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NOOOO!"I shouted.

Terrika she got stabbed in the gut,she was bleeding heavily.

I didn't waste anytime I hopped in a car rushed to the hospital.

"Please baby please don't die on me, we have a child that needs to be born we have a life to live", I cried to her.

Her eyes were rolled over  She wasn't speaking, finally the car arrived.

I lifted her in my arms and rushed inside the hospital.

"HELP!! please!!", I bawled.

Medics came and flipped her on a stretcher. They hauled her off to the E.R.

I followed closely they stopped at the doorway,saying only doctors can enter.

I filled out some paper work and waited for three hours.

"Sir"a man called me.

"Yes,how is she?,is she fine?"I asked the man.

"She is gonna be ok you can go in now", he assured me.

I made my  way inside and saw her laying down on the bed. I walked over to her with tears still in my eyes. I wanted to rub her tummy but thats where she got stabbed, so I rubbed her forehead.

"You sleep too dead", I said to her laughing.

"Mmm,aaghh,ha ha you are weak letting a girl be stronger than you", she said while struggling to laugh.

I thought to myself she was sleeping how could she have known what happened,I didn't really pay it that much mind because I was just happy she was alright.

"Jake",she said groaning"the baby didn't make it".

I couldn't even answer I started trembling at what she just said.

The fact that my unborn child didn't even get to experience a day of life, was suddenly gone before it arrived. It made my blood boil.

I stormed out of the room with one thing on my mind,emptying a clip in the bitches head!

I took a drive home mad as as mother fucker. I didn't go to my house I went to a friend's house. I called him out.

"Lend me your Desmond(desert eagle)"


"The bitch stabbed my gf with my unborn baby and now its dead and it wasn't even born yet"I cried and pleaded to him.

His eyes went cold and dark he handed me the gun with three clips one for him one for me and one for the baby. He made me promise that all clips must be emptied in her before I bring back the gun.

I went back to my home,where I left her sitting at the bed side crying.

I loaded the gun and shot her twice in the leg,twice in the arms and one more in the leg.



"Because terrika isn't pregnant"she said crying!


"It was all staged, she came home the morning bragging about how amazing you were in bed,she called you her jakey poo. She was boasting so much it made me want you. I lied and told her we had sex before, thats why she said she hated you  and will slit your throat if you called back",she said sniffling.

"I can't even"I said.

"After we had sex I fell in love with you and terrika thought I would take you from her so she devised a plan to keep you with her no matter what"

"Fake her pregnancy"

"Then she realized you really  wanted the baby and she knew you would kill her when you found out there was no baby"

"So she lied to me?"

"She called me  when you went to the bathroom and told me everything and devised a plan to get her out of the fake pregnancy, I was supposed to fake stab her with a fake knife in a fight but  I grabbed the real knife by mistake,I didn't realize until she got stabbed"

"Aagghh!!!terrika!!!!when are you gonna stop fuckin toying with me!!!!!!!!"

I lifted her up and brought her to the hospital,then went to visit terrika again.

"Hi jakey poo",she groaned

"Hey you Ok,I  asked the doctor to cut the dead baby out of you"

"You what!you cant!"

"I already did and he is just gonna slice you  open and stitch  you back up no big deal"

"No Jake I cant"

"Really maybe that's because there is no fuckin baby,you fuckin lied to me!that bitch of a friend told me  everything!".

"Then she told you why I did it?"she asked calmly"because I love you and wanted you to be mine alone"

"Terrika shut up just shut the fuck up! I shot her four times, I was gonna kill her because I thought she killed our child!",I shouted.

"Oh my god I didn't mean for things to escalate like this jake I'm sorry!",she pleaded.

"NO FUCK YOU TERRIKA GUH SUCK YUH MA!,there's no forgiving this, I hope you rot in hell you piece of shit", I exclaimed to her in disgust.

I walked out the hospital and went home,I collapsed in my bed tired from all the drama and fell asleep.

Can't believe she was fuckin toying with me.

SHE'S TOYING WITH ME!Where stories live. Discover now