devene the aunt

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It's Saturday around mid day and I'm sweating like a pig, I hear my phone ring with my migos Versace ring tone."hello",I amswered."bro I'm going out with terrika again you coming",tev told me.

"Uuuuhhhhh,you know its getting dark in a few minutes I dont think I should"

"Dude it's 12:pm"

"Fine",I sighed.

I took a shower and got dressed and all that was on my mind is terrika and if she told tev what happened.

Me an tev went in town together to wait on terrika at the local library. We  were there a couple minutes then she showed up and gave tev a hug. The awkward in me built up to dangerous levels but terrika looked so calm.

She didn't even look at me she ignored me completely."ahem",I said to get her attention.

But she pretended I wasn't  even there.
"Uhh tev imma go man see ya",I told tev."no no no",he said while holding my arm.

"Let go of me man"

"Don't leave I have a surprise"


"Since you don't like third wheel thing I had terrika bring her aunt"

Another girl walked up and stood beside she was short,really light skinned,had coolie hair, and had a smile like diamonds."ok where is she,is she this girls mom"I asked.

Tev and terrika were snickering at me."whats so funny"I asked in confusion."is she this girls mom or not".

"Idiot this is her aunt",tev said while still snickering.

"Stop playing she's clearly like what 15 and terrika is 17",I uttered.

"I am her aunt and my name is Devene",she said.

I didn't even ask any further questions at that point I gave up on all logic.
We went to the beach to swim. I am filled with pride so I swim fully clothed.

I was in the water floating when Devene came over and asked me to help her float. I agreed.

"Ok lay on your back and just breathe", I said calmly

"Heh heh ok",she chuckled.

"Ok good imma remove my hands"


I removed my hands and instantly she sank. She jumped up and with her was her voice,a shriek the could be heard by a deaf person. Before I knew it she was holding me tightly and her legs wrapped around my waist.

"Dont worry I got you",I said as I tried to comfort her

She nodded at me but still refused to let go so I hugged her as for extra support. Her grip wasn't as tight but she still clang to me. I stroked her hair and kissed her on her forehead.

"I have a bf",she said.

"That's cool but I just thought you needed a husband"I answered like a boss.

She smiled and stared at me. I boosted her up closer to my face,she was so close I could feel her breathing on me. I went in for a kiss. I knew she was up for it her eyes were closed and lips all puckered up.

"Devene come here a minute!",shouted terrika from the shore.

She opened her eyes and said,"sorry I gotta go to her".

I was left there hanging in water kiss less. Looked over at terrika like REALLY BITCH.

she was smiling at me,smiling like she purposely called Devene at the last minute.

I got out of the water to go get something to drink and return to ease my mind. I went to the local vendor and ordered an icool drink and paid for it. The vendor was picking out the flavor I asked for which was apparently at the bottom.

Suddenly tev ran over to where I was and pulled me away.

"Terrika is drowning!",he shouted in his tear filled eyes.

"So",I asked calmly

"YOU KNOW CPR AND YOU CAN SWIM!", he screamed.

I stood there mourning the loss of my icool and the hundred dollars I wasted to pay for it. Tev kept yelling so much it got annoying so decided to help.

I sprinted to action and dove in the water and swam with all my might. I saw her like way out pass the sea marker line. I swam towards her in a haste.

I reached before she sank and wouldn't come back up she was screaming really loudly and kicking,I couldn't get a grip on her at this rate she'll drown me too.

I made a decision fast. I slapped her across the face eight times and each slap sounded loud and sounded like a spank on the ass. Huh maybe that's she's always talking shit heh heh.

She stopped moving and I brought her to shore.
"How did you reach out there I left you on the sand", I asked.

"She wanted to swim and float and she was doing it in your style of swimming",tev said.

"My style you mean she went out because she wanted to be like me",I asked.

"Man she wouldn't even look at me today,now she wanna swim like me",I thought to my self.

I just got up and,left to go get something to eat at  restaurant, a box lunch. On my way back I saw terrika walking towards me with an angry look on her face.

"Jesus what now", i asked in frustration.

She just came right up to me and kissed me on the lips for about ten seconds then Said thanks under her breath and walked away.

Someone tapped me on my shoulder, it was Devene with a tear filled left eye,she threw ice water in my face and walked away.

"I'M SO CONFUSED!", I shouted."why only the left eye??"

And terrika kissing me again ugggh I really gotta know.

Is she toying with me??????

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