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"There's nothing coming up" Stiles announced as he slammed his hands down on the keyboard, Margo looked up from her notepad, which she had to take notes of her and Stiles' findings of what she is. So far they were getting nothing and mostly it was his fault, he was typing up dumb things in the search bar which was leading them to episodes of ghost shows.

"Stiles, that's because you keep typing in 'girl who sees a bunch of ghosts and they speak to her' of course nothing is going to come up" Margo ranted, Stiles held his hands up in defense, Stiles, Margo, and Scott had been hanging out and talking for quite a bit of the summer. Normally whenever Isaac was sucked into doing tasks or whatever for Derek, Margo usually hung out with Lydia or the two boys. Since Allison was in France, and well they were still rocky after Allison was willing to stab her in order to get to Isaac. Well her selection was very limited on friends. Don't get her wrong she loved hanging out with them, they made her laugh and she was kinda mad she didn't hang out with them before.

"I'm sorry Margo," Stiles apologized he patted her shoulder, Margo put her chin in her hand and leaned on his desk, "Maybe you can ask a ghost what you are? Have you seen one in a while?"

"No, I haven't even seen Talia, and she's my most frequent visitor. Derek always wants me to ask her if she knows where Erica and Boyd are, but she never shows up. Only when I'm like close to death, or getting injured. Or Derek getting injured" Margo rambled, then she sighed again. Stiles listed to her ramble with an amused look on his face, Margo started to grow on him, he really enjoyed having her as company. He calls her 'New Fun Margo' which she ways, not only did she do a complete 360 of herself after the Kanima thing. She really changed even more and was barely even bitchy, well until someone puts a hand on her friends.

"Maybe you should get Isaac to hurt Derek" Stiles suggested and Margo snickered, she sat up and leaned back into the chair.

"Isaac would literally never do that," Margo checked her phone looking for any messages from Isaac, or Derek telling her where Isaac was. He apparently got caught up in trying to find Erica and Boyd, and now Derek doesn't know where he is. Derek tried to sugarcoat it for Margo so she doesn't go Hurricane Margo on him, "Maybe if he doesn't tell me where my boyfriend is, I'll go Hurricane Margo on his ass and then Talia will show up."

Stiles laughed at her comment, "Have you gone out and tried to find him?" Stiles asked as he closed his laptop, turning his office chair towards her. Margo shrugged at his comment and took a sip of her Pepsi that Stiles had brought her, she set the drink down and looked down at her lap.

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