Off-Key [M]

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“The pain is real and my heart misses a beat when you say you don’t love me. You walk away leaving a shadow of your memories behind. My world is dark without you but I don’t need you”, I sang as my fingertips danced along the piano keys.

The sound of the doorbell filled the house and interrupted my melody. A familiar scent filled my nose and hissed at the known presence. I snapped my fingers and the door opened wide. TOP stood at the door with his eyes wide at the door opening by itself. “Are you coming in or are you just going to let the spirits inside”, I asked. I heard feet scurrying inside and I snapped my fingers again. The door slammed closed and TOP yelped at the shock. “Does that happen all the time”, he asked. “Eh. Sometimes”, I answered with a shrug. “What are you doing here Seung-Hyun”.

TOP flinched at the sound of his name from my lips and just kicked at imaginary dirt. “I told you I will prove that I love you”, he said. I scoffed and looked at him. “Are you kidding me? I don’t find that funny at all Seung-Hyun”, I said. “Love is not a joke Jiyong. I love you”, TOP said. “You don’t love me so stop saying it. Love is disgusting. You pity me Seung-Hyun that is what you are feeling”, I said with bitterness. I felt a hand on my shoulder and felt my heart beat again. I slapped his hand away and my heart once again ceased to beat. I touched my chest and I looked at Seung-Hyun with confusion. What the fuck is going on? Why does my heart start to beat when he touches me? “Jiyong are you okay”, TOP asked. I continued to look at him with confusion. “I don’t know”, I answered. “Do you need fresh air”, TOP asked. I remained quiet and tried to contemplate what was happening. “You need fresh air”. TOP gripped my hand and my heart started to beat once again. I hissed and pushed him away.

TOP’s body flung across the room and he was heading towards the wall at a fast speed. I panicked as I saw he was going to slam into the wall so I opened my hand and his body stopped in mid-air. “W-what”, TOP questioned. He looked around the room and was trying to figure out why he stopped hurling through the air. He also wondered how he ended hurling through the air in the first place. TOP looked at Jiyong and saw his body emitting a weird aura. Jiyong looked at TOP and beckoned with his finger to come closer. TOP’s body moved through the air and towards Jiyong. “Release”, Jiyong said. TOP was placed back on his feet in front of Jiyong.

“W-what the fuck”, TOP said as his eyes widened with confusion. “Did you do that Jiyong?” Yes I did”, I said. “How”, he asked. “Do you believe in fairytales Top”, I asked. “No I don’t”, he said. I smiled a mischievous smile and rest my chin onto my hands. “Then you would never believe that I am a vampire Seung-Hyun”, I said. “Y-Y-You are a vampire”, he said. “Yes I am a vampire. You must thing that is absolutely crazy and there is no way I am a vampire. I mean how I would know that you have a little sister name Minhyun, born in 1996. You also have two fathers that you keep a secret because you don’t want anyone to judge you at school for your home life. Your mother left your family without a care in the world and is now suffering from cancer because of her sins. Should I go on TOP”, I asked. “How the fuck do you know that stuff”, TOP yelled.

He gripped my collar in anger and stared at me as if he was going to punch me. There goes that heart beat again. I threw my hand out and he started to levitate in the air. “Of course I know that stuff. I know everyone life in this world. I know everyone’s home life. Everyone’s hopes and dreams. I know what everyone fears and what they love with all their heart. I know everything”, I said. “If you know everything how don’t you know how much I love you Jiyong”, TOP said. I inhaled sharply and stared down at the ground. I started to lose control of TOP and he soon was back on the ground.

“Look at me Jiyong”, TOP said. I looked up at him and he looked at me with sincere eyes. “I love you and I am going to try and make sure you know it every single day. You deserve love and I am willing to give it”. I bite my lip and looked back down at the ground. “But I am a monster. Monsters don’t deserve love and I am not human. My heart doesn’t beat and I can never die so I will be without you eventually”, I said. I tightened my hands into fist and felt a slight pain in my chest. Suddenly I felt arms around me and I was in TOP’s firm chest. I felt my heart beat rapidly and I tried to pull away but I was weak in TOP’s arms. “I can feel your heart beat right now. I know you want me too Jiyong”, TOP said. I felt comfortable in his arms but I knew I didn’t deserve this warmth. I didn’t deserve TOP to be mine and I refuse for him to be sucked into my pathetic and lonely world.

“I don’t love you TOP”, I said. I felt TOP shiver at my icy tone. “I don’t love you. I love the blood that courses through your veins. I love the scent your body omits and I want to taste it. I just want needs satisfied and then I will suck you dry. You see monsters like me don’t deserve a happy ever after. I am a murderer and I have no empathy for a mere human. I don’t love you and I never will. I am giving you one chance to leave my presence TOP”, I said. TOP’s eyes watered and I felt pain course through my body but I held a stoic face. “Do you mean that Jiyong”, he asked. I looked at him and bared my fangs. “I mean it”, I said and I looked by down. “Okay, Jiyong. But I will keep trying to get your love”, TOP said. “What? Didn’t you hear a word I said”, I asked. “Oh yes I heard you loud and clear. You need love but you keep pushing it away because you think once you start trusting and giving your heart to someone you will be betrayed. But, I am different. I actually love you and want to protect you. I will do whatever I can to get your love Jiyong”, TOP said.

I hissed and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Get out”, I said as I edged towards him. He started to back up towards the door. “I love you Jiyong”, TOP said. “Get out”, I repeated as I continued to push him towards the door. “I will fight for your love”, TOP said. I snapped my fingers and the door slammed open. I pushed him out and he turned around and smiled at me. He leaned over and kissed my lips. I gasped and he soon pulled away. “Goodbye my love”, TOP said. He ran to his house next door and waved to me before closing his door. I touched my lips and they felt like they were on fire.

My first kiss taken by a mere human…..



Well, Finally i updated one of my stories , hope you guys like it :) My exams are killing me so i think i have enough idead for some stories

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