she's fucking with me..literally!

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We are in the taxi,its just me,terrika  and the driver. She clings to me while laying her head on my shoulder.

All that's going through my mind is the sentence she just said. She wants me,is she still toying with me.

The driver drove the car in post haste,wanting to reach my destination quickly because he had it in mind I was gonna have sex with terrika. We arrived in no time, I get a phone call as I exit the car.

"Hello",I answered.
"Jake,its mom me and dad wont be home you gonna be ok alone",my mom asked.

I looked at terrika standing there smiling which soon turned into a smirk."uuhh yeah I should be fine its alright",I told my mom.

I hung up and stood there looking at terrika. I used my hand to gesture her to go ahead. She was walking in front of me.

My eyes strayed again looking at her ass bouncing yet staying so firm. I took a deep breath and snapped out of it only to realize I have reached my house which was a five minute walk from where the taxi left us.

We went inside and I closed the door. She stood there biting her lips slowly,it was so damn sexy,I couldn't help myself.

I through all hesitation outside and lifted her in the air,she wrapped her legs around my waist and stared at me.

She rested her forehead against mine,breathing heavily,she slowly went in for a kiss,her lips were as soft clouds and she kisses as if she was an angel sent from heaven.

I later took a deep breath and then slammed her down on the bed,her legs still wrapped around so I went down with her.

She laughed,I smiled, I attacked her neck with a barrage of hickeys. She bit her lips and released a low moan,

I started the art of seduction, I removed her blouse and bra then squeezed both her  breasts, and sucked on both her nipples. Her fingernails were long asf, every time she felt more aroused she would dig them into my back, I ignored the pain now because well I was busy.

She used her hands to push me away,I thought she finally came to her senses.

I was dead wrong,she just wanted to remove the rest of her clothing, I stood in an aww as I have never seen anything more  magnificent.

Her legs spread wide open in front of me,the tightest pussy I've ever seen,pink as if it invented the color, and shaved, clean.

I haven't even put in my dick and her pussy was like a slow moving water fall. She used her index and middle finger to rub her clit as indication that she's ready.

I removed all my clothing as well, for a split moment her eyes were wide open at the sight of my dick, I was both embarrassed and proud.

I rubbed the tip of my dick on the outskirts of her vagina as a way of preparation.

I slowly slid my dick in,she was really tight so it took extra effort to go in. So moist,so warm, she closed her eyes and pressed her hands against my chest,

I started to go a bit faster,she kept moaning slowly but surely,

As much as how it felt appropriate at the time a man doesn't moan I kept my mouth quiet.

Her pussy so wet,it was like being sandwiched by honey and heaven,her lips so sexy,nipples so stiff, I felt as she was was the perfect woman and that realization came to me.

It took full advantage  and started to thrust to the max.

The sounds of her moans increased,later opened her eyes and looked down at her pussy being manhandled, her moans turned into screams, as she put one hand over  her mouth and the other to grab a pillow.

I saw her face getting queezy as if she was reaching her limit as to how much she could take.

I pulled all the way out and decided to catch my breath. I went for some ice water in the kitchen(a tip for the homies)

I came back and saw her lay down on her back eyes closed and fingering her self.

"Is that finger better than I am", I asked while smirking.

"Ha your funny come here",she said.

As I approached she turned her self to A backaz(doggy style) postion. I didn't even wait I went in again  and launched a full on frontal assault on her pussy.

She screamed into the pillow and gripped the sheets, we were both sweating as if we were exercising, although I guess we were "sexercising".

I slowed down again and her screams went back to moans,

"Jake,oh my god",she moaned.

I hid the look of excitement and success on my face with a simple smirk

"Dont stop,please jake keep going"she moaned again.

She released a very loud a groan and and I felt her pussy tighten more than it already was, I quickly pulled out, she squirted all over, her legs were wobbly as if she lost all balance.

I went in again and after two solid hammerings she came again.

My legs got tired from standing so i layed down on the bed,she came on top of me,sat on my dick and started riding, I was just there in aww as to how she was such a pro at it, I loved every moment of it, I spanked her ass and squeezed it as well.

I got a bit too excited and before I knew it felt the sperm racing to exit my penis and soon after I, came I gripped her tightly and soon as I finished I collapsed from exhaustion.

She layed beside me smiling and and soon we both fell asleep. When I awoke in the morning she was gone.

I called her later  in the morning. She picked up the phone.

"Hey terr you could have told me you were leaving", I said

"Don't ever call or talk to me again or I'll slit your throat and feed you to my pit bulls", she said angrily and hung up right after.

I was there confused as if  to what the fuck just happened.

Is she toying with me again!!!!!????

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