Chapter 1

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Yoongi knew Jimin wasn't going to be home for another few hours so he allowed himself to relax.

The thought of his stuffies and his pacifier flooded his mind. He let out a small giggle and grabbed his favorite stuffie, whose name is Cracker. He's a zebra. Cracker was his only little gear that he leaves out because its normal for people to have stuffed animals. Yoongi dragged out a baby blue box from under his bed and gently took off the lid. He didn't have much in it. Just a single white pacifier, both a sippy cup and a bottle, and a dinosaur kigurumi. He slipped on the kigurumi and popped his pacifier into his mouth.

Yoongi stared at the sippy cup and bottle, debating on which one to use. "Cracker, which one should Yoonie use?" He asked, staring down the stuffed zebra, his words slightly muffled by the pacifier inhabiting his mouth.

"The sippy cup" Yoongi lets out a small gasp.

Yoongi gives Cracker a hug. "You're a genius!" He grabbed the sippy cup, which was Kumamon themed. Yoongi jumped up off of the ground and turned around. Before he could get anywhere his phone rang. He looked at the ID before answering. "Hi Hobi!" He yells into the phone.

He can hear Hoseok laugh, "Hey bud" Yoongi giggles at the nickname and continues his adventure to the kitchen. "Is Jimin there" Yoongi sets his sippy cup on the floor and took the juice out of the fridge. "Yoongi, I asked you a question" Hoseok said in a stern voice.

"M'sorry, Jiminie not here" He said. Yoongi set the juice on the floor next to his sippy cup. He struggled to get the lid off so he could pour his juice. "Hobi you has to come over it very important!" He yelled into the phone. "Please!"

He heard Hoseok sigh slightly, "Alright I'll be over soon" In a matter of 10 minutes Hoseok was knocking on the door. Yoongi ran to the door, yanking it open. He started to drag Hoseok to the kitchen. Yoongi pointed to the sippy cup next to the juice.

"Yoonie can't get his sippy open" He pouted. Hoseok ruffled his hair and picked up both the sippy cup and the juice. He twisted the lid off without any problems and Yoongi pouted even more. Hoseok filled the sippy cup with the juice Yoongi had pulled out.

Yoongi made grabby hands at the sippy cup. "What do you say bub?" Hoseok said.

"Can I please has my sippy?" Hoseok smiled and gave it to the smaller boy. "T'ank you Hobi"

After watching countless Disney movies the little began to grow tired. "Hobi~" Yoongi said, rubbing his eyes "Yoonie tired"

Hoseok turned the TV off. "Then let's get this little Dino to bed" He said, slightly ticking yoongi. Yoongi made grabby hands at Hoseok, who almost aw'd out loud. Hoseok picked up the little, setting Yoongi on his hip. Hoseok walked into Yoongis room, tucking the smaller boy into bed.

"Can Hobi get Yoonie paci please" Yoongi asked looking up at Hoseok.

"Of course bub" Hoseok returned shortly with the white pacifier in his hand. "Say 'ah'" Yoongi opened his mouth and mocked the 'ah' sound Hoseok had made the moment before. As soon as the pacifier was popped into his mouth, Yoongi snuggled into the blankets. "I'm gonna head home okay bub? Have a good nap" Hoseok planted a soft kiss the the little's forehead and headed for the door.

"Ni'ni' Hobi" Yoongi said, drifting off into sleep.

This sucked
The next chapter will be better, hopefully

See you next chappy bebs 💕

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