Chapter Two

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{Gaah I can't believe I'm going to make another chapter! >~< OMG 666 words!}
~Amelia O'Neil~
I stand behind the camera with Vern smiling at my twin as he mouths, "In 5...4...." he does the rest with his fingers and April smiles and says, "Hi, guys, this April O'Neil from Channel 6 News and I am here in beautiful New York on the first day of spring. And you know what that means. It means to shed that pesky winter weight. And here today is celebrity fitness trainer Harley Pasternak. Hi Harley" she says it so enthusiastically I snicker a bit. Harley says, "Good morning April. Twenty years I studied the animal kingdom. There are fat pigs, there are fat cows. There are no fat birds." April quickly switches to the trampoline. Harley says to April, "All right, I want you to visualize a sexy seagull. So we're going to squat down and flap your wings." She jumps up and does what she's told by Harley, he says "Right over there. Full extension. Picture you're leaving the cold north and you're flying. You're flying."
~Time skip brought to you by dancing turtles~
April sighs getting her jacket and puts it on while Vern folds up the tri-pod she says, "Four years of journalism school so I can do that. Four years of my life guys. It's embarrassing." I smile and say, "Let me remind you I was with you during those four years, sis." wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Vernon looks at us and smiles saying, "Look, O'Neils, I get it, you both want to be a serious journalist. I see you guys sniffing around the newsroom for big stories. But it's also okay to give people something a little lighter. A little....A little froth." He trips over his words I raise an eyebrow and say, "Froth?" I roll my eyes with April. Vern keeps going, "You know, how, when you get coffee, it's just, like,coffee, then they put a little froth in it. It's kind of nice." We snicker and say annoyed in unison,"Vern, that's foam" Vern smacks his lips and says, "Yes, foam,froth,you get the point. It's's nice, it tastes good, it's candy. You ever heard the expression, 'Never take candy from a baby'? It's because even babies love candy! It's nice. And you're giving people something they like that's good and nice. They look at you two and see, "Wow there's a nice....There's......candy." I shift one foot to the other and we look at each other and I nod slightly we look back at Vernon. He says after taking a breath, "The point is, I think you should be rewarded not punishing yourselves. Okay?" I open my mouth to say something but, Vernon interrupts me, "And...I'm...I'm prepared to reward you guys. I say we go my buddy's old restaurant downtown. It's very vibey..." I interrupt him annoyed and run my hand through my hair, "We just ate on the way over here." April slightly laughs at me then, clears her throats when Vernon looks at her and replies, "No, I know we just... I'm not saying for a full meal, we're just getting appeteasers." I get my skateboard and wait for April she says to Vern, "We'll see you at the office Vern!" We start riding away. I hear him say back, "I will see you at the office..." we keep riding and stop behind a building I sit next to April as she calls Mr.Rivtti on Skype he answers and she says quickly, "I just want to follow up, Mr.Rivetti." I just wait for her to end her conversation and say, "Well that was total bust." We both sigh and she says, "Let's go to the docks again to ask his buddy Stan." I nod and we start riding there but end up getting there at night.
~Karai Hamato~
I look inside the shipping container and nod I say, "Good. It's clear. Let's open it up!" I watch as my henchmen open up the container. I say, "Container's good. Move on to the next one. Move it out! Get those to the trucks now!"
~Amelia O'Neil~
Me and April see this with our mouths wide open, she calls Chris and she says, "Chris. Chris, it's April and Amelia. I'm at the docks." She groans when he hangs up on her and takes her camera out. I hear a woman say, "2-3-2, clear.That ones loaded." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion she says something again "Get it out of my way" a guy nods I see April trying to take a picture.
{You know what it's honestly like a filler so skip it!}
We come into April and Taylor's apartment April says to Taylor, "Taylor. Taylor!" Taylor looks up from her computer and says, "Hey. I'm Skyping with my mom." I run my hand through my hair and say excitedly, "You have no idea what we just went through. We are freaking out! We saw a Foot Clan attack." Taylor's eyes widen and she immediately says, "Are you guys okay?" We nodded and April proceeded to tell the story I think about who it could be. I mean, I was so excited I was shaking I haven't been this jumpy since I took a lick of the mutagen as a kid. I hear April say, "There is no more froth or foam for us!" Taylor looks at us confused, "What?" April just sighs and says, "Nevermind" I hear Taylor say, "Mom I wanna go home"
~Time skip to this funny as hell part~
April says to Bernadette, "I know we're over stepping our boundaries by being here but, I think- we think that you're gonna want hear to say to what we have to say, I actually think you're want to what I have to say. Uhm, we witnessed a attempted Foot Clan robbery at the docks in Brooklyn last night." McNaughton interrupts when she's about to say something, "Hold on, the scanner said that gunshots were heard, but there were no reports of any Foot Clan activity." I roll my eyes and step in, "That's because whatever they were attempting to do was stopped." McNaughton says something again looking at us questionably, "What were you guys doing in Brooklyn anyway? Was there a trampoline convention?" I growl and say something smart glaring at him,"We were in Brooklyn reporting, not sitting behind my desk McNaughton." Bernadette stops me before I keep going and asks April, "Okay, kids! Who stopped it?" April stumbles a bit on her words and says, "Well, there was this guy we didn't see him clearly, swinging around these giant shipping containers and knocking these guys into the.....Into the river. There is this vigilante that is fighting back against the Foot Clan. There is a huge story here!" She says flabbergasted breathing a bit hard I pat her back smiling. McNaughton says, "O'Neil's, I think you two found Superman. That's cool." he nods smiling sarcastically, I say back "The vigilante is real we saw him!" Bernadette says to me and April "O'Neil's, I'm not gonna assume that you would come up here and tell us this fantastic story without some tangible proof." Bernadette looks at us like we're crazy she says to Bernadette, "I took this photo of one of the shipping containers. I think that it maybe his calling card." She shows Bernadette the photo and Bernadette furrows her eyebrows obviously angry, she says to both of us "This is nothing, O'Neil. This is nothing!" April nods and says, "That's exactly the point. Somebody stopped a Foot robbery and left no evidence. There is nothing." I smile slightly hoping she'll believe us and Bernadette shakes her head lightly laughing then, says "Oh, I get it. You wanted me to put "nothing" on the nightly news." My smile turns into a frown and I say, "Of course not."
~Time skip because everything is shipment get it? :D~
I smile next to April and some guy says from up above says, "Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the NYPD's top benefactor Eric Sacks." Everyone starts clapping and Eric steps up on the stage-
{The end don't wait too long the next chapter will be up soon!}

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