Chapter Four

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{This may be shorter than the rest}
~Amelia O'Neil~
I run into April's room her following behind me I tear open her closet and say, "Sorry sis I just gotta check something." April nods knowing what I mean I grab the box that says Project:Renaissance I dump it out and grab the camera I whisper to myself, "Leonardo. I know those names. I know those names. Raphael,Raphael. Leonardo." April grabs the tapes and puts the first one in the camera. We watch it play.
~In the video April O'Neil~
I look at the camera and smile at Amelia then say, "Good evening. This is April and Amelia O'Neil, reporting live from our daddy's lab. I know it sounds pretty boring but actually, he does some pretty cool stuff." My dad comes in and says, "It's time to put the camera away, girls." Amelia pouts and says, "Aw dad!" ~Fast forward~ Amelia walks over to the green ooze while our dad is gone and takes a lick of it I shrivel my nose in disgust I say, "Ewwww! But how did it taste?" Amelia smiles at me and lightly pushes me then says, "It tasted slightly like strawberries! And now I will show you something amazing. It's supposed to be from a different planet" I finish for her excitedly, "In outer space!" ~Fast forward~ Mr.Sacks in front of me and Amelia we watch Mr. Sacks says to himself, "Ah!" I speak up and say, "Mr.Sacks, what sort of experiments are you doing here?" Mr. Sacks smiles and laughs a bit then says, "Oh that's a very complicated question. We're trying to change the world." ~Take tape out put in Leonardo Amelia O'Neil~
I walk up to Splinter's cage and go down to the rest then say, "Look at the camera! Hello Splinter. And these are our little turtles, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello. The fans want to see you!" ~Present time Amelia O'Neil~
April looks up at me first and I look back at her we say it in unison, "I knew it. The vigilante, we saw him. We saw him! We saw them! We've known them since we were little girls. They were our pets. They were our childhood pets, and they were named after Italian Renaissance painters." Taylor looks at us like we're crazy and says to her mom, "Mom, I want to move back home."
~Leonardo Hamato~
I look and ask, "Is he here?" Raphael replies and says, "I don't see him." I look at Donnie and ask, "Donnie?" Donatello looks at me and calculates then says, "My thermal scanners indicate there's a 74% variable that there's a 61% chance he's not...That he's not here, guys." I nod and say to the team, "Okay. Fall in quietly" I hop down first then, Raph, then Donnie, then Mikey he whispers to us with a cocky smile on his face, "Dude. So,guys, if it wasn't already obvious with that girl, dibs." I shake my head putting away my weapons and they do it to I say, "If Master Splinter catches us, he'll send us back to the Ha'shi" Raph rolls his eyes and says angrily, "I ain't going back to the Ha'shi" I rudely reply to him saying, "Every time we're in the Ha'shi, it's because of you." He slightly pushes me and says, "Well, bro, you won't have to worry about me dragging you down anymore." I raise an eyebrow and ask,"What's that supposed to mean?" Raphael glares at me and says, "I'm going out on my own.  First chance I get." Mikey leans over to us pouting and say, "How are we gonna finish our hip-hop Christmas album bro? You're the hype man!"
~Time skip they get sent to Ha'shi anyways! Amelia O'Neil~
Bernadette comes into her office we have our whole entire set up done I try to rub my bags away yawning a bit, Bernadette looks annoyed at us and asks, "O'Neil's! Alright what was so important I had to get here?" I start for April too tired to care about how rude she thinks I am, "Okay. Are you ready?" I fix my hair a bit and Bernadette says, "Yeah." I smile and continue, "Okay, you know how we saw the vigilante?" I point the board at a photo Bernadette nods at me and April continues for me knowing I'll pass out any minute, "But we had no photos or evidence to show you, so we just sounded crazy?" Bernadette says, "Yes." I furrow my eyebrows at her knowing she still thinks we're crazy. I continue with a smile and not a pissed look on my face, "Okay. We saw him. Well, we didn't see him again, we saw them because there's four. There's not one but, there's four. And we as close to them as you are to me now." Bernadette looks surprised and asks,"What'd they look like?" April steps in and says, "I'll show you" ~Small time skip~ I look Bernadette straight in the eye and say, "That's what we're telling you." She just laughs at me and smiles then says, "I don't mean to laugh, but is there anything else you two wanna tell me?" April looks at me then her with a straight face and says, "They're ninjas." Bernadette looks at me with a raised eyebrow and says, "I'm sorry, what?" I look at her with a straight face and say, "And they do karate." Bernadette rolls her eyes and says, "Okay get out."

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 based movie: Hidden SaviorsWhere stories live. Discover now