The Heart can Hope to Beat Again

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I was floating.

Immersed in cool water. 

My arms outstretched beside me. 

Warmth was surrounding my hands and either side of my head.

Memories of my younger self past by as I watched each one. The godfather was my grandfather. The woman from my dreams playing the piano was my mother seeing her smiling face clearly and green eyes that matched mine. Her strawberry blonde hair seeing the same curls that fell down my back.

Memories upon memories crashed on my mind till one suddenly was inching by with a slowness as if I was reliving the event first hand. I could feel the wind on my face, the shyness of the conversation as my face warmed with a blush that had my cheeks hurting with how big my smile was.

"When you get home you need to touch up your hair." My granddad asked over the phone as I walked out of the airport back home in Milan.

"Yes granddad, my natural colour is barely showing." I reported in between two of my guards for protection as I walked to a black sedan.

"It's just a precaution child." He said softly as I rolled my eyes.

"Yes granddad." I sighed.

"So how was your stay with the Luciano's? How is Lawrence?" He asked brightening up almost picturing the old man with a grin.

"Granddad he has cooties!" I replied sliding into the car to see Evan, my cousin and his best friend Sebastian driving.

"Amelia there is no such thing. " He scolded as my guard closed the door, heading to the SUV that was behind us.

"Yes granddad he does! I know it for a fact because when he hugged me for the first time this trip my skin felt like it was crawling with warmth. It was so weird and awkward." I breathed dramatically as I kicked my small six year old legs in front of me. Buckling myself in as Evan nodded that I was secured turning from the curb.

"Its because you like Lawrence my child. If you didn't you wouldn't fight with him so much to find a reason just to talk to him." He patronized hearing the smile in his voice still. Well old man it's not going to work to get me to like him!

"No! He is just annoying and always has to be right about everything that I have to prove him wrong!" I said folding my arm in front of me with a pout.

"And then what happens when you can't?" I was silence because I knew what he would do. "Amelia what does he do when you can't prove him wrong." He pride as I leaned my head back knowing I was going to give him some reply or the old fart would probe more into me.

"He walks away and ignores me." I said with a little sadness.

"And how does that make you feel." I sighed knowing the answer that he was going to read more into it obviously for some reason pushing me to like the arrogant raven haired boy.

"Sad and annoyed at myself." I remarked looking out the window as the landscape passed by.

"Did you ever apologise to him for what happened and thanked him for saving you?" Referring to the last party I went to when Lawny wouldn't let me play with the boys and I had destroyed the sheds shelving and he had covered me with his body for some reason. Saving me from the gardeners tools and other sharp objects that were on it.

"No I didn't. I had planned to granddad, I really had. But he hardly even talked to me this summer. Or he would just watch me with a cold stare. He hates me now granddad! Before he was just annoyed or irritated by me but now he hates me!" I sobbed feeling horrible for him when everyone thought it was his fault until I had explained. I hadn't gotten the courage to apologize or thank him.

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