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Many American 'centrist conservatives' are just anarchists without an education. They don't like government and law infringing on their liberties, and they are justified in this. This is the reason authoritarian communism has had such a hard time converting people that aren't introduced at a young enough age. Anarcho-communism, while often mocked by authoritarian communists, allows a form of connectivity with centrists, because they believe the moralities and ideals of communism and socialism, but do not believe in authoritarian, government or legal constructs to uphold them... rather, they trust in the social standards and education provided by the community, to correct the mistakes. It may be idealistic, but it is an important stone in the path to worldwide socialist education. Rather than telling libertarian-minded individuals that they will be 'gulaged' for refusing to abandon one of the only forms of liberty allowed to them in the current system, and expecting them to be educated on something we know has been misrepresented and framed as pure evil for, likely, their entire life. We need to explain that under a true communist system, we are all allotted more liberties and freedoms, not less. Appeal to their comprehension, and understand socialism and communism enough to know that this form of accelerationism is catastrophic.

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