New girl/stabbed

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I'm still baffled by what's wrong with terrika she just hates me all of a sudden.

I managed to make my way over to the fridge despite my cramped groin.

"Thanks terrika for fucking up my groin with that tight as fuck pussy",I said sarcastically to my self.

I made a sandwich,which was really satisfying, I then made way to the bathroom took a shower and got ready to start my day.

As opened my front door I checked my phone to see the time it was 11:00 and to my surprise someone was there,apparently waiting on me.

"Uuhh hey",I asked.

"Hey jake,"she said while walking into my home uninvited.

"Well come on in its not like I live here you know", I said sarcastically.

"Jake I want u to fuck me",she demanded.

"Excuse me", I asked in shock.

"Terrika must have boasted about how awesome I am", I said to myself while smirking.

"Just massacre my pussy",she shouted.

I didn't even wanna know why she came, I just wanted her to leave. 

She pulled my pants down without hesitation and started pumping my dick,within seconds I was as hard as stone.

"Stop...stop..sto-.".my speech was halted as she through my dick in her mouth.

I could hear her gagging as she shoved my cock in the back of her throat.

She spat on it and started pumping again,she then got up off her and bend over on the kitchen counter.

I had no choice but to attack, I hammered away at the pussy as if it was a nail refusing to do its job.

She kept screaming"more,oh my god yes,yes!!".

In the back of my mind I'm just seaming with with cockiness as If I didn't already enough.

As I kept pounding her pussy she kept screaming so loud I thought the police were gonna show up.

Shortly after she fell to her knees to catch her breath, she took five deep breaths and swallowed the dick again,she was sucking an pumping at the same time,it was too much, I couldn't help it, I burst right in her face.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I didn't mean to do that", I said to her.

"Mhm mmmm wow..oh my god..mmmmm I see she said I'd enjoy it",she said seemingly well satisfied.

"Huh what who",I asked.

She didn't answer she just washed her face and left without explaining herself,the only thing she did was blow me a kiss and said bye jakey boo.

I took another shower an went outside to get some fresh air.

Three weeks passed since that day. I haven't even heard from her since,come to think of it not even terrika.

I decided to give her a call. I dialed her number and called her,she picked up.

"Uhh hey, you gonna slit my throat", I asked nervously.

"Jake,I need to see you now",she said very assertive.

"Uhh ok",I answered.

"I'm in a taxi heading to your house now",she said.

She hung up the phone and not long after I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and it was her,terrika.

I tried to give her a hug but she shoved me away having a serious look on her face.

"Uhh nice to see u too",I said.

"Jake",she said.

"Yes terrika"

"I have something to let you know"

"Ok go ahead" I said.

"She gonna leave me I just know it..wait we not dating...wait are we?",I thought to myself.

"I'm pregnant!",she exclaimed.

"Ha ha heh heh that's a funny one,pregnant,"I chuckled.

She wasn't smiling I started to believe it was real, the whole future flashed before my eyes.

It was a girl turned into a stripper at age 5,we grow old and she tells  us to fuck people to pay  for our medications.



I kept quiet because she was right I had like 500 in my room. I sighed and I kissed her on her soft lips.

"I'll support you one hundred percent as long as its a boy", I said grinning.

"What?", she asked.

"I'M JOKING BABE!,....maybe".

"Hmm ok jakey boo"she said smiling.

"Jakey boo didn't that girl call me something like that",I thought to myself.

"Are you hungry?", I asked.

"No I'm fine",she said.

I was slightly puzzled because I thought women were supposed to have huge appetites during pregnancy.

We lay in the bed all day and we talked and laughed,I kept rubbing her tummy as I thought about the joys of my first child.

I wasn't even scared of raising it because my moms been killing me for a grandchild(in real life too its like she wants to look old).

Finally in the night she fell asleep on my chest and my hands on her booty with a smile on her face,I went to the bathroom to to pee and came back to her still sound asleep.

"I love you terrika", I said as I kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you too jakey poo"she replied still smiling.

"I hate you shouldn't you be sleeping"

"Yeah but I was waiting on to say you love me, I knew you wouldn't do it if you knew I was awake", she said grinning now.

"I cant wait to see our child be born"I told her.

She didn't answer tho,I later heard small snoring sounds. I assumed she fell asleep so I  left her alone on the bed.

I heard a knock at the door. I walked to go see who it is out of curiosity.

"Hi jakey boo!"the girl shouted.

"Shhhhhh keep it down my gf is in the other room"

" oh ok I'll come back later for you to beat this Pussy up", she said Smirking.

"Oh my goodness", I exclaimed.

She left and came back five minutes later with a knife, she kicked down my door and headed straight for terrika still sleeping.

I struggled to keep her at bay but the Bitch was  strong, we were right at the bedside, tussling and grunting as I tried to get the knife away,suddenly I slip and a voice cries out.



Got stabbed. In the belly.

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