second encounter

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It was around 8:00am I was heading to school,Cornwall College, despite the name its a high school. It was located across the street from mount alvernia high school for girls,yeah you guessed it my school is an all guy school.

I walked through the school in a hurry only to be stopped by a teacher,"Jake I need you to go over to Alvernia for student exchange"."huh why me",I asked.

"Bad timing if it was another student from your class I'd stop them too now go on"

"Damn it fine"

I turned around and walked away and headed to alvernia the security asked my name and I told her ;she directed me to my class.

I walked in to hear a ton of noise but as soon as my presence was noticed the place went silent.

The teacher called me up to the board."son introduce yourself"."I'm Jake",I said.

I waved and all the girls smiled at me except one girl sitting way in the back. I tried to get a decent look but I couldn't make out the face. I took a seat at the front and sat quietly.

"Time for your speeches",the teacher said."sash Wilson".

"I didn't do it",a girl shouted.


"At the bathroom",another girl shouted.

"Terrika barnes"

"Present I'm here and I'm coming",another girl said.

I sat waiting to see who would show up because the voice sounds strangely familiar. A girl walked passed me smelling like roses and vanilla.

Her back was turned to the classroom I couldn't see her face. I waited in anticipation to see her face. She turned around slowly,her face was halfway around and I realized.

"Wait a minute,that face where have I seen it",I questioned myself."shit terrika".

I stood up and shouted to the teacher,"can I be in another class!"

"Why?",the teacher asked.

"Uhh the class room is square and not circle"

"But they are all square"

"Damn it", I whispered.

I left and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I kept wondering what are the odds? The floor was really slippery someone could get hurt.

I stood there staring at my self in the mirror when someone walked in and slipped. I used my fast reflexes to catch her before she fell.

"Are you okay",I asked

"Yes I am thanks", she said smiling.

I hugged her for no reason just happy she wasn't hurt I don't even know her but I guess its just the gentleman in me.

I was too far gone to notice her face too much. She brushed her self off and looked at me.

Her smiled turned to that cold stare no one could forget. Yup terrika.

"Uhh hey terrika what are you doing here", I asked nervously.

"This is the girls bathroom",she said.

After realizing this was an all girls school I dashed out of the bathroom and went back to class.

Things were quiet for a while then the teacher shouted,"role play! And now that a boy is here we can do a romance scene"

"Huh,wait what",I stuttered.

"Terrika our leading lady you will be the wife of Jake",the teacher said.

"Woah woah woah woah what", I said in disagreement.

The teacher signalled me to shh and gave me a script and five minutes later we started. I was up at the board aka the stage face to face with the demon,terrika,the cold heartless look still wouldn't even leave her face for a second,it was creeping me out.

I decided the faster I do it the faster I do it the faster I finish. So I decided to do it and do it well.

"Ready begin", the teacher said.

"My love I know this is hard but we must move on",I said dramatically.

"Please no",terrika said in a heart felt way.

We had a back forth conversation about love and life.

We came upon the end of the role play,I felt so much joy to leave the awkward situation when the teacher said."now kissing scene"

"Wait what", I asked in shock.

I saw terrika looking at me the cold stare went away and a faint smile arose. I puzzled myself wondering if she actually wants to kiss me.

I walked towards her slowly shaking like a leaf. It was a supposed to be a small kiss on the lips.

Finally we were face to face,she put her hands around my neck and pulled me in close.

Our lips touched,her lips were as soft rose petals. It has been about five seconds I thought she was gonna stop but her hands were locked around my neck.

I was enjoying the kiss, I could tell she was too her eyes were closed. I felt something else on my lip slowly making its way into my mouth;her tongue.

I was wondering if I should go French or naah but the mouth decided to move before i decided to make a choice.

Before I knew it our tongues were dancing am elegant dance of ballet.

My mind faded away,my hands slowly went around her hips as I started to forget reality.

Suddenly I felt a sharp sting on my lip, my eyes lit up as I pushed her away. I looked to the ground and saw blood,my mouth was bleeding.

I was rushed to the nurse where I received treatment. I wondered to my self. Did she bite me,but why, didn't she enjoy it, I mean she made all the moves, maybe she realized her bf is my best friend.

The weird thing is tho she didn't visit me at the nurses office to apologize.

I really must ask is she toying with me?

SHE'S TOYING WITH ME!Where stories live. Discover now