Chapter Eight

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{Hopefully one of the biggest chapters yet}
~Amelia O'Neil~
Splinter takes a slight breath and thinks for a moment, "Listen closely, girls. I don't remember a time before living in that laboratory. That fateful night started like any other. Sacks gave us our injections. Your father made sure our vital signs were strong. And you both, as always, provided us with a special treat." Splinter gestures a hand to us, I smile remembering my idea to feed them pizza April looks at me and smiles then, turns back to Splinter. Splinter continues, "After the brothers went to sleep, I heard loud voices. There was a smell of smoke. Alarms sounded. Your father had discovered the truth behind the man he was working for. He set fire to the lab. His last breath taken trying to destroy Shredder's plan. I was terrified. But then, you two appeared. And ushered us to safety. I never had a voice then, but I thank you both now, April and Amelia." I nod as an 'Your Welcome' Splinter keeps going, "Mmm. We wandered the sewers until I found this place. It was then that the mutagen injected in our blood began to change us in miraculous ways. I saw the way your father loved you both and I knew I had to show that same love the turtles. I became their father and they became my sons. Like all children, they were drawn to the distractions of popular culture. And I knew one day they would want to explore the world above. They would be ridiculed. They would need to learn to protect themselves mentally and physically. And then, I found a way. First, I would teach myself the ancient art of Ninjutsu. Their gift was also their passion. They lived, and breathed and dreamed all things martial arts. Then, they were ready. Everything they are, and everything that they've become was made possible by the bravery that you girls displayed on that fateful night." When he's done I speak up first flabbergasted, "But we were just little girls." Splinter sends a small smile, "And you gave us freedom where other would have kept us in cages." Leo yeah, Ima start calling him that Leo cuts in confused, "Wait a minute, Dad. All these years you told us we were rescued by great guardian spirits, the Hogo-sha's." Splinter nods his head at the girls, "That's right. And these are the Hogo-sha's." We turn back to them bowing and me plus, April say, "What?" in unison. Mikey whispers over to the other guys, "My girlfriends' are totally the Hogo-sha's." Raph hits him and Mikey keeps bowing, "Ow" I ignore that and turn back to Splinter (XD I keep almost writing Shredder), "Why did you bring us here? Other than to tell us that fantastic backstory." Splinter looks at us seriously now no longer sympathetic, "To find out who you told of our existence." April looks confused and I take a deep breath knowing it's gonna be just like the movies where the nicest person is actually a total bitch, "Nobody believed me except Eric Sacks." Splinter rubs his beard, "Sacks. Just as I feared. Sacks, is not a friend. His soul as been poisoned by the influence of a dark master. The Shredder. Shredder practically raised Sacks in Japan. He's like a father to him. Sacks will do anything for his master." Raph looks confused and furrows his 'brows', "Wait, wait. Sacks and Shredder? So, why aren't we hunting them down?" Splinter tries to reason with Raphael, "Because, Raphael, The Shredder is a skilled warrior whose cruelty is ever-reaching! And you are just teenagers. The mutagen in your blood is of great value to them. Now that Sacks has confirmation that you are alive, I fear they will bring the fight to us." I whisper, "Oh, no" and take out the card, "Fucking bastard I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!" I groan and rip the card in half destroying the tracking device.
~small time skip~
Donnie says out loud this time as he runs over to the computer, "Breached! We've got incoming! Oh, no! Oh, no! We got two breaches! Fan room, weapons wall!" Leo starts shouting orders, "Mikey, flank right! Donnie, on me! We gotta go! Go,go!" Splinter reaches a hand out, "No! Get back!" explosions sounds my ears are ringing, and I look at April we're against the weapons wall. I then look over to Leo and Donnie, Leo shouts Donnie's name worried, "They've got tranq darts!" Leo smirks, "Well, don't let them hit your skin." They both turn around letting the tranq darts hit their shells causing the tranq darts to break. I look over to Mikey he smirks and moves in quick dance move styles, "Wassup, bra? Oh, you think you can handle this, huh? I'm a snapping turtle, fool." Mikey jumps and runs up kicking them all in the face "Snap, snap, snap!" then, lands perfectly and smiles at us taking a breath, "I meant to do that! I meant to do it!"
~Smol time skip because I suck at fighting scenes~
After we patch up Splinter up {Author~chan decides to end it here and let you wallow in pain from the cliff hanger}

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 based movie: Hidden SaviorsWhere stories live. Discover now