arrest on jake

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I went back to my home mad as fuck and just wanted to rest,when I heard police sirens at my gate.

"The fuck",I said as I looked through my window."shit the bitch must have filed a report".

I ran through my back door in an attempt to escape the cops, as soon as I dashed through the backdoor I was greeted by the nozzle of an m16 assault rifle.

I quickly fell to my knees shouting"I didn't do it I was framed"

"For what crime",a policeman asked.

"I was the one who fucked your wife",I said snickering.

"Hmph wise guy huh you are under arrest for the stabbing and shooting of terrika barnes an ginger suckington."

"Wait what...WHAT...ARE. YOU FUCKIN SERIOUS."I shouted in anger.

He handcuffed me and put me into his jeep and hauled me off to jail. The floor was cold,my cell mates kept eyeing me like fresh meat.

I spent a week in jail,my parents would bring me food everyday and clean clothes,I still wondered how could they have known about the stab and shooting.

Finally court morning came I brought to court in chains and shackles like a slave.

"All rise,defendant jake cooper against mrs terrika barnes" said the judge.


"Oh my such violence my fragile little heart cant take it",she said acting all dainty.

The judge asked terrika to tell her side of what happened as she approached the stand.

"You see judge I was simply donating my life savings to the  charity  of homeless,homeless people,when he stopped me declaring money,I refused and he got angry and knocked me unconscious and defiled my fragile body",she said.


"Order in the court",said the judge.

"After I came to aka woke up your honor I called my friend and told her where I was and what happened while jake was absent and she came into his home to save me when he shot her four times and stabbed me because the gun  jammed after shooting her. I'm sorry for the tears your honor its a painful moment to relive." She said crying fake tears.

I took deep breaths coming to the realization that terrika is a cruel heartless beast who deserves to die.

"Terrika I swear I will murder you,you'll die by my hands. I said.

Terrika and her statement won over the jury,I was found guilty and sentenced to twenty years in prison and bail set at 5 million dollars.

I was shocked to know that terrika was capable of something like this and knowing I did nothing to her in the first place which made it worse,I'll slaughter her,I'll skin her alive and dip her in molten lava.

I arrived at prison a week later to serve  out my sentence,the horrors I endured in there were unspeakable,food taste like ass cheeks men looking like something from a gay horror movie,no Wi-Fi for prisoners.

It didn't matter to me,nothing would stop me from murdering that lying bitch if it's the last thing I do.

Ten years of my sentence passed and I got a chance for parole. I took it and promised to live out my life as a normal person in society.

"So great to be back on the outside oh my goodness",I said.

I went home and got settled in again,my parents through me a  welcome home party.

Everyone was there all my friends and neighbors we drank beer all night I got drunk,too drunk. This girl kept throwing herself at me so I decided why not I'll fuck her.

We went up to my room and I blacked out.

"Uggh my head what the fuck happened",I groaned.

"Morning babe",said a girl.

"Who the fuck are you",I asked.

"We had sex last night"

"Huh no no Come out from under the sheet",I said as I moved the sheets from her over her.

"Hi",she said nervously.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrr you! Terrika! I am going to kill you!"I said angrily.

I grabbed her by the head and slammed it in the wall.

"YOU GOT ME SENT TO PRISON!",I said as I repeatedly smashed her head against a wall.

I threw her through my window which was up on the second story. She screamed as she went through,she landed in the pool which was now red from the blood from her bleeding head.

It wasn't long before police came and hauled me back to prison. terrika pressed charges and added another ten years to my sentence. Its been a month since that incident.

I was in prison sleeping when I got a call from a guard."you have a visitor"

I walked to the place with the phone and glass and saw,it was my mother.

"Hey mom"

"My son are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm good"

"Terrika is pregnant with your child"

"Wait what how do you know"

"The signs are there plus she's been in hospital since you bashed her so she couldn't have been having sex with anyone else"

"My first born is in the hands of that wretched bitch"

"I'll keep an eye out for it and I'll bring the baby by once its born"

She got up and walked out. A year has,passed since that visit then guard calls,me a again says it another visitor. It was terrika.

"Hey jake",she said.

"You have my child in you for its sake I'll forgive what you did"

"I never wanted a baby and I still dont want one"

"Fine give the baby to my mother when it's born"

"Jake the baby has already been born he's around 4 months and you'll never see him,ever,you'll rot in here."


She got up and left.

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