Broken Trust [M]

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Jiyong POV

I sat quietly at my seat and let thoughts of T.O.P fill up my head. I know I couldn't fight that I liked T.O.P a lot but it it hard to actually express my feelings to someone else. It is hard to let someone into my heart because I don't know if they will betray me or not. But, my heart was telling me to give T.O.P a chance and I will do so. T.O.P entered the classroom and he smiled at me. "Hey Jiyong. You look nice today", he said. My cheeks burned and I looked down at my desk. "Jiyong are you okay". I looked back up at him and pulled him out of his seat. I dragged him down the hall into the music room and slammed the door shut. "Jiyong". "T.O.P you say you like me right? And you have been trying to get my attention for about 3 months now. I don't know whether you are stupid or serious but I want to give you a chance T.O.P. I am willing to give you a chance", I said.

T.O.P remained silent for some reason and I felt a little nervous. I looked down at the ground and felt my cheeks burn once again. Suddenly I felt a hand on my cheek and I looked at T.O.P as he caressed my cheek. He smiled at me and continued to remain silent. He moved close to me and soon I felt a soft pair of lips on my own lips. I felt butterflies flutter in my chest and for once in a long time I felt like I could trust someone once again. Soon the kiss ended and I was pulled into T.O.P's chest.

"I will not let you go ever Jiyong. You belong to me now and forever", T.O.P. said. Who knew those words would be the first of the lies....

6 months later....


So, no one knew of T.O.P and Jiyong's relationship and they prefered to keep it that way. The reason why is because Jiyong didn't believe it was anyone's business and T.O.P wasn't out as being gay in the school yet. I would like to say their relationship was going to be an easy road but one particular day fucked everything up in a simple moment and simple words that sent daggers into someone's heart. Jiyong sat at his desk and was having a nice conversation with Tiffany. Soon T.O.P entered the classroom and was all smiles when he saw Jiyong. T.O.P wanted to kiss Jiyong whenever he came into class but he was still scared of what everyone will think.

Even though Jiyong reassured T.O.P that everything was going to be okay there were still a good 70% of the school that are not accepting of homosexual people. Jiyong for some reason was exception in everyone eyes. "So how was your weekend T.O.P", Tiffany asked. "Oh it was wonderful. I spent the weekend over Jiyong's house and enjoyed ourselves", T.O.P said. "Wow you guys have gotten pretty close lately. Are you guys in a relationship", Tiffany said. T.O.P froze at those words and he felt his heart stop. Jiyong suddenly grabbed his chest when he felt a pain. He looked over at T.O.P and wondered why he looked so horrified. "I am just kidding silly. I know you and Jiyong are not in a relationship. But how I wish you guys were". T.O.P exhaled and the pain in Jiyong's chest stopped soon after.

The teacher soon came in and announced to the class that she was not staying and that she was leaving in a minute but we were not allowed to leave. Everyone groaned loudly but listened to her anyway since there would be someone guarding the door outside. She soon left the room and everyone returned to their conversations. But for some reason Jiyong felt a tugging feeling in his heart as he looked at T.O.P. Jiyong felt like T.O.P was ashamed or scared of their relationship. After some thought Jiyong ignored such a thought and simply remember that T.O.P worked hard to be in a relationship with him and he wouldn't dare break his heart.

Jiyong POV

The bell sounded and I headed to my locker to collect and drop off a couple of items. I didn't see T.O.P by my locker as usual but I thought nothing of it. I closed my locker and headed towards my class. I whistled a random tune and headed up the stairs. The hall was almost empty except for some students chatting. But a couple hidden by a stairing well caught my attention. The girl was in a short dress that barely covered her ass and some stilettos that should be wore in a club and not at school. The guy she was with was fairly familiar. He had a wonderful build from what I was seeing from just looking at his back. He had hair that was the color of velvet like my boyfriend.

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