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I was only 17 when I met Terrika I was six foot something and she was five foot something  and really pretty.

She was short compared to me had light brown skin,really smooth, her hair was as curly as sheep's wool yet long and flowing,black and elegant.

She was short compared to me had light brown skin,really smooth, her hair was as curly as sheep's wool yet long and flowing,black and elegant

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It was a Saturday I followed my friend Tev  to meet his girlfriend in town.

"Jake when is Chelsea football club next match day again",Tev asked me. "I don't know man I don't watch that shit", I said arrogantly.

"But its my favorite team"

"Ion care bro and what the fuck is taking your girlfriend so long"

"I'll call her"

Tev called Terrika on her phone,they had a really long conversation,I felt weird being a third wheel,it was really annoying. I stood there scratching my head from the awkward moment of them giggling to each other and I was forced to endure it all.

"She says she is right in front of us",he said happily. "Well  ion see her bro", I replied feeling impatient.

I saw a girl walking towards me she was in  blue blouse and tight jeans, short and really cute but her facial expression signalled death and hatred, there's no way Tev couldn't date this girl it cant be her.

Tev's face lit up at the sight of her and his mouth opened wide;"please tell me your gonna cough"I thought to my self.

"Hey hun",he said with a,smile reaching the back of his head.

I face palmed myself and took a deep breath as I watched him hug her and even then the look of death never left her face.

"Hey I'm Jake",I said nervously. She stared at me coldly and didn't even reply she told Tev she'll be back in a few  and left without any other explanations.

"ARE YOU MAD BRO", I shouted angrily. "What isn't she nice",he said confused.

"Bruh she looks like she just escaped prison,lets get outta here before she comes back"

"No bro I'm staying with or without you"

"Are you insane I said hey an she gave me a look man....A LOOK who does that bro!!!"

"Jake relax calm breathe"

"I'm getting outta before I end up on a missing poster because she gonna kidnap and eat us couldn't you see the evil man"

"Jake stop thats my girlfriend"

I was about to haul Tev by his shirt to leave when she showed up and looked at me.  I was sweating at thought of if she was gonna kill me. She gave me a wallet and said,"jake right,I borrowed this"."wait is that my ..wallet", I asked as I searched my pockets.

I took my wallet an left no questions asked. I hadn't seen Tev for the whole day. "No doubt she fed him to her starving pitbulls I bet", I said snickering.

It was 11:pm when I got a phone call from a private number, I answered in curiosity and suspicion."Hello",I said in a deep manly voice to hide my normal wuss voice. "Hey,umm are you busy?" ,a girl said in a the cutest voice I ever heard.

"Uhh no,who is this" I said normally


"Terrika who?"

"Tev Terrika dumb ass"

"Oh you" I said reluctantly

"why you calling tev wanna group call again?"


"Every night with this guy"

"I know right", she said giggling

I hung up the phone as I wanted no part of that group call.

The next night Tev showed up at my house demanding my phone.
"Please lend me I need it to text terrika",he pleaded."no",I said assertively.

I called texted terrika later telling her that tev needs her to comfort him,but as a joke. Later I was at the local store buying something when slapped me in the head. I turned to say showan,a friend of mine who's very playful but to my surprise it was terrika with that same cold stare.

She said nothing but I knew she wanted me to bring her to tev's home. It was  long walk from where I was to his home so I decided to make conversation.

"So uhh terrika hows the weather",I said awkwardly.
She said nothing  just kept that same blank cold stare she wasn't even blinking I mean who does that.

"You know a smile would really bring out that pretty face  you have I for one would love to see it", I said calmly. Her eyes went wide for a brief moment and her facial expressions went from cold to almost cracking a smile then went back to cold in an instant.

She clenched her fist and gave me a hard punch on the shoulder. I took a deep breath to hold back the scream I wanted to so badly unleash.

"What are you hulk", I said groaning. She burst out in a sudden laugh although she used her hands to hide her mouth.

Finally we reached Tev's house. I showed her to the door and knocked. Tev answered soon after and saw terrika, I told he can thank me later he pulled her inside but she stopped to close the door.

As the door was closing she kept the blank stare on me, yet as soon as the door reached its closing time to where the door is barely open I saw it but barely a smile, an honest sincere smile.

I really gotta ask though is she toying with me?????

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