by someone you can't bare to lose. I'm not gonna hurt you. If anything you'll hurt me because I refuse to leave you! I care so much about you that it hurts. I sometimes wonder if I'm even good enough for you." I look down at my fingers scared of what will happen.

He takes a step towards me and lifts my chin so that I'm looking into his deep blue eyes.

"You make me so happy. You know that? Just when I think you can't get any better you do. Don't you ever wonder if you're good enough for me because you are perfect and no one could understand me the way you do. You're bold, fucking gorgeous, smart, and just over all amazing. And you're right I am scared. Scared that I'll fuck up and you'll leave me."

"That's where you're wrong I would never leave you. Correction I can't ever leave you. You have my heart and without you I would die." He smiles and so do I.

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Actually you have not." I grin.

"Well I love you, I love you beyond the moon and back."

"I love you too!" I'm pulled into a warm hug. It's nice I feel so protected with him. I feel like nothing bad can ever happen as long as I have him.

I pull apart and for a moment we look into each others eyes. Then we share a strong passionate kiss.


"Oh wait you are probably confused right? Well why don't we go to the beginning?"

"Well because the beginning is boring and I don't get to be with you then."

"Will you stop spoiling the story for them?"

"Sorry um well I guess we are going back to the beginning."


Rachel's POV

First day of school yay! Doesn't everyone just love the day where you get rejected by the populars and basically every other click?! The only good thing is I'm a senior this year and I know what to expect from everyone.

Tee-shirt, jeans, and vans. Great first day of school outfit I know. I head down stairs to the dining room where my family is all gathered.

"You're not wearing that for you're first day of school are you? What about that dress I brought you?" My mother is appalled by what I have on.

"I don't want the other kids to be jealous that I have such a pretty dress and they don't." My excuses could use some work. She could see right through what I was doing.

It's not that the dress was ugly, I'm just not a dress person. I don't like them one bit they make me feel stupid.

"Oh hush up now and go march up those stairs and put on that dress!" I do as I'm told because if I even attempt to argue she'll find a way to get me to wear that dress.

The dress is a soft pink with a lace exterior. It stop right above my knees and has a light brown braided belt to go around the waist. I match it with black vans and a flower crown. Might as well have somethings I enjoy with the dress.

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