Chapter 7: Vytal Festival begins

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The crowd roars as team Rwby and team Abrn clash atop a field of volcanic rock and icy glaciers. Sol watches from his position in one of the entrance tunnels, praying for team Rwbys safety and swift victory.

The battle heats up as Ruby fires and swings her crescent rose at her opponent and Blake exchanges blows with Reese Chloris, her gambol shroud connecting with the girls hover board before she flips away, readies herself and charges once more. Weiss waves Myrtenaster around, a mystical sound accompanying the final swing and Yang dodges the explosion sent towards her by Arslan Atlas before firing back excitedly with her ember celica.

[Sol] "keep it up, you guys."

The sound of Port and Oobleck now echo through the speakers, only slightly louder than the roaring noise of the audience.

[Port] "Hello! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, Professor?"

After showing visible displeasure at Port calling him professor and correcting him with his title of doctor, Oobleck cheers up almost immediately and continues the commentary as if nothing happened.

[Oobleck] "Yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the four-on-four rounds so far!"

Port and Oobleck then goes on to explain the rules of the tournament to those who may have only just arrived. Detailing the round setup and how it goes from team battles, doubles then singles to end it. Eventually, the commentators attention turns once again, back to the fight at hand.

As Sol clenches his fists tightly, waiting on baited breath to see who would come out victorious, Reese and Blake are in the middle of playing a short game of tennis, using Reese's hover board as the ball. The board finds its way back to its owner just in time to deflect Blake's flurry of kicks and slashes. Reese flips back away from Blake before mounting her board and sailing towards a smirking Blake. Reese then collides with the Frozen clone of Blake, freezing her board and allowing Blake to cut it in two, only for the halves to form a pair of dual katars that in turn fold up into bayonet-bladed revolvers. Reese manages to fire off a few green rounds before her behind collides with the cold ground, prompting Blake to wince in sympathy.

Meanwhile, Yang lands mere feet away from Arslan, who backs away before being pounded by a cacophony of punches and kicks until she starts delivering her own attacks, ending with the two smashing fists and the ensuing shock wave sending them back and leaving many of the spectators with new, slicked back, hairstyles.

[Sol] "Y'know this hairstyle's not that bad."

While Sol is temporarily distracted by his new windswept look, the battle continues, with Yang reaching Arslan and attempting to throw a few more punches towards her opponent, however, Arslan manages to use her rope dart to tangle up the blonde and deliver a powerful kick, sending Yang skidding across the ground. As Yang tries to regain her footing on the slippery surface, Arslan rushes forward and knocks her back further. Nearby, Nadir Shiko tries aiming with his assault rifle in Yangs direction before a sudden burst of Icy blue explodes behind him and leaves the whimpering gunner in a block of ice up to his thighs.

[Ruby] "Got your back!"
[Bolin] "But who's got yours?"

After having defended her sister from Nadir, Ruby looks up behind her to see Bolin twirling his staff, right when a black snowflake glyph appears to his left and Weiss kicks him through a rock.

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