Chapter 4: Kidnapped part 2

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The bombshell blonde of team Rwby is standing triumphantly atop a tower of containers, a glib expression on her face as she prepared to flaunt her prowess. Yang leapt down to join Ryu, both turning to face the girl, staggering to her feet, her armour glowing a light blue along the linings.

[Sol] "time for round two I guess."
[Yang] "try to keep up."

Yang began by charging head first towards their opponent, engaging with her in close combat while firing of blasts from her ember celica that were barely redirected, eventually being pushed back by a side kick to the stomach.

[Sol] "any other ideas beside punching her?"
[Yang] "punch her harder!"

Running in once more, Yang throws a punch that the girl easily avoids, grabbing her left arm and flipping the blonde over her shoulder. Yang quickly counters by shifting in the air and landing on her feet before she can be thrown, landing a heavy punch to the girls stomach. Twisting her gripped arm, she's able to grab ahold of the girls arm instead, using it to anchor them both in position as she landed consecutive, explosive blows with her right arm to the girls stomach. A groaning sound can be heard echoing quietly from beneath the girls helmet, as Yang switches her positioning, dealing a backhanded strike to her face followed by one more quick shot to her stomach.

[Yang] "all yours now!"

The girl staggers backwards in Sols direction. Holding his blade to his left side, as soon as the moment presents itself, he swings diagonally, slicing through the back of her armour.

[Girl] "Gahh!"

Sparks fly from the wound and the blue light in her armour flickers lighter then duller, then a brilliant shine. The girl, practically encased in lightning, vanishes from sight, a trail of lightning all that's visible as wounds begin appearing all over Sol's body and Yangs aura begins to take constant damage.

[Yang] "wh-where is she!?"

Out of his pocket, Sol pulled a vial of earth dust that fumbled to the ground when a sharp pain crossed his wrist.

[Sol] "ack-!"

Visibly tired of the lightning clad assailant, Yang began firing off blasts in all directions, leaving accuracy to the wind, not a single blast landed. Sol scrambled down to the floor in an attempt to reach the dust vial but the loss of control in his right leg as the back of his knee received an electrically charged slice caused him to collapse to the ground, his right hand falling upon the vial. As his hand lay upon the vial, a black mist began to rise from within the palm of his hand. All of a sudden, from beneath his palm, the earth began to crack and the area quake. Containers fell from above, Yang struggled to maintain her balance but the lightning continued to streak. At this moment, a sudden realisation dawned on Sol.

[Sol] "I've got an idea! Hold on!"

Yang flailed her arms about in an attempt to regain her foothold.

[Yang] "hold onto what?!"

Focusing on his outstretched palm, still firmly planted on the ground, Sol focused all his energy into it. The black mist formed around his entire body before flowing violently towards his palm, thickening to the point that his hand was covered in a miasmic darkness. The earth around them shook evermore violently, the cracks becoming fissures, the ground rising and lowering. The lightning continued, before finally, the armoured girl is sent careening across the makeshift arena of earth and steel, barreling through rising rocks and crashing through fallen Steel, stopping when her speed died out, a large girder falling from above and almost crushing her, landing only millimetres away.

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