Chapter 7

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When Jimin woke up, Yoongi was no longer in his arms. He checked in the bathroom and the boys' room, nothing. He walked into the kitchen to see Yoongi standing on the edge of a chair, trying to get something to eat. "Woah woah woah, be careful!" Jimin said running over, holding onto Yoongi's waist. He picked Jimin up and set him on the ground, "You could've fallen and hurt yourself!" Jimin said while putting the chair back. Yoongi looked down and fiddled with the edge of his sweater. "Why didn't you get me"? He said softly.

"B-because Jiminie was sleeping, a-an didn't wanna b-bother you" Yoongi stuttered. Jimin picked the smaller boy up again and set him on the chair.

"Yoongi, look at me," Said boy slowly looked up at Jimin with guilt filled eyes. "Whenever you anything, at all. I want you to come get me, even if I'm sleeping. Okay, sweetheart?" Yoongi nodded his head.

"B-but what if it a surprise?" He said, "Does I have to get you then?" Jimin smiled.

"I guess not then," He said, "Now what do you want to eat?" Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"S'why I was lookin" He said. Jimin looked through the fridge, then the freezer and pantry.

"How about we go out to eat, huh?" Yoongi looked up with excitement filled eyes.

"Really?!" Chuckling, Jimin nodded. "Does I gotta be big?" Yoongi looked down.

Jimin squatted in front of Yoongi, "Only if you want, okay sweetheart?" Yoongi nodded his head. "Now let's go get you dressed so we can fill the lil' tummy of yours," Jimin said, ticking the little. Yoongi giggled, squirming away from Jimin's hands. Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and led him to the boys' room. "What do you want to wear?" Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, pouting. Jimin picked out some jeans and a sweatshirt. "I'll wait outside again okay?"

Yoongi nodded his head and slipped the jeans on after Jimin walked into the hallway. Yoongi looked at the sweatshirt for a second before darting out of his room, into Jimin's. He ran over to the closet and grabbed a random hoodie, slipping it on. "Soft" He whispered. He looked at Jimin, who was standing in the doorway. He raised his arms, the sleeves of the hoodie hanging off his hand, and waved them around. Giggling, he watched the sleeves flop around.

"Alright you little thief, let me get dressed," Yoongi shook his head and flopped onto the bed, watching Jimin. "Okay, suit yourself" Jimin slipped his shirt off, showing his toned chest. Yoongi squeaked and hid his face in his hands. "I'm done," Jimin said, laughing. Yoongi uncovered his face and looked up at Jimin, who was wearing black jeans, some white t-shirt, and timbs.

"Let's go~," Yoongi said, tugging Jimin through the house. He opened the door and ran into the apartment hallway.

"Yoongi! Get back here," Jimin yelled. Yoongi stopped dead in his tracks. He slowly walked back into the apartment. "You need your shoes sweety" Yoongi blushed at the new pet name, but kept his head low. Yoongi put his shoes on.

"C-can Jiminie tie for me?" Yoongi asked. Jimin smiled and crouched so he could tie the little's shoelace. Finished, Jimin pinched Yoongi's side. Yoongi giggled and shied away from Jimin's hands.

"Let's go," Jimin said standing up and grabbing Yoongi's hand. Yoongi dropped Jimin's hand and ran to the car, opening the door and jumping in. He buckled his seatbelt and waited for Jimin to get to the car. "Good job" Jimin praised, ruffling Yoongi's hair.

Yoongi whined, "Stop~" Jimin laughed and started the car. "Where we going?" Yoongi asked. Jimin shrugged his shoulders. "Can we go to McDonal's"

Jimin made a turn onto the main road, where many fast food places resigned. "Of course, let's go sweetheart" Jimin turned into the McDonald's parking lot and Yoongi wiggled in his seat. "Wait for me" Jimin called to Yoongi as he jumped out of the car as soon as it was parked. Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him inside of the building. "Alright what do you want?"

"Um, can I have fries," Yoongi asked, still gazing at the menu, "And coffee!"

"You will most definitely not be having coffee," Jimin said. Yoongi pouted and asked for a milkshake instead. Jimin ordered for the both of them and they waited for their food. "Go find us a table, yeah?" Yoongi nodded his head and ran off into where the tables are. He jumped into a booth and waited for Jimin. When he spotted Jimin he called his name.

Yoongi slightly wiggled in his seat as Jimin walked to the booth with their food. Yoongi grabbed his food and popped the lid off of his milkshake, dunking a fry into it. "Gross" Jimin mumbled.

"S'not gross, have you ever eated it?" Jimin shook his head. Yoongi took a fry and dunked it again, shoving it in Jimin's face. "Eat it" Jimin looked at the shake covered fry and slowly opened his mouth.

"It's not that bad" He mumbled. Yoongi giggled and continued eating his fries. "Hey, Yoongi?" Yoongi looked up, his face covered in his drink. Jimin shook his head and grabbed some napkins, cleaning the boy's face to the best of his ability. "How would you feel if I was your caregiver," Jimin asked, a bit awkwardly, not knowing how to word his sentence correctly.

"Jiminie wanna be my caregiver?" Yoongi asked. Jimin nodded his head and Yoongi smiled. "Do I get rules and punishments and rewards and a sticker chart, can I please have a sticker chart please~~" Jimin laughed and nodded his head. Yoongi flung himself at Jimin, giving him a hug. "Can I call you daddy too?" He asked in a small voice.

"Whatever you want baby," Jimin said smiling, hugging the smaller boy back.

Y'all it finally happened 

Prepare for tooth-rotting fluff ahead

See you next chappy bebs


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