Chapter Three

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{Damn it I said I would go to sleep and not update but here we are}
~Amelia O'Neil~
I watch Eric Sacks step up to the stage I smile at my sister and she smiles back. Eric speaks, "Please,please. Please. Sit down, sit down. I have to say, it's wonderful to see so many people out here tonight, especially in a neighborhood so hard hit by the Foot's crime wave. Years ago, my life was touched by a tragedy. I was a young scientist working with a world-class team on cutting-edge research. Our laboratory was attacked, set fire to, robbed, by cowards that call themselves the Foot Clan. Several of my employees lost their lives that day. And it is in their honor, in their memory, that Sacks Industries, whether through Sacks Biomed, Sacks Robotics or Sacks Construction, will remain committed to keep New York, our city, safe. So whenever someone takes flames to this city, I will be there to put the fire out and that's a promise." People start clapping me and April clapping along he talks one last time, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." April talks to Eric immediately while I look around admiring the colors and clothing, April says "Great work, sir. Very inspirational. Mr. Sacks. April and Amelia O'Neil. You worked with our father." I wave shyly at him and he laughs then, smiles at us he says quite peppy, "Oh! I can't believe it. I haven't seen you two since....." I finish for him, "Since his funeral" I find the ground suddenly really interesting and Eric continues, "It was a long time ago" we both nod and say, "Yeah" in unison he gets freaked out a bit, April says,"Sorry it's a twin thing" we both smile. April continues, "I just wanted to tell you your words really resonated with us, and we hope to contribute to the city in the way you do." Eric smiles and nods then, says "Well, it looks like you guys are doing a pretty good job already. Channel 6, very impressive, April and Amelia." I try I study his facial features trying to see his emotions I give up and say, "Um...Thank you, It's, uh...It isn't exactly everything we anticipated it would be." I sigh and April sighs too then, we laugh at each other Eric brushes it off then, says "As long as you stay true to yourself, your father will always be proud of you." One of the managers come to Eric then says, "Mr.Sacks we have to be uptown at 7:00" April sends him a sweet short lived smile then says, "See you on TV." We head to the car with Vernon hot on our heels we get in I hold onto the seats, April says, "Eric Sacks was so inspiring right, Amelia?" I look at her and raise an eyebrow then, say "Yeah....Maybe a little too inspiring." As April and Vernon argue over the Vigilante story I watch people run out of the subway station. I get out with April following we both ask people, "What are you running from?" Vernon calls after us, "O'Neil's! where are you guys going!? April, Amelia!"
~????? ?????~
"Shots fired" Donnie says and continues, "Broadway and Centre Street. Surveillance uplinks are showing heavy Foot Clan activity at Broadway Street platform." Mikey butts in and says, "They're taking hostages dude." Donnatello looks at us with a worried expression then says, "But you know we're not supposed to go above ground." Raphael cuts in huffing angrily, "We started something, we gotta finish it" Donnie fires back, "This is insane" Mikey coos at the video and says, "The cat is playing Chopsticks with chopsticks!" Raphael glares at him and says, "Don't be an idiot" then hits head. Michelangelo says, "Aw" I huff then say, "Okay. Let's rock 'n' roll boys!"
~Amelia O'Neil~
I hide behind a pillar from being seen by a Foot member and April does the same. I jump over the ticket machine and April does the same silently. I hide behind another pillar taking shallow breathes I see April get grabbed I reach my hand out immediately regretting it. I get grabbed I scream the guy places a gun against my back he says,"Run! Get out! Go, go! If you want to live, do it! Go on!" The other guys say, "Just stay down! Get over here! Keep moving! Keep your hands where I can see them!" One guy pushes a lady out of the way, saying "Move to the side!" I watch as they set up bombs I whisper, "They're bombs" he yells at me "Shut up! On the ground" he throws me next to April I glare him. They yell, "No body move!" pointing guns at us making some of them flinch I stare at them blankly trying to hide my fear. The same women from the docks yells, "We know your out there! If you don't surrender we start executing hostages!" I put my head up slightly only for a person to make me put it back down. He yells at me, "Get your head down don't move! Don't move! Don't make me tell you again! Not a word!" I murmur to myself, "This is how it all ends in the fucking movies" I see April taking out her phone I snatch it and the woman points me yelling, "You! Stand up!" I stand up reluctantly she grabs me. She puts a gun to my head my heart pounds so fast I can hear it in my ears I hear a voice yell, "All aboard!" The power goes out then I don't feel her on me anymore to only see her against the wall knocked out. I hear grunts and tile cracking the lights turn back on I run up to the yellow tube with April we look in disbelief. We run out to find the way up and I climb up first I peek over the ladder I hear them talking, "You see that?" Another says, "I smoked that dude, 'Sup!" Then another says, "Yeah, boys, bring it in!" they keep talking I take out April's phone then take a picture they see the flash I freeze my breathe hitches in my throat. They stand still and one says, "What was that?" Another one said whose slightly shorter says, "It's a camera flash" then, another says "We know it's a camera flash, who's behind the camera flash?" My eyes widen and I start breathing again another says, "By my calculations, it's a girl." One says in tone that sounds surfer dudish, "Now we gotta kill her..." one of them exclaims, "What?!" Then the surfer dude continues, "With kindness! Give her some flowers, earn her trust" I hear one with a deep voice say, "I got this." I feel a chain wrap around my waist then, flip me forward I look up from my position I look at their feet and I breathe a bit harder. 