Chapter 4

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Katara POV
Sparkly sparkly boom man kept dragging me in my arm, until we came out on a boat that's when he threw me in a cage made of metal on deck.
Sparkly sparkly boom man walked into the cabin while the boat slowly floated out towards the open sea
I look around me making sure that no one is there, there isn't anyone here on deck. It's rather strange that no one is here, do they think I'm so incompetent and I can't get out of here with all this water around me ?!. katara says out loud "argh brother where are you?" As tears starts to form in her eyes.

Zuko POV
I heard combustion man come into the cabin I was in, I slowly turned around trying not to be too excited about Katara being here. Combustion man wouldn't fail the mission so I trust she is here and soon will be mine- I mean the avatar would be dead an would get my HONOR back !
Zuko :" did you complete your mission?" I had to ask even though I could guess that he had completed it or els he wouldn't be here of course. Combustion man slightly shake his head, I raised an eyebrow in a little disbelief, he actually didn't complete his task and dared to come back without her- I mean the avatar dead ??
Zuko:" did you get Katar-I mean the water bender girl?" Combustion man nodded and pointed towards the deck, ahh she probably is in the cage I made for her, hope she likes it ~ I realize that I'm smirking so I quickly clears my throat and says " and the avatar and his friends are they dead?" Combustion man shakes his head " but they are wounded so they can't come after us for a while right?" I said almost desperate because then I can be with katara for a while without having to worry about those pests. Combustion man slightly nods his head and heads out, I guess he want to leave before we get to far away from shore, he probably went out to kill the avatar. That's good with combustion man out of the way and the avatar and his friends occupied by each other then I can have some privacy with my little katara OH she's probably trying to water bend her out of the cage, I really wanna see her try *small laugh*

Katara's POV
Sparkly sparkly boom man looks a me then turns away and jumps in the water?? WAIT WHAT?? I jump to the edge of the cage and tries to look for him wanting to make sure he doesn't come back "he didn't just commit suicide right?" I said in a low voice. Then I hear a loud sound sounding like explosions towards where sparkly sparkly boom man jumped and then I saw sparkly sparkly boom man fly away towards the shore.. argh still alive huh *sighs* I should, even if I don't like that guy, try to follow his example and get away from this ship as soon as possible
* I start to waterbend* it didnt work it was as if I couldn't reach the sea even tho I could see it, it didn't make sense , I can't feel my water bending powers but I continued to try and bend.

After a little while I hear the cabin door open and a familiar face comes out, oh no it's Zuko ! He wants to kill Aang and everyone for a stupid honor he'll never get back anyway. I tried even harder to bend because I can't be stuck with him, no way, what if I lose my mind and gets to comfortable with him, that can't happen no matter what... not again *tries to waterbend again and again more aggressively than before*
Zuko looked at me and then smirked as if knowing my thoughts, I can feel myself getting into a panic and my breath gets faster and I end up losing so much focus that I completely forgets to do the water bending motions. I slowly shake and backs into a corner of the cage as he is coming closer to the cage.

Zuko POV
awww she looks so cute being scared, it almost reminds me of what happened the last time we spend some quality time together, I smiled remembering the feelings. "Katara, we meet again, I just couldn't wait to talk to you again ! " I said with a happy voice, is she happy to see me as well?

Katara POV
All of Zuko's words went through one ear and out of the other, then he suddenly threw his hands against the cage making me snap back to reality "How are you doing ? Oh not so well I suppose, I'm sure you noticed that you can't do any bending right?" He said in a slightly aggressive and arrogant voice while a smirk formed on his lips on his perfect pale face with only the scar being the perfect imperfection- I snapped out of the daze I was in, realized my thoughts and quickly brushed them away and looked away from him in embarrassment "this cage" he slowly began speaking again as if knowing that I got out a daze "it was specially designed for the avatar but I thought maybe you couldn't use it instead, you do look the most beautiful in a cage, in a cage I made for you" he raised both of his eyebrows and had a big fat grin on his face. I can feel my skin crawl and fear sinking in realizing that I won't be able to use my water bending powers in here, I need to get out here then maybe I got a chance of getting away from him. As if reading my thoughts again his face turned into a frown and he said "I'll make you OBAY ME AND YOU WILL KILL THE AVATAR YOURSELF SO STOP THINKING ANOUT GETTING AWAY, NOT IN THIS LIFE TIME" he yelled before saying "~ you're stuck with me, forever and ever" seductively. I'm doomed I thought, I'm never getting away am I? *tears starts to fall*
Zuko :"shhh, don't cry, we're gonna have lots and lots of fun!"

Heeeey guys, people, aliens and whatever we have here
See I did a srsly long chapter for y'all to enjoy
I tried a different thing today, can you guess what I did differently from the other chapters ?
Yup no emojis this time, it's still a test but what do you think? Should I use emojis or just go with normal text?
Btw I wrote this around 1 am so I'm sorry about spelling mistakes or if something doesn't makes sense
Until next time~
Over and out ✌️✌️

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