Chapter 3

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When Yoongi heard the door open and slam shut he excused himself from the tea party Taehyung made him participate in. He ran down the stairs to see Hoseok setting a bookbag on the table. "Hobi!" He yelled and ran to the bag. He grabbed his paci and Cracker out of it and plopped onto the ground. He curled up in a fetal position and started drifting to sleep.

"C'mon bub let's get you to a bed, yeah?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi gave a small nod and made grabby hands towards Hoseok. Hoseok shook his head at the smaller boy, picking him up.

"Daddy, why is you holding Yoonie?" Taehyung asked quietly.

"Yoonie is taking a nap. Do you want one too, baby?" Taehyung nodded and walked up the stairs to his bedroom. Hoseok walked to the guest room and set yoongi on the bed and tucked him in. Yoongi snuggled into the blankets with a content sigh. Hoseok placed a kiss to his forehead and left to Taehyung.

When Yoongi awoke he looked around for Cracker, who he found on the floor. "I'm sorry" He whispered around the pacifier. He went downstairs to look for Hoseok, who was nowhere to be found. He went into Taehyung's room to see the two sleeping, Taehyung on Hoseok's chest. Yoongi pouted and decided to get food himself. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed cookies from the pantry. Yoongi giggled as he sat on the livingroom floor munching on them.

Yoongi had already ate almost half of the cookies when he heard a knock on the door. Yoongi gasped and ran over to the door. He opened it just a bit, only his eyes visible. Standing there with a store bag, was Jimin. Yoongi squeaked and ran into the house, not bothering to shut the door. Jimin chuckled and walked into the house. "Hoseok?" He called out.

"Hobi's sleeping" Yoongi said from the hallway. Jimin could see part of him from around the wall bend. "Taetae too"

"I have something for you. Hoseok said you only have one plushie so," Jimin said awkwardly and held out the bag. Yongi eyed the bad.


The simple questions caught Jimin off guard. "Because I was a dick" Jimin heard Yoongi gasp. Suddenly Yoongi bolted and grabbed Jimin's arm, dragging him to the unknown.

"Jiminie say a bad word so he gotta sit in the time out chair" Yoongi said as he pushed Jimin in a small pink chair in the corner of the living room. "You gotta stay in there for 6 days! Because you was a meanie to Yoonie and said bad words" He said with a nod, taking the bag out of Jimin's hand. Jimin spotted the white pacifier he found on Yoongi's bed, next to an open pack of cookies. Jimin instinctively got up to clean up the mess Yoongi made. "You gotta stay in the chair" Yoongi basically screamed. Jimin rolled his eyes and sat back in the chair. Yoongi still hadn't took the new stuffie out of the bag, he threw it on the opposite side of it. Jimin was surprised Yoongi had gotten over him basically insulting his lifestyle that quickly.

"Yoongi why are you scr-"Hoseok cut himself off when he saw Jimin sitting in the time out chair. "Why the fuck are you here right now, I said to wait a few days. Dumbass" Yoongi gasped and ran into the kitchen, grabbing a chair. He struggled with bringing it to the living room but after a few minutes there was another chair next the the plastic pink one.

"Sit down" Yoongi said and pointed to the chair. Hoseok raised an eyebrow. "Hobi said TWO bad words. You gotta sit in the time out chair. For five days"

"Woah! Five whole days? Do I get food" Hoseok said sitting in the chair. Yoongi shook his head. "But I'll die!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Nuh-uh" Yoongi said. Hoseok retaliated with a 'yes-huh' and it went back and forth for around five minutes.

"Daddy?" The three heard Taehyung say, rubbing his eyes. Hoseok stood up to get him but Yoongi yelled to stay in the chair. Taehyung walked over to the three and panicked when he saw Jimin. Tears gathered into his eyes. Hoseok pulled Taehyung into his lap trying to get him to calm down. Hoseok stood up and gave Yoongi a stern look when he opened his mouth to yell at him to 'stay in the chair'.

"Sorry, Hobi" Yoongi muttered, which surprised Jimin. Yoongi never did anything anyone told him.

"Jimin clean that up for me, and Yoongi you get the time out chair for 10 minutes for eating junk food before dinner" Yoongi muttered a small 'okay' before sitting in the plastic chair Jimin was previously. Jimin cleaned up the living room in a few minutes. Jimin heard Yoongi sniff and ran over to him.

"Yoongi are you okay?" Jimin asked. Yoongi just looked at him, he had tears in his eyes, before looking back into the corner. "Yoongi don't ignore me" He said.

"Not allowed to talk in the timeout chair" Yoongi muttered, wiping his eyes. Jimin nodded and walked upstairs to see if Taehyung was okay.

Yoongi sat there regretting his decision to get his own food. Nobody came to get him out of the chair so he continued to sit there, silently crying. It had been over 30 minutes and nobody was there. Hoseok came downstairs holding Taehyung on his hip, with Jimin not far behind. Hoseok thought Yoongi was over-reacting until he looked at the time. "I'm so sorry bub you can get out" Yoongi sniffed and ran over to his paci and Cracker. "Do you want to introduce Cracker to Jiminie, bub?" Yoongi shook his head.

"Jiminie is a meanie-head" Yoongi said around the pacifier "And he called Yoonie sick, Yoonie not sick right Hobi, because then Yoonie has to stay in bed and I no want to stay in bed because I want to play and Yoonie can't do that if he sick. But when Yoonie sick he gets lots of soup." Yoongi looked up at Hoseok. "I like soup. Can I have soup, please"

"Of course I'll go make it." Hoseok set Taehyung down. "Play with Yoongi okay baby?" Taehyung nodded and crawled over to where Yoongi was. Hoseok motioned Jimin to follow him into the kitchen.

"Is he always like that?" Jimin asked. "Rambling all the time, I mean" Hoseok nodded his head and started cooking some canned soup because he's lazy.

 I'm so bad at endings wtf

also, i wrote this in language arts again lmao

okay question

do you like how long these chapters are or would you like for them to be longer?

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