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"So......" I tried to start a conversation to get over this stupid awkward tension.

"Um how's life?" He stretched and put his hand on his neck.

"Cole can we not do this?" I let out.

"Do what?"

"You know what. Yes we almost kissed but it was wrong and you know it. I'm in some kind of relationship with Travis and you like a girl."

"What type of relationship are you in with Travis? Has he even asked you out?" his eyebrow raised and he crossed his arms.

"Well no he hasn't asked me out but...." I was lost for words I didn't know what to say.

"But what? If he never asked you out anyone can go after you."

"Well yeah but-" I tried to finished but was cut off.

"But nothing. Now let's dance." In a way I was glad he cut me of because I had no reason to back it up.


Cole's POV

We called back in her mom and the dance teacher lady and we danced.

I was honestly glad we had this talk. I got to clear up that anyone and I mean ANYONE can go after her. Including me. Of course that last part she didn't know.

As we were dancing I thought of how oblivious she was. She couldn't see that she was the mystery girl. I actually started laughing a bit just at the thought. She looked confused like she had did the wrong move or something I just shook my head.

You have no clue how badly I wanted to kiss her even if Travis was right outside her door.

He doesn't deserve her. He acts so innocent but he's not. But it would kill her to know the truth about him. She's been through so much crap and doing that to her will only make her worse. That damn idiot shouldn't get the chance to be with her. For now I guess I'll just wait and be there for her.

After hours of rehearsing we went out for some frozen yogurt.

"I really shouldn't be eating this. My mom would kill me but it's just so good!" she took a spoonful and stuffed her mouth I laughed.

"Wanna go for a walk?" She nodded her head and we began walking around this really pretty park that had lights hanging up all on the trees.

"This is fun. It's been a while since I've had actual fun." she laughed.

"Then we should do this more often." I suggested.

"I would like that." she smiled.

After we finished our yogurt we kept walking and talking. Also laughing. See her smile made me smile. The most stupidest things I did made her laugh.

"You guys are such a cute couple. We never see much of this young love anymore. Now a days it's all about sex. You guys are different. You're so adorable. Make sure you hold onto each other now you hear?" An old lady with a cane came up to us.

"Oh we're not-" she left with her husband before Rachel could say anything. Then she started to blush and it became silent. We just walked until she almost tripped in her heels. I caught her before her face made contact with the floor.

"Are you ok?" The color drained from her face. She nodded then got up from her slanted position.

"It's these stupid heels." She looked down at the floor. I then lifted her up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" She looked around trying to let what happened sink in.

"I'm fighting a squirrel. What does it look like I'm doing?" I sarcastically spat out. She just blushed even more. We got to the car and I placed her down on the floor. We drove in silence well not complete silence the radio was playing.

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