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Rachel's POV


For the rest of that week I sat in the cafeteria with the guys.

It was weird but fun. They made jokes that made me laugh and Cole and Mark made their stupid remarks that made me punch them in the arm a couple of times. I felt included.

It was Saturday and do far I was bored. Nothing to do really.

"Rachel get down here some of your friends are here!" My mother yelled.

Then I thought about who was here and headed downstairs in my shorts and spiderman tank top. As I descended the stairs I saw the guys.

"Ready Rachel?" Zach asked.

"For?" I was clueless as to what was going on.

"The beach. Didn't Jay text you?"

Jay started to shrink a bit.

"You didn't text her did you jay?" Cole crossed his arms and Jay looked everywhere but at cole.

"Leave Jay alone. If you wanted me to go so badly you should have texted me. I'll just go get ready. You guys can start buying things like snacks while I get ready."

Jay looked as though his puppy got ran over. I felt bad. What would happen once they left with him?

"Oh and Jay is staying with me until you guys come back."

Jay seemed surprised once I said that.

"How come he gets to stay? What if I wanted to see you strip?" Mark whined.

I punched him in the arm then shoed the guys out.

Jay stayed in the living room with my mother the whole time I was getting ready.


"Let's go Rach!"

I went down stair with my stuff and then we were off.

Mark, Zach, and Jay sat in the backseat while I sat shotgun and Cole was driving.

The guys were talking about football in the back. As much as I loved football I decided to just keep quiet and look out the window.

"Rach you ok?"

"Yeah why?" I questioned cole.

"You just seem out of it. You're usually singing you're little pink head off." He smirked. I smacked his arm playfully.

"Aw you miss my singing don't you?" he laughed.

"Yeah sure. I miss your cries for help." I crossed my arms and pouted like a child.

"Don't pout. You know I was just kidding. Come on smile." I shook my head no.

"I'll only forgive you if you say, Rachel has the most lovely voice ever and if it was possible I'd fuck her voice."

"Fucking a voice is possible." A smirk appeared on his face and I immediately shook my head trying to get the image out of my head.

"Never mind lets act as though this conversation never happened." He laughed and before I knew it we were at the beach.


We found a spot to lay out our stuff. The suns rays were strong and shining brightly on us. I actually didn't mind it seeing as though I was as pale as snow. A tan was very helpful but being me I would only get sunburned.

"Need help with that sunscreen?" Mark asked with a huge grin on his face. He saw I was struggling and took that as a opportunity to touch me.

"No I do not!" yes I admit I'm hardheaded but I refuse to get help from Mark. His grin dropped and a pout came across his face.

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