Meeting Alaska

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~ Kamryn's POV ~

So I made my decision that I would be the drummer for the band 5sos. Its gonna be hard though I barely know this guy and It's gonna be hard to take a shower in a bus! Ashton told me they sometimes share a bathroom where one person takes a dump while the other takes a shower. How am I gonna hide my "watermelons". I can't just not take a shower its gross.

"So Kamryn today I'm gonna teach you stuff about me and I have someone special for you to meet" Ashton says while opening the door for me at starbucks

"So I read your likes and dislikes and how you act. How are we related?" I say he laughs a bit showing his dimples

"I don't know too." Ashton replies back after a minute he gets our drinks and we start talking more about himself I don't mind cause I need to learn this i'm gonna be him for 3 months for god's sake but its weird how we aren't talking about his bandmates

"Ok umm Kamryn wait here i'm just gonna pick up someone outside" He says getting up and throwing his drink away

I look around the coffee shop and see life quotes everywhere even on the table there were quotes. I see a board that says "you are free to write anything you want" I go to it and see that people really write anything they want there were dicks,boobs and unknown things, there were just a few quotes on it

I got a pink marker and wrote this quote that I truly love "you just have to fall before you fly" then I drew a little bird on the side. I gotta say I draw pretty good I used to join drawing competitions and I do pretty good -not to brag-

"Kamryn come here" I hear Ashton scream my name. I quickly walk to him and see an averaged height, ginger girl she can't be his girlfriend Ashton's too ugly for her.

"Kamryn meet Alaska. Alaska meet Kamryn" Ashton says, I offer a handshake but instead she hugs me. She's a hugger.

"Hi I've heard so many things about you" Alaska says while looking at me and Ashton

"You guys really are cousins I mean you guys look alike" she adds looking at me carefully

"So are you his band mate or girlfriend?" I ask she looks at Ashton and raises an eyebrow at him

"So you guys been talking about me a lot" she says sarcastically

"I'm his band mates girlfriend you know calum if you don't he looks like this" she brings out her phone and shows me a picture of her and calum. HOLY SHIT. he was the guy this morning the guy I "made out" with.

"Do you know him? why do you look so suprised?" She asks looking worried

"No I though he was someone else hehe" I lie and she nodded

"So Kamryn, Ashton obviously didn't teach you about the band I bet you guys were just talking about him all the time" She says pointing at Ashton, I nod and Ashton leaves to get another drink 

"Ok so first were gonna sit and I'll show you the rest of the members" She says we both take a seat she sits in front of me and she brings out papers from her bag

"Wait so ashton told you everything?" I ask, she nods 

"Ashton tells me everything and he knows I could really help you with this and come on your seem like a great person and I defo wanna help you" She says, Ashton comes back with tea for each of us. He grabs a chair from the other table and he starts playing "flappy bird" 

"While he plays 'flappy bird' were gonna learn" Alaska says, taking a sip from her tea. She looks so innocent I mean who could still look innocent after the age 16 seriously. 

"So Ashton is the drummer and Calum is the?" I ask she puts the pictures of the band members on the table and the instrument they play

"Calum is the bassist" she slides me his picture and I quickly push it away I can't believe he cheated on her if she finds out what calum did to me she will die. literally die.

"Here this is Luke Hemmings he is the guitarist and lead singer" She says, my jaw dropped when she passed me the picture. He was the blonde,cute guy from starbucks. shit. what a small world.

"Is he single?" I ask, her and Ashton both laugh

"Well he said he has an eye on one girl but he wouldn't tell us and no honey don't fall for this boy remember this, its gonna be hard for you" Alaska says, Ashton agrees with her and we went to the last guy 

"Here this Michael he is the lead guitarist and back up" Ashton says, while Alaska buys a sandwich, this guy is part too the guy with the american apparel paper bag and the messed up red and black hair. 

"So this is Calum the bassist, This is Luke the lead singer and the guitarist and Michael lead guitarist and back up" I say, Ashton looks at me with shock,  jesus I'm not a 5 year old I'm 18 for gods sake I can remember this shit and memorize it easily. 

"This is you the drummer" Ashton places a picture of himself and pulls out a sharpie and starts drawing longer hair and removing his dimples

"Why do you have a sharpie with you?" I ask -out of the topic- 

"Everyone does" He says with a smile, Alaska comes back with a sandwich and takes a huge bite as soon as she sat down. 

"Alaska do you have a sharpie?" I ask she nods and brings out a pink sharpie from her bag.

"Told you." Ashton argues. I stick out my tongue at him and he does the same. 


We said our goodbye's since Alaska had to go to her job at a bookstore, Ashton needed to go back to the hotel but he dropped me off at my apartment first then he gave me an ipod which had all their songs.I had to study more about calum,luke and michael and the drum notes. I still can't believe that Calum has a girfriend and his girlfriend is my now "best friend" well that's what she said "Oh Kamryn were be bff's ok" - Alaska Smith 2013 

I can't stop looking at Luke's picture he looks so perfect. His blonde hair, his baby blue eyes. Ugh it kills me. I got my mac and watched their videos on youtube. I immidiately fell in love with this band its official I'm gonna have fun in this band and I have a huge crush on Luke Robert Hemmings.

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Hey guys so you guys found out the shit that's happening. Do you think she could pull it off being Ashton Irwin for 3 months? Keep reading to find out. Leave a comment on what you think and Vote please thank you guys luv you all.. 

- Mandy

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