Flat Note [M]

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*Sorry to say, but this chapter is a little explicit.* 


Everyone for some reason could feel the tension as Jiyong remained quiet in his seat. Usually Jiyong would have something to say or would answer the questions that the teachers asked but oddly he didn't say anything. TOP felt disgusted with himself and tried to find a way to apologize to Jiyong but it seemed as if the words would get caught in throat. This awful tension lasted for 3 weeks until someone decided to say something and it wasn't something nice either.

"Hey fag", Siwon said as he sat next to Jiyong. Jiyong remained quiet and paid Siwon no mind. "Hey fag I am talking to you". Siwon started to snap his fingers in Jiyong's face to try to get his attention. Jiyong continued to ignore him as he turned and looked out the window. "Oh is someone having a bad day? Did someone say something to hurt your feelings". Jiyong sighed and laughed inwardly at Siwon's pathetic attempt to get under his skin. "Or did your parents punish you for being a fag". Jiyong's mouth twitched at the mention of his fallen parents. Siwon noticed the twitch and smiled at the small victory. "Siwon leave Jiyong alone", someone said. "Shut the fuck up. Now Jiyong does your parents disapprove of you getting dick up your ass? Have you been disowned", Siwon said. One of Jiyong's fangs poked out as his anger and sadness mixed in. "Oh did I hit the jackpot? Do your parents not love you anymore and you are now sad". "Shut up or you will regret it", Jiyong hissed out. "Regret what fag? You are just mad because your parents hate you. I bet they would rather die than have you as a son", Siwon said.

The thread of sanity within Jiyong tore. He felt his anger rise up and he wanted to cause damage. "I said shut up", Jiyong yelled. The sound of his screaming was ear shattering. The desks in the classroom started to crack and soon broke apart from the painful scream. All the students covered their ears and were wide eyed at what was going on. Jiyong soon rose from the ground and levitated in the air as his screams rose an octave over time and soon it was a high pitch sound. The students in the classroom started to rise off of the ground and were pinned to the wall. Jiyong's eyes bore a hole in Siwon and for the first time Siwon realised he went too far. The sound of Jiyong's heart breaking scream was becoming unbearable and soon blood started to come out the mouths of all the students.

Tears started to come out of Jiyong's eyes as the memories of his parents sprung in his mind. Jiyong's uncles words sprung in his mind about how he was a murderer and the sole reason why his parents were dead now. "Jiyong", he heard. He looked down and saw that TOP was staring at him. Jiyong's scream subdue but the students still remained pinned to the walls. "Jiyong stop this right now", TOP yelled. "H-How are still able to move and why are you unaffected by my power", Jiyong asked. "Jiyong I have no idea what the hell is going on but I said stop this", TOP said. "Why should I? I am unwanted and the words Siwon said are true. My parents died because of me. It is all my fault", Jiyong said. "That is not true Jiyong. You are not the reason why your parents are dead", TOP said. "Oh what do you know? You were the one who said I didn't care about my parents when you know absolutely nothing about me", Jiyong yelled.

His screams resumed and soon more blood was gushing out of the students bodies. "Jiyong listen to me. What I said was wrong and I am sorry. I don't know when to shut the fuck up especially about situations I don't know about. But I do care about you with all my heart. I am sorry for hurting you because that was not my intentions", TOP said. Jiyong stopped screaming and looked at TOP as if he wanted to kill him. "Then what are your intentions with me TOP? Why are you trying so hard to talk to me and get to know me? What do you want from me", Jiyong yelled. "Your love", TOP yelled back.

All movement in the room stopped and the students slowly came off the wall and fell onto the floor. "My love", Jiyong whispered out as he looked at TOP with bewildered eyes. "Yes your love Jiyong. I don't know why but I think about you all the time. I want you by my side 24/7. I want to caress that beautiful skin of yours and kiss those lips", TOP said. TOP walked closer to Jiyong and towered over him. TOP hands cupped Jiyong's face and TOp gazed into his eyes. Jiyong remained still and his eyes wide. "I want you Jiyong and I love you". Jiyong ripped away from TOP's tender touch and looked at him. "You don't love me. Nobody loves me because I am not worth loving. Stay away from me Seung-Hyun", Jiyong said. "I do love you and I will prove it. No matter what Jiyong", TOP said. Jiyong looked around the room and saw all the damage and the fear etch on all the students faces. Jiyong sighed and brought his hands together as if he was praying. Jiyong's eyes glowed and started to chant quietly. "Wash away what was seen today and make them lay. The dream you had may seem vivid but don't see what was never seen. Revert back to what is real and erase what could hurt. Revert", Jiyong whispered. Soon the wounds on the students healed and the damage in the room was fixed.Everyone's eyes closed slowly and the only one's who remained awake were Jiyong and TOP.

" I wonder how you can remain unaffected by my spells but I will not question that now. Stay away from me", Jiyong said as he grabbed his stuff and headed out of the room. TOP gripped his wrist and stopped Jiyong's movement. Jiyong hissed and started to pull out TOP's grip but for some reason he wasn't strong enough. Jiyong's eyes scrunched together in confusion. Jiyong looked up at TOP and tried to feel for a strong aura or another demon but TOP was a full blood human. "Release me". "Don't run away from me. I love you Jiyong", TOP said. Jiyong's eyes softened as he gazed into TOP's eyes. Suddenly he felt his heart start to beat and Jiyong's eyes widened at the sound. Jiyong pulled out of TOP's grip and his heart stopped beating. Confusion was etched on Jiyong's face at what happened but he pushed that in the back of his mind for now. "You love me? Well, the only thing I love is my piano. That is the only thing I love and it loves me back. At least a piano doesn't try to hurt me and plays beautiful tunes. You humans are only meant to hurt and deceive people and I won't be a part of it again. If you honestly love me TOP you better work hard for me to replace my piano", Jiyong said. Jiyong opened the door to the classoom and walked straight to the music room. He locked the door and pulled down the screen so no one could look inside. Jiyong dropped his body in the seat in front of the piano.

                                       "People smile with an effort, hiding the truth. 

                                                            As if they’re happy. 

                                             While hiding the lie in the word love. 

                                                          As if it will be forever. 

                                           The color of my gloomy world is black. 

                                   The beginning and end change, black and white. 

People are cunning, sometime become delusional. Really why am I like this, why", Jiyong sang.

His voice slightly cracked as he remembered the way his life has been. The way the people he loved treated him like a floor mat and stepped on him whenever they wanted. Soon Jiyong's mind shifted to TOP and how he expressed his love towards Jiyong. Jiyong tried to shake that nonsense out of his mind but it was there toturing him. Jiyong gritted his teeth and let the lyrics spill out.

                                           "The real name of love is definitely hatred. 

                                    Hope is the parent of disappointment and despair. 

                          Why didn’t I know that the shadow that has casted over my face. 

                                                 Was created from the light called, you"



Well, I came with another Chapter. I think this story is a little different than the others. i mean my story is using GD as a vampire, not as a real human kissing his lost-heart

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