'Raph' growls deeply and does a batman voice, "Give me the camera." The surfer dude says, "Ooh, look he's doing his batman voice! She's so hot I can feel my shell tightening"  the one with an annoyed voice says, "We can hear you!" April runs over to me then, pauses when she sees the turtles she whispers to me, "Oh god they're turtles" I nod vigorously. Raph walks towards us and says, "If you don't give me the camera I'm gonna..." a turtle a does a front flip in front of me and says, "Enough! Back off Raph" I stand up quickly with April. He looks sorry at us and says, "Ladies, hello. I apologize. My colleague forget to say "please." So would you please hand over the camera?" He walks closer to us I hide behind April a bit and protect her we bump into the surfer dude, we both say, "No,no,no,no,whoa" in unison he says to us, "Woah chill it's just a mask. See?" He takes off his mask April starts hyperventilating then, I start hyperventilating. April goes out first I say, "April!" I can nearly hear my voice I then faint "Ah!"
~April O'Neil~
I wake up to see the turtles over me and Amelia she's still passed out, my vision blurry I blink rapidly. One of them says, "Breathing steady. Blood pressure stabilizing." The one named Raph says, "Why are we still playing doctor?" The one over me with a light says, "They may have an head injury." I look at them squinting and one says, "Uh, correction. They're hot chicks who may have head injuries which makes it our civic duty to....." I look to my side to see Amelia awake I sigh in content, the one who's playing doctor, asks "Ladies, can you hear me? do you know what city your in? Do you guys know where you are?" The guy who sounds goofy says, "Have you seen that video where the cat plays Chopsticks with chopsticks?" The one with a light but dark voice says, "Can we focus here?" The turtle with a purple mask says, "Guys, please! Come on give them some air?" Amelia and I stand up understanding its not a dream I grab her hand holding it. Amelia speaks up with a raised eyebrow, "What are you?" The one with a blue mask bows and says, "Well, ladies, we're, uh, ninjas." The red mask says, "We're mutants."  I look over to Amelia, she  gazes at them all a slight smile playing on her lips. The purple masks says, "Well, technically, we're turtles." The orange mask says, "Oh, and we're teenagers! But we can still have adult conversations" he waves his hand in the air I speak saying, "Wait,wait, wait. So... You're....Ninja Mutant Turtles Teenagers?" The purple mask says, "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous!" The red mask immediately says clearly offended, "See, they're looking at us like we're freaks. I bet that's why you took our picture, wasn't it? To show your friends" Me and Amelia shake our heads 'no' as red mask steps closer to us the orange mask says, "Bro that's a good thing! Maybe she has hot friends like, the one who looks like her." Amelia furrows her eyebrows and says, "Excuse me, we're twin sisters."
~Amelia O'Neil~
Excuse my language but holy fucking shit these guys are....cute? Oh god Amelia stop they took Aprils phone! Raph lifts up Aprils phone and says, "Looking for this?" I look at him and beg him saying, "No,no, no. Please don't break it" he raises his eyebrow? Probably wondering where my sassy attitude went. The blue mask says, "How many times do I have to tell you? We don't break things, we fix them. Donnie wiped the phone already genius. Problem solved, moving on." Raph gets angry I'm gonna start calling him volcano or hot head, he says, "And who put you in charge?" Raph pushes the blue mask I look at April and she looks at me. The blue mask says, "You know who did." he steps towards his brother threateningly the orange mask says, "Ooh tension! It's been like 30 whole minutes since you guys had this argument." The purple mask interrupted their on coming fight and says, "Leonardo, if we want to make it home before Master, we gotta hustle." I breathe out saying his name as a whisper, "Leonardo..." he turns towards me and my face turns bright red. Leonardo points the hilts of his duel katanas at us saying, "Do not say a word about this to anyone. If you do, we will find you April and Amelia O'Neil." I breath after he leaves not realizing I was holding my breath Leonardo glares at Raph, "We're on the move, Raphael" Raphael's eyes gaze at us more like glare. April whispers to us both, "Raphael?" The orange mask looks at us playfully looking serious I shake my head laughing he says, "Yeah we'll find you O'Neil's." He walks away and comes back quickly, "I'm sorry, that came across super creepy, okay? We will find you two, though" As they go away April takes a photo.
{End oh my mother fucking god it's 5:18 am in the morning I'm so god dayum tired}

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 based movie: Hidden SaviorsWhere stories live. Discover now