Chapter 8

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Yoongi was showing off his gummy smile the whole ride home. It was a bit odd for Jimin to see it for so long, as it never lasted more than a single minute. He wasn't complaining, of course not. Seeing Yoongi this happy was amazing. When the duo parked in the parking lot of their apartment complex Yoongi went running up to the building. When Jimin got up to their apartment, Yoongi was bouncing in place. "C'mon c'mon hurry up!" Jimin laughed and unlocked the door. Yoongi ran to his room and came bounding out with his arms full of paper. He repeated the action until he had all of his coloring supplies. "I need rules" He yelled.

Jimin gave him a look, "No yelling or running in the house" Yoongi grabbed a marker to write it but stopped and handed the paper and marker to Jimin. Jimin chuckled and wrote down the rule. "Okay what else," Jimin said, thinking aloud. "Bedtime is at 11" Yoongi pouted.

"But big boys don't have bedtimes," Yoongi said "they also eat all~ the candy"

"Well you're not a big boy are you" Jimin looked over at Yoongi who looked offended, "You're my little boy, aren't you" Yoongi shook his head.

"I'm a big boy" He pouted once again.

"Well big boys don't need rules or naps or cute suffi-"

"I'm not a big boy I'm sorry," Yoongi said, flinging himself onto Jimin. "Can we finish please?" Jimin nodded his head and the duo continued coming up with rules, rewards, and punishments.

"Alright can you get off my lap now, sweetie," Jimin asked. Yoongi shook his head.

"Wanna cuddle" Jimin stood up, holding onto Yoongi, as he walked to the smaller boys bedroom to grab his stuffie and paci. Yoongi let go of Jimin and walked to his closet to get clothes. "Out please," Yoongi said in a small voice. Jimin placed a kiss to his forehead and brought the items to the living room with him. When Yoongi was done he ran into the living room and jumped onto the couch.

"No running or jumping on the furniture," Jimin said "Looking for a punishment already?" Yoongi violently shook his head and cuddled into Jimin's side. Jimin pressed the white paci to Yoongi's lips.

"T'ank you," Yoongi said, smiling behind his paci. "Can we put the stuffs on the fridge, please" Jimin nodded his head and stood up. Yoongi made grabby hands towards the taller boy and he gladly picked him up. The duo walked to the kitchen and Jimin used magnets to hang their rules on the fridge. "I gotta do somefin" Yoongi said wiggling around in Jimin's arms. Jimin let the boy go and watched him run off. Yoongi ran to his room and grabbed his phone. It took him a couple of minutes, but he figured it out. He heard the phone ring and when Hoseok picked up Yoongi screamed, "Hobi Hobi Hobi Hobi Hobi Hobi-"

"What do you need bub" Yoongi could hear the smile in Hoseok's voice.

"I gots a daddy!" Everyone in the apartment complex could probably hear the small boy. "It's Jiminie" He giggled.

"Oh wow! That's so cool!" Hoseok said. "Can I talk to Jiminie?" Yoongi hummed in agreement and ran into the kitchen where Jimin was. Yoongi shoved the phone in Jimin's hand and ran back to his room.

"Yoongi, no running in the house!" Jimin called after Yoongi. After hearing a 'sorry' in response, Jimin turned to the phone. "What's up?"

"If you hurt Yoongi in any way I'll rip your dick off and shove it down your throat"

"Well hello to you too," Jimin said laughing. "But I don't plan on it" Jimin heard a crash from the hallway. "One second" Jimin set the phone on the coffee table and jogged into the hallway. Yoongi layed there holding his arm. "What happened, baby? Are you okay?" Yoongi just continued to cry, not answering any of Jimin's questions. Jimin picked Yoongi up and brought him to the bathroom and set him on the edge of the tub. "Can I see?" Jimin gestured to the arm that Yoongi was holding to himself. He slowly released his arm and showed Jimin. There was a cut, it wasn't deep or big, thank god. Jimin walked to the cabinet and got out the peroxide and bandages. They had childrens bandages from when Jimin's cousin stayed and refused to use 'Grown-up band-aids'.

When Yoongi saw the peroxide he panicked. "NO! It's gonna hurt!" He yelled.

Jimin sighed and set the peroxide down. He crouched in front of Yoongi and held his hands. "It's okay, it will only hurt for a little bit. If you don't you'll get icky monsters"

Yoongi looks up at Jimin. "Icky monsters?"

Jimin nodded. "When you get hurt like this and you don't clean it, icky monsters get to you. You get really sick. What would I do if my little prince got sick! It would be the end of me!" Jimin dramatically flung himself back onto the floor.

"You gotta clean it then!" Jimin sat up and grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned the cut. He kissed where he placed the bandage.

"All better! You were so brave, baby" Jimin picked Yoongi up and brought him to the living room. "I'm so proud of you" Jimin picked up the phone and saw that Hoseok hung up. "Do you want to watch a movie before bed?" Yoongi shook his head.

"'M sleepy" Jimin nodded and brought Yoongi to his room, picking out some night clothes. Yoongi got dress and Jimin did the same. He turned the nightlight on and the light off and walked over to the bed.

"Do you want me to stay or go?"

"Stay please," Yoongi had grabbed his paci and popped it in, so his words were muffled. "Ni'ni' daddy"

"Goodnight baby"

She out


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