break up/get together

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After that beach thing I'm really tired of terrika and her slackness. I'm walking down the street heading to tev's place to chill and get the fifty bucks he owes me.

I haven't even reached the gate when i heard someone call my name.

"Jake!!!!",tev shouted.

"Uhh sup", I said.

He ran to me looking pissed. I clenched my fist preparing for an attack thinking he found about the kisses.

He stopped right in front of me shouting," I broke up with terrika"


"You were right she's terrible"

"I told you  plus she kissed me twice while with you"

"Wait what?"



"Nothing tev I'm just kidding"


I changed the topic to hide what my blabbering mouth said. I told him imma go get some food I'll be right back.

I went in town about ten minutes later because I needed some peace.

I was walking and texting on my phone not looking where I was going. When I bumped into someone by accident."I'm sorry",I said.

The person grabbed my arm tightly, I shrugged them off and kept walking. I felt the arm again, and I shrugged them off again. The person grabbed me again.

"What the fuck is with-", I couldn't finish because I was surprised as to who I saw."terrika why".

"Come on"

"No leave me alone"

"Heh heh maybe I didn't make myself clear I said lets go"

"terrika you dont scare me.....anymore"

"Just come with me please"


She held my hands and pulled me all the way to a park. There was a picnic setting already there.

"Huh",I said in confusion.

"I set this out for us",she said

"Yeah cuz I'm stupid,whats up", I asked her.

"The guy I left tev for didn't bother to show up after I texted him 13 times".

"What that guy should be killed(even tho I can see why he didn't she up) he is an  abomination".

Terrika was laughing for some reason and pointing at me."should he be bathed dog shit",she asked while still laughing.

"Hell turn him into dog shit and feed him to other dogs",I complained.

"Jake",she said

"Wait I'm not done",I said.

"The guy is you jake".

"As I was saying ,wait what".

I stood there thinking she's mad she didn't text me. I took my phone out to prove she didn't text me,Then I realized my data was off. I took a deep breath then turned my data on.

Instantly all thirteen messages came popping from whatsapp.

"Goddamn it!"

"When I saw you in town I thought you were coming and saw the messages but when you were surprised by me I realized you didn't see it".

I decided to just role with the punches. It was 8 hours of awkwardness. Now its ten at night.

"Hey uhh look at the time yuh know we gotta go", I said in an attempt to end it.

"Umm yeah sure",she said.

We were walking and she was in front of me she was in tight blue jeans and a light,tight pink blouse.

I kept staring at her firm ass looking so sexy as it  bounced with every step she took.

I bit my thumb to use as a means of distraction.  she suddenly stopped to bend over and tie her shoes. I was too close to stop in time. My crotch connected with her ass and my hand reflexes held her waist.

"Uhhhhh...ummmmm...uhhh that was totally unintentional", I said awkwardly.

She got up and turned around and looked at me. She then pointed at my dick. I looked down an saw why she was pointing. My dick was attacking my zipper.

"Oh my god she felt it",I thought while clenching my teeth.

She walked me back to my taxi stand.(ik it should be the other way around)

She got in too for some reason.

"Wait what are you doing" I asked.

"I want you jake",she said while placing her hands on my thigh.

She leaned on me and hugged me tightly.

"HA boy it's going down tonight",said the driver.

I'm freaking out I'm still wondering is she toying with me!.

SHE'S TOYING WITH ME!Where stories live. Discover now