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Jeni's POV

As we walked into the hospital I had to leave my sunglasses on. I had a pounding headache and everything was ten times brighter than normal. All the doctor told us was she'll be find. I sat next to her.

"Samie, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm not gonna come here everyday and talk to you. Unless the doctors say it's a good idea I'm not. I'll look stupid and you probably don't care what's happening. Today is an exception. I don't know if you know what exactly happened. You punched Drew, he punched you, you got knocked over, hit your head, and went into a coma. We flew your parents out. So you're in a coma and I'm probably talking to myself." I whispered.

Wow I ramble. I need a nap. Oh god my head hurts. I wonder if I could get an Advil. I mean this is a hospital. I got up and walked out of the room. I stopped the first employee I saw.

"Umm I have a raging headache. I was wondering, since this is a hospital, can I have some painkillers or something?" I asked quietly, my head hurting to much to talk in a normal tone.

"Oh sure! Just follow me." The girl said quietly. Thank god she knew to be quiet. I followed her to the waiting room and she went behind the desk. She put the few things in her hands down and turned around to a cabinet and opened it, taking out a bottle.

"Do I have to pay for this?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, no." She said. She handed me two pills and a cup and pointed out a drinking fountain. I filled my cup, took the pills then just drank like four cups of water. I went back to the room. Everyone had pretty emotionless looks on their faces.

"So how is she? Do we know when she'll wake up?" I spoke up after I quietly closed the door. Everyone looked up and everyone looked sad. Great.

"Where'd you go? Why did you just leave?" Liam asked with a bit of snarkiness in his voice.

"I went and got some painkillers for my headache. Sorry." I answered hesitantly.

"Well while you were having a hangover my sister is in a coma and cracked her head open and we don't know when she'll wake up!" His voice raising as he talked. Whoa. Hell no. This isn't only effecting him.

"Well this isn't only hard on you! Just because I have a headache doesn't mean I don't care!" I snapped.

"If you hadn't gotten drunk last night you wouldn't have a headache! Hell, if you hadn't gotten drunk last night none of this would've happened!" He retorted.

"Are you blaming me for this?!" I asked shocked.

"Yes! It's your fault! All your fault?" He cried frustrated. I narrowed my eyes.

"If you hadn't ran off to your petty boy toy and tried to drink your problems away like an alcoholic idiot, Samie would be with us right now, AWAKE! It's all your fault!" Liam continued. He's right. I'm just an idiot.

"Well I'm sorry Samie is friend. Best friend. This hurts me as much as it hurts the rest of us. I'm sorry I don't know how to cope. I'm sorry you think I would even touch Drew. I'm sorry you came here and I'm sorry I'm such a fucking idiot. But this doesn't only effect you." My voice was dangerously low.

I know this is what started it all but I did it anyways. I turned and ran out of the room. I hailed a cab to Casey's, I picked up my car and drove back to the house. By the time I burst into my room I was full out bawling. I locked my door and dropped my bag and took my shoes off. I crawled on to my bed. I cried and cried.

Then I realized, he was right.

I am just an idiot. All of this was my fault. I just practically ruined Samie's and Liam's lives. I just ruin everything. I slowly got up and walked towards my bathroom. I used the toilet, and washed my hands. I looked in the mirror. I was still sniffling. My eyes were all red and puffy, my throat hurt, my face was all red and tight from dried tears, and my hair looked like shit. I'm so fucking ugly. I always fuck shit up.

Liam is right.

I opened my smallest drawer and took out my razor. I had taken my sweatshirt off so I was in short sleeves. I put my razor to my left wrist and cut.

1 for putting my best friend in a coma.

2 for being so fucking ugly.

3 for being so fucking annoying.

4 for fucking everything up.

A million for being me.

I don't know when I passed out or woke up but I heard a faint door slam when I opened my eyes. I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes. All the memories came back and I picked up my razor, stood up, washed it off, and put it away. I cleaned up all of the dried blood and cleaned my wrist. I went into my room, threw on my sweatshirt, and went back to brush through my hair. My face was still red. Shit.

"Jeni! Jeni please answer me!" Ariel was yelling through the house. Shit nigga. Tone it down. I could've been sleeping. Damn. I jumped on to my bed and grabbed my phone. I opened up twitter, of course I have twitter, and looked through my timeline. People don't know I'm Louis's sister yet. Thank god, I don't know if I could handle the hate. I had unlocked my door so it swung open and Ariel came in.

"Oh hi." I said. She sighed.

"I was so worried." She said.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"You know why. You left so quickly and remember what has happened in the past?" She answered, referring back to when we first met and even before then.

"Oh." I said. She came and sat down on my bed. Oh dear god.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Fuck.

"Yeah. Liam was just angry and upset and I was just making myself a target. It's no ones' fault that we blew up on each other. There's just a lot of stress and tension. I'm good, just little tired and kinda annoyed. I'll be fine in a little bit. You know me." I sighed and got up.

She's not allowed to know. Samie needs all of our attention. I don't need to take focus off her or add to the problem. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and started looking for food. As I was pulling out a pot for my spaghettios, my phone vibrated. I unlocked my phone after seeing I got a text along with the constant twitter notifications.

I can't wait to get a new phone. This Nokia Windows phone is cool and helps with the fact that I drop my phone a lot but I want an iPhone. I opened my messages and saw an unfamiliar number. I clicked it.

hey bitch. Nxt time your lil friend wnts 2 punch me, ill kill her. Remember your mine.


Oh shit.

Samie's POV


God you obnoxious freaks. Jeni explained everything though.


But I got punched. Drew's a fucking ass. I'm gonna play a game. When I'm done thinking.

So I'm the one in the coma.

We know that officially.

You know what, my brain hurts so I'm gonna play that game now.

I see purple, green, yellow, ooh tic-tac toe!

X, O, X, O, aww man it's gone!

Green, yellow, purple...




Jeni xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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