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Margo's eyes focused on the sleeping figure of Isaac before she let out a sigh. There was no way that Margo was going to let Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison drag her away from her boyfriend. Scott and Stiles wanted her to go to a party, it was at one of Stiles' old friend's house. Normally she wouldn't say no to a party, and she learned that it had become difficult for her to say no to Scott and Stiles.

Lydia and Allison invited Margo to help pick out colors to paint Allison's room in her apartment. If Margo had to pick between the two, she would've picked a party. Even though home decor was Margo's cup of tea, her guilty pleasure was HGTV. Choosing between two types of purples was something that made her yawn. But if Allison wanted to go shopping for furniture, then she could count Margo in.

Since Isaac was now in her sights the word 'no' was going to fall from her lips more often, it was now Margo and Isaac time. She wanted to spend time with him, soak up the moments of normal before the storm began.

"I'm not going to a party, Stiles" Margo told Stiles firmly, there was no room for discussion on this. There was a loud groan on the other side of the phone.

"Please! Please come with Scott and me!" Stiles asked again. "Just come and have one drink!" Margo tolled her eyes.

"No, Stiles I'm spending time with Isaac," Margo shot back to her friend, hoping this time he would get the hint. "And it's weird going to a different high school's party."

"No, it's not! So what Mar? Your boyfriend comes back and you don't have time for me anymore? Your best friend?" Stiles exclaimed. Margo almost laughed at Stiles being incredibly overdramatic.

"Yes, goodbye Stiles" Margo hung up her phone and turned it on silent so she would be disturbed by anymore calls.

Margo placed her phone on her desk and she crawled back into her bed, she wrapped her arms around Isaac and rested her head on his chest. Margo felt bad when she felt him stir in his sleep, she felt his hand wrap around her and rub her back.

"Hey baby," Issac muttered in a raspy voice, a smile formed on her lips at the nickname. Issac's lips pressed against her forehead and butterflies flew around in her stomach, Isaac always made her feel this way. "Sorry I fell asleep during the movie."

"It's okay," Margo replied, the two were watching Stand By Me, one of Margo's favorite movies, when Isaac dosed off. He didn't find the movie boring, he had just been so exhausted after everything, and then laying down in Margo's bed. The mixture set him to sleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. "I wanted you to sleep, you've been through a lot."

What Isaac needed was a damn break, he needs a break from being called away to do whatever Derek asked, he needed a break from always being the one who gets captured and stuck in small spaces. And Margo was intending on letting Isaac relax and take a break for once.

